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Y/n took Yeji's hands and smiled. “Just follow what I do.” Y/n stated as Yeji hesitantly nodded. The two women was now surrounded by silence.

Y/n started to chant Heejin's name and soon, Heejin appeared. Heejin sent Y/n with a smile. Y/n smiled back nervously.


“I know.” Heejin said as Y/n nodded. Yeji looked at the both with confusion.  Heejin sighed before asking.

“Are you guys sure that no one is here, except us?” Y/n and Yeji nodded and Heejin closed her eyes.

“If you're wrong- I'm not saying that you're wrong but. If this is the last time I'll see both of you... I want to thank you and Yeji.” Heejin sincerely said as Y/n smiled.

“Stop. You're making me cry.” Y/n said as Yeji chuckled at the two. Heejin laughed before saying.

“Everyone close your eyes as we stay in silence. May Y/n's decision give me a great outcome. I and the world above us wishes the best for the both of you...”

The three of them were surrounded by silence with their eyes closed. Little did they know a bright light was starting to surround them as if it was trying to consume them.

A few moments later, the light finally made a large orb with the three in it. Soon, they heard a faint voice of Heejin.

You may now open your eyes... Thank you Y/n and Yeji” They opened their eyes as they looked around. There was no change within their location. Heejin was no where to be seen.

“I guess that's it.” Yeji said as Y/n nodded. “Let's leave before people think we're doing something different here.” Y/n stated and they left together. They went back to Y/n's bags and saw Ryujin.

Ryujin seemed to be in a bad mood. Y/n approached her and asked. “Were you looking for us?”

Ryujin looked up and nodded. “Yeah, I thought I lost you too.” Soon, it was time for Y/n's departure.

Y/n said goodbye to Yeji and went to Ryujin. She went to hug her as she whispered. “Take care.” Y/n said as Ryujin nodded.

Y/n waved goodbye to the both of them and soon disappeared from their sight. Yeji took a deep breath before walking out of the airport with Ryujin trying to catch up with her.

“Yeji! Tell your family that Y/n have departed already.” Ryujin said as Yeji looked at her annoyed. “I already did, stop bothering me.”

Yeji said as Ryujin shook her head. “Y/n said that I should take care of you.” Yeji ignored her and went to grab a taxi. Ryujin sat beside her in the taxi as they was just sitting in silence.

The driver became uncomfortable of the silence that his clients gave him. But he decided not to interfere with them.

As he thought that maybe this ‘couple’ fought. And just focused on driving.

Y/n on the other hand was sitting by the window looking outside as the plane started to take off. Now the one thing she needed to worry about is his real father.

Y'all sorry for not updating!.
I was sick a few days ago (TT)
But I feel good now.
Sorry again.

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now