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Yeji followed Y/n to the kitchen and pouted. Y/n started eating trying her best to ignore her sister.

“What are you doing Yeji?” Their father asked as he noticed Yeji staring at Y/n while pouting.

“Nothing dad, I'm just trying to make N/n laugh and choke to death.” Yeji said as she smiled innocently at their father. It made Y/n choke at her words and Yeji have her a cup of water.

Y/n drank it and glared at Yeji, Yeji winked at Y/n before going to the living room.

Y/n tried to hide her blushing face from her father. ‘Why did she even do that?’ Y/n thought as she continued eating.


Y/n finished eating and she already washed dishes. Yeji invited her to sit beside her and watch the movie. Y/n declined and went out to ‘go’ to the orphanage.

Of course, Yeji didn't have it and decided to come with Y/n. Y/n didn't have a choice but go exactly to the orphanage.

The ride to the orphanage was silent. Yeji was staring at the window while Y/n was focusing on driving, like her older sister was not even there.

Soon, they arrived at the orphanage and just like their first visit they were welcomed by children.

The children pulled Yeji to play while Y/n went straight (gay) to the caretaker.

“Hey..” Y/n greeted the girl with a cute smile. The caretaker smiled back.

“Are you and your sister came by again?” The caretaker asked as Y/n nodded.

“Yes... uHm.. May I know your name?” Y/n asked the Woman as the woman chuckled.

“I'm Soojin(Weeekly)” The woman said as Y/n nodded.

“Nice name... I'm Y/n.” Y/n said as she took her hand out and Soojin gladly accepted it.

Soojin, Is Hyunsoo awake?” A familiar voice asked. Y/n looked behind her and saw a very familiar guy.



Yeji's POV
I wonder where Y/n is. These children literally just took my attention to them, I mean they are really cute I just wanna hug them all day.

Anyways, I saw Y/n with that one caretaker that the kids are shipping her with. Tsk.. They don't even look good together.

Soon a guy went up to the caretaker when he and Y/n eyes met. Do they know each other? That's the question in my head as I looked at them.

Later on, the caretaker pointed at the kid beside me and the guy waved at Y/n.

The guy went straight to the kid and hugged him tightly.

“Hello Kiddo!” The guy said as the kid beside squealed.

“Hi Hyunsuk-hyung” The kid said. So, I guess his name is Hyunsuk? Soon after that, I let them have their own conversation and I went to Y/n who's literally staring at the caretaker.

“Y/n-ah, do you know that guy?” I asked Y/n as she averted her eyes from the caretaker to me.

“Yes, he's a friend of mine.” Y/n said as she smiled before continuing.

“Yeji unnie, this is Soojin. Soojin this is my Yeji.” Y/n said as I looked at her confused why she didn't continue-


She finally continued which is a disappointment to me- What the fvck?

Anyways, I don't have the mood anymore. Now that I knew I have two rivals.


Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now