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Y/n lay on her bed and sighed. She was angry but kept it to herself. She closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Y/n woke up, she looked around and saw that she was back infront of the castle where she met Hyunjin (Loona).

“You're back!” An energetic voice said. Y/n looked behind her and saw a smiling girl.

Cute..’ Y/n thought as she mentally slapped herself and smiled back at the girl.

“Hey... Where is Heejin and Hyunjin?” Y/n asked as she stood up and the girl smiled even wider and pointed at the pathway to the garden of the castle.

“Okay, thanks...” Y/n said as the girl jumped before introducing herself.

“I'm Jiwoo! Nice to meet chuu!” Jiwoo said as Y/n smiled.

“I'm Y/n, if you don't mind... Can I call you Chuu? That nickname fits you so much...” Y/n stated as Jiwoo nodded agreeing with her.

“So.. Would you like to come with me and go find Heejin?” Y/n asked Jiwoo as she pouted before shaking her head.

“I can't.. I still have something to do... Sorry!” Jiwoo said as Y/n waved her hands infront of her.

“No, it's okay! I should go now.” Y/n said as Jiwoo nodded and waving her hands at Y/n.

Y/n smiled before going in. She went straight to the garden where she left Heejin and Hyunjin.

Y/n saw both of them sitting on the bench. She went straight to them and smiled.

Heejin looked at her before standing up.

“I thought you will be teleported here, but I guess you teleported infront of the castle?” Heejin said as Y/n nodded.

“Chuu- I mean Jiwoo told me you guys were here.” Y/n said as Heejin nodded understanding her.

“Okay, so... The princess didn't die someone murdered her!” Heejin said as Y/n nodded.

“But... Who possibly killed her?” Y/n asked as Heejin smiled before speaking.

“Just a close friend of hers.” Heejin said in a monotone voice.

“A CLOSE FRIEND?!” Y/n exclaimed as her mouth was wide open not until Hyunjin shoved a piece of bread into her mouth.

“I- Where did you got that bread?” Y/n asked as Hyunjin pointed at Heejin before munching the bread.

“It's really good! Hey Heejin, where did you bought this?” Y/n asked and was about to take a tiny pinch of the bread when Hyunjin took it away from her.

“Yah! Share some!” Y/n whined as Heejin sighed which caught her attention.

“Oh, uHm... What is the name of the one who killed the princess?” Y/n asked as Heejin smiled.


A week have passed and Y/n can't take off her mind from the information Heejin have told her.

You can't tell who's who before, good thing God told me that you are Yeonjin who died before..

This is why I tasked you to find the princess, I can't do it on my own. I also asked my other friends to help.

Now... You must be very careful on whom you assume. If you think you found the princess, just call me by chanting my name 3 times.

But as you summon me, the person you assume must be the correct princess. If you brought me someone who isn't the princess...

You know consequence... I will be stuck as a person forever... So please help me Y/n

Y/n pitied Heejin plus she wanted to know more about the princess even if this would cost her whole life... As long as she can help someone... It's worth it.

“Y/n-ah..” Yeji said as she barged on Y/n's bedroom. Meanwhile Y/n, she was shocked.

“YAH!” Y/n said as pushed Yeji out of her room. You must be wondering, why would Y/n do that? Oh. It's just because Yeji went inside Y/n's room while she was changing clothes.

“UNNIE DON'T YOU KNOW HOW TO KNOCK?!” Y/n said as she quickly wore her shirt before opening the door where Yeji can be seen frozen.

The blush on Yeji's cheeks were able to be seen by Y/n. It made Yeji's cheeks even redder when she remembered what she saw.

“Uh.. Ha ha... I didn't mean to... But umm.. Would you like to g-go on a d-da- I mean.. Would you like to go to a orphanage with me?” Yeji asked as Y/n bacame confused.


“Just wanna visit children... You can just decline my offer you don't want to-”

“Are you kidding me?! Of course I want to go with you! I'm already excited seeing those cute children with their fluffy cheeks-” Y/n exclaimed as their parents looked at the both of them.

“What's with the loud yells?” Their father asked as Y/n smiled widely.

“Were going to visit children in the orphanage!” Y/n stated as their father nodded approving.

“Do you want me to bring you guys there?” Their father asked as Yeji shook her head.

“No thanks! Y/n will just drive us there. Right N/n?” Yeji asked as Y/n nodded.

Their father lend Y/n the car keys and the Two siblings went to the car.

“Is this why you asked me to come with you?” Y/n asked Yeji as she started the car.

“What do you mean?” Yeji asked as Y/n glared at her.

“You only asked me to come with you because you want someone to drive you there.” Y/n said as Yeji chuckled before disagreeing with her.

“Of course not... I want to spend time you..” Yeji mumbled the last part as she looked out at the window.

“What did you say?” Y/n asked as Yeji smiled.

“I said, I want to spend time with my little sister.” Yeji said as Y/n nodded before smiling.

Little sister...’ Y/n thought before focusing on the road.

Our Past Lives | Yeji X Y/n | DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now