the girl in cosplay (Ranboo X reader)

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(Cosplay is by beeyondthestarscosplay on tiktok go check them out they are very talented.) This story takes place in the UK since ranboo is over there right now. Y/n is 17 and lives alone. She is also a streamer.


I was visiting the UK for a cosplay convention, but that wasn't the only reason. I needed a break from streaming, it was getting to much for me to handle streaming every night for hours on end, then have to make up an excuse to not go do something with friends. My friends don't know I'm a faceless streamer, nor did I want them to know. To be honest my 'friends' weren't really supportive of anything i do, I didn't tell them out of fear of being ridiculed and made fun of for streaming, much like they did when they found out I cosplay.
(Use photo at top for reference)

It was the finale day for the cosplay con and I was dressed up as one of my favorite streamers in game character. I am dressed as tubbo after the firework incident.

It was the end of the day and I had had a blast I met new people made some new friends and hung out with people who have the same interests as me. However my social battery had run out and I was ready to go to my hotel and wash off the horrid amount of liquid silicone and makeup I had used and take off the wig, horns and ears that were starting to get uncomfortable after the long day at the convention.
As I walked out the front of the convention center there was a group of boys that were shouting rude things at the people who were coming out in full cosplay. I didn't think anything of this as I was used to it from living with my abusive parents until I was 15 when I moved out.

I walk down the street by myself since my hotel was not that far of a walk and the other people at the convention were going out to get dinner. Over the sounds of the city I could hear one of the guys from the front of the center shouting at someone, then I heard the stomping of feet as the run up behind me. There was one of the guys who was a lot bigger then me, standing in the way to my hotel.

"What's a freak like you doing out here all alone?" The boy asked me with a thick British accent.

"I'm j-just goin back t-to my hotel." I manage to stutter out. Cursing myself for letting my southern drawl escape.
The boy laughs.

"Oh I got myself a young southernbell" the dude mimics with a very poor excuse for a southern accent.

I roll my eyes at the boy. This didn't sit well with him because he grabbed my by my throat and slammed me against the wall. I grasp at his hand and I try and kick him. As he is gripping at my throat I manage to kick him in the shin. He lets go of my throat long enough for me to catch a breath but he recovers to fast and manages to grab the back of my fur hood and swing me around and down on the ground. The boy pins me to the ground and hits me on the right side of my face. I let out a scream from the pain and try to get him off me, but being so much smaller them him I wasn't able to.

I hear foot falls and feel the weight of the boy be ripped off of me. My vison blurred from the hits and the dude having knocked my contacts out, all I am able to see is 3 shadows looming over me. 2 of them very tall one quite short. The larger of the three has managed to knock my attacker unconscious.
Ranboo POV
Tommy, tubbo and I were taking a walk as the sun set. We were just goofing off when I hear shouting rom some guys. I look over to start to see a flood of people dressed up as differtn youtubers and chacters from shows, come out of a large building.
"Hey, what's going on over there?" Both Tommy and tubbo look where I am pointing

"I think there's some sort of con going on this week." Tubbo responds
"Some of them look really cool man!" Tommy pretty much shouts. We laugh at Tommy s over enthusiasm. I look back over and see a group of mcyt cosplayers walk out. The group separates with most of the group walk8ng off but one lone pers9n, dressed as tubbos in game chacter, walk8ng in the opposite direction. I had a gut feel8ng that we should watch them. Just as we were about to keep walking I see one of the guys who was shouting at the cosplayers running after them. Before I can comprehend what is happening the guy has the much smaller person pinned to the wall while they struggled to get out of his grasp. I take off running not even giving Tommy and tubbo a chance to ask what was go8ng on. By the time I get to the two people the guy had what I can now tell is a small framed girl pinned to the ground and punching her in the face.

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