Make it offical? (Tommyinnit x Reader)

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Y/n's POV

'DAMN IT! I'm So Fuckin late, its not even funny!' I say to myself as i hurry down the street towards the little coffee shop i work at. This morning had not been great at all. everything was going wrong and I did not get much sleep the night before so that just made it worse. suddenly the sprinkle of rain turns into a full on down pour, soaking me to the bone in mere seconds as start to haul ass to the cafe doors which were now in sight.

I burst through the door quickly shutting the door behind me and stand on the welcome mat, as to not cause a wet floor.

"Hell of a down pour huh?" Emory, my best friend and co-worker, laughs as they walk over and hand me a dry towel. I give them a playful glare as i take the towel.

"Ya think?" i say playfully sarcastic as i start to pat my self dry and dry off my hair, which was almost as wet as if i had just gotten out of the shower.

"here go to the back room and fix yourself up and clock in while i make you some coffee." the fluffy green haired person, says as they shove me towards the back room.

"Your the best, Em." I smile as i push open the door to what amounts to the storage and employee break room of the cafe. I head to the employee bathroom and change out of my soggy cloths, luckily my uniform hadn't been soaked. after changing I brushed out my hair and braided it out of my face so i could work, before grabbing my apron and tying it around my waist.

As i walk out of the back Emory, shoves a f/c (favorite coffee) into my hands and pretty much drags me behind the counter. there were not costumers as of the moment so we could just chill for a bit.

"So, tell me, whats up? You are NEVER late." Emory asks as they start to sip their own coffee. I smile and shake my head.

"I was up late talking to Tom, so i didn't get much sleep. This morning was just rough, I woke up late, then i dropped my phone down the flight of fuckin stairs killing it, then on the way here the sky decided to let loose."

"Oooh, Tom. So y'all make it official yet?" they say lightly punching my shoulder and giving me a shit eating grin.

"Not yet, but i hope so soon. I really do like him. Sure he's loud at times, but there's also times where hes quite and reserved. He's sweet, funny, caring. Intelligent when he's not acting goofy..." Emory made a fake gagging sound, interrupting me as they throw their hands in the air.

"just wanted to know if y'all were official, didn't need to know all the mushy gushy details." we both break out in to laughter.

"says the one that talks about way worse things about their girlfriend." i exclaim playfully slapping their arm as I go to take a costumer's order, who had just walked in.

It was my lunch break, finally. Fortunately, after this unfortunate morning the rest of the day had been just great. It was still raining but, that's Brighton for ya. I was sitting down with another cup of coffee and a muffin, when the door bell jingled as someone walked in. I glance up to see Tom, looking around kind of worried, before he made i contact with me and rushed over.

"Hey! You weren't answering any of my texts or calls, i got worried." he says as he brings me into a hug, that was slightly soggy from the rain.

"Shit, sorry. My phone lept to it's death this morning, as i was rushing here for work. I forgot to ask Emory to use their phone to let you know." I laugh as I look up into Tom's beutiful eyes, returning the hug.

"Well that would explain it. Want to head out and have lunch with me." Tom asks with a chuckle.

"Well if it isn't THE Tom Simmons!" Emory emerges from the back room, greeting Tom with a big smile. Tom gives them a wave as they walk up to us.

"Tom was just asking if I wanted to go for lunch with him. Think you can hold down the fort for a bit?" I ask Emory.

"Hell yeah! It's a Wednesday hardly anyone comes in on Wednesdays. Y'all love birds go have fun." Emory laughs as they pretty much shove us out the door to the cafe, tossing me their umbrella before they closed the door on us.

"Okay, I guess lets go." Tom laughs as he take the umbrella from me and opens is for us.

We hold hands as we walk down the street to a nice dinner down the road from the cafe, then we get a table. This is the very place where Tom and I had actually met, a few months back while he was filming a vlog with Will and a few other people. I had been there with my mama on for a mothers day lunch, when Tom bumped into me, causing me to fall over. he had bent over to help me up with the reddest face i think i have ever seen to this day. after he apologized for knocking me over we talked a bit and ended up exchanging numbers.

"Hello? You in there?" Tom snaps his fingers in front of me, bringing me out of my trance.

"Sorry, just thinking about the day we met." I smile at him. he laughs

"Yeah i still have nightmares about how embarrassing that was." he says covering his face, before smiling at me. "though I'm glad i accidentally, knocked you over because we probably wouldn't have meet other wise." he says reaching across the table and gently grabbing my hand.

"I'm glad too, though you shouldn't make a habit of knocking people over to make friends." I laugh. Tom laughs along before, continuing.
"So I was wandering... would you Um, like toofficallybemys/o?" He rushes out. It took me a moment to decode what had come out of his mouth but once it hit I was all smiles.
"Of course, I would love to be your s/o!" Tom hops up and gently grabs my face in his hands, before leaning in. His lips were slightly chapped but I didn't mind. I was just enjoying the moment. There were claps and whoops heard from all around the dinner. Tom and I break apart to look around, smiling and blushing as we realize they are clapping for us. Our food comes out and we sit down to eat, as official s/o's. I was completely content with life. Tommy broke my train of thought.
"your cuteness is making everyone stare, stop it."he chuckles. I look around to see a few older couples smiling at me. I cover my face, laughing.
"Butthead. Why'd you have to make me realize there was people watching me."
"Just to see you blush more." He laughs.

This one one cringe but I had to get something out for y'all. PLEASE LEAVE SOME REQUESTS. Love y'all and have a nice day/evening/night!!!

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