Not so friendly coworkers (Agent Ranboo X Agent Reader)

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"Agent L/N and Agent Ranboo. You both will be working this case together. the suspect is Issac Long a high class billionaire with a reputation on the black market. he is suspected of harboring a biochemical weapon. Y'all's job is to take him down, and stop the impending attack. Mr. Long is holding a ball for Clients per-say you both will be going as a date and new clients who are buying this biochemical weapon." the supervisor finishes giving us our assignments.  I inwardly sigh while ranboo audibly sigh. 

"Is there a problem with what has been given to you Agent? we chose the two best agents for the most important job now get on with it." the supervisor says without allowing either of us to  object. we nod and i step up to grab the case files. Ranboo nods curtly at me as we both head out of the room and to a private meeting room. He and i have never gotten along, i don't really know why but we've always butted heads since boot camp, when we first met. We got into a shuffle about something. i cant even remember what it was it was so long ago. as we reach the room i turn on the privacy windows and began to lay out all the the facts and evidence so that we could find the best plan of action to go. 

"okay the lay out of the mansion is pretty basic, shouldn't be to hard to navigate. we would both have to enter at the same point, then separate to cover more ground..." i say wanting to straight to business. 

"and who said you were in charge?" ranboo cuts me off snarky 

"I never said i was in charge I'm simply thinking out loud. you can give input if you want. I'm not stopping you." i reply, he s already grating on my nerves. he rolls his eyes and picks up one of the file folders while i continue to look at the layout of the mansion. 

After about 4 hours of arguing we finally have a solid plan. I honestly couldn't wait to get out of the meeting room the entier time he was arguing with my logic or just being difficult. what i was really dreading was having to play his date. he were going in tonight. 


Ranboo's outfit 

Ranboo's outfit 

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your outfit 

I was waiting at the office for ranboo, of course late as always

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I was waiting at the office for ranboo, of course late as always. he finally pulls up and a nice black car. He hops out. 

"sorry I'm late The tank wasn't full and then, the chip in my card decided to stop working." he rushes out which is weird because he never apologizes for anything, at least not to me. 

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