Halloween (bench trio x reader) (platonic)

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(This ine all of the guys are 18 and they are residents if the uk also in this ranboo has already done a face reveal. There is NO SEXUAL attraction here they are all just friends. )
Today tubbo invited me over to do a Halloween stream with Tommy and ranboo. We had been bestfriends since we were kids, and had both started streaming about the same time. However he grew more than i did.
I was studying to do special effects for horror movies, so he figured he'd give me some practice dummies. Then afterwords we would go to a Halloween party with Wilbur, niachu, jack,fundy, philza, and Kristen. It was currently about 3 in the afternoon and this was going to take a while to get completely done with the makeup. Tubbo opens the door for me and lets me in. I give tubbo a quick hug then we walk to his room where ranboo and Tommy where waiting. I gave each of them thier own respective hug and started to lay out all of my brushes and makeup. After about thirty minutes of setting up we start tubbo's stream.
"What's up chat?! Today we are doing Halloween shit!. Y/n Here is studying to do special effects makeup for movies, specifically horror movies, so i asked her to come and do mine, Tommy, and ranboo's makeup." I step into frame and wave hi at chat. I had sent ranboo to go change into what he was going to be eearimgg because his is going to take the longest.

"Hello! We are just waiting on Mr.Boo to get back so we can start on his makeup." Just Then he walked back in wearing tattered shirt and pants.

"Hey, chat guess what I'm gonna be." Ranboo says with the biggest smile. The chat was rushing by with a bunch of guesses.

"I guess you'll have to wait to find out for sure!" Tubbo adds in. I shooed tubbo out of the chair and had ranboo sit down and the make the chair to down so he was at a Hieght I could work with.

"Why you gotta be so freakin tall, bro?" I ask thumping him lightly on the forehead, which he made a face at and rubbed his head.

"See the real question you should be asking is why are you so short." He retorts.

"Toché." I say as I grab a head band and put ranboo's hair back out of his face. I turned him away from the monitor with stream on it, so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. Then got to work. After a bunch of joking around and laughing we got ranboo's makeup done. (Thought it kind of fit ranboo lol)

Then was Tommy, he came back Inm from changing and I got to work with him having his makeup done in record time considering he kept on making faces and complaining about the body paint being cold

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Then was Tommy, he came back Inm from changing and I got to work with him having his makeup done in record time considering he kept on making faces and complaining about the body paint being cold.

Finally it's tubbo's turn

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Finally it's tubbo's turn. His was simple and easy and Io had his makeup done in about 15 minutes. That just left me to get ready.

II was already in the cloths I was gonna wear but I had to do full body make up as Well

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II was already in the cloths I was gonna wear but I had to do full body make up as Well. I was doing the top half on stream but my legs after we ended because tos is a bitch sometimes.

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After an about 5 hour stream we decided that we would go ahead and head towards the train station to go to Phil's place since that's were the party was

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After an about 5 hour stream we decided that we would go ahead and head towards the train station to go to Phil's place since that's were the party was. After the hour long train ride I had to touch up Tommy's makeup because he fell asleep and drooled down his face. But other then that we all still looked amazing.

We walked into the party that was basicly just a bunch of streamer friends of the guys. Tubbo and ranboo walk me around to introduce me to everyone i hadn't already met. While Tommy when to harass Wilbur and show off his makeup.

The night ended with tubbo, Tommy, ranboo, and myself piling up in Phil's spare bedroom and watching horror movies. Which tubbo didn't apreachat at all but it was nice hangin piling up with the three best people in my life and have fun.

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