How yall met

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Sorry for the lack or writing lately, I am in the process of moving so I haven't had much time to write, and I do have time to write in exhausted. Hopefully once I am moved and settled it I will be able to write more for y'all. PLEASE, leave some oneshot requests or scenarios you want me to write, I am also dealing with writers block lol. Anyways hope you enjoy this, its super long to make up for the fact I haven't posted in a while 😂😂 🤦🏻🤦🏻.


The day y'all met was awkward to say the least. Your cousin Ted Nevison had invited you to help out with a chuckle sandwich podcast for chuckle week. You had arrived early to help the crew setup for todays recording, since you where going to film school and needed some experience on an actual set.

The day was going normal, with you rushing around helping to adjust lights, organizing cables, and doing the odd thing that needed to be done. As you where unraveling a new mic cord, your cousin called you over.
"Hey, n/n come over here! I have someone for you to meet."  Ted motioned with his hand for you to come over. There was a tall guy around your age with fluffy dark blonde hair facing away from me, standing in a circle with Schlatt, Charlie and Ted.

"Sup Ted? Who's th-?" Is all you could get out before you trip over a light cable and fall right into the tall fluffy haired guy. You both fall into a pile on the floor. Ted hurriedly helps you up while Schlatt and Charlie helped up mystery dude.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry, I just tripped and fell and couldn't catch myself in time and I am so sorry!" You rush out, panicking as you brush the now, chip crumbs, he had in his hands off the front of his hoodie. Realizing what you where doing you back up red in the face with blush. "Sorry." You say quietly as you clench your hands together without looking up.

"You're all good." The guy laughs. Ted lightly smacks me on the back of the head.

"A klutz like always, huh? Anyways y/n, this is Ranboo. Ranboo, this dork is y/n." You finally look up at the guy that you now know as Ranboo, making eye contact. He had pretty gray eyes and a sharp jawline that had a bit of light stubble growing.

"Well, we've got to film, so y'all can talk about how clumsy you are when we are done, let's get this show in the road." Schlatt interrupts y'all's staring at each other.

"Oh Um yeah! I'll talk to you later Ranboo." You squeak out, red faced. You scurry off to finish setting up the mic You were trying to set up earlier, leaving them to get their stuff situated.

After Ranboo walks off the set, leaving the others to film more interviews, he motioned you over from across the room. When you make it over to him he takes off his mask and leans down so you could hear him whisper but didn't disturb recording.

"After you're done on set do you want to maybe, go to the arcade with me? I've never been to the one here and figured you would like to join me." He asks looking away with a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Um yeah sure sounds fun. I'm not from here so I've never been either." You smile up at him and he smiles back. you were giddy for the rest of the day until you finally got to go out with Ranboo in the evening, knowing you had made a new friend maybe even more, in the future.


You and Tubbo met in a very weird place. Definitely not the normal 'met in a coffee shop' or 'bumped into each other at a twitch con and hit it off'. Nope.

You where working a haunted house one night. You were a killer clown, waiting to jump out and scare the shit out of people passing through.

⚠️Blood and minor injuries ahead⚠️

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