Assignments (Tommy X Reader)

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This is a long one lol sorry if it's bad I just needed to get a story out lol

I was sitting bored in class, when the teacher, Mr. Hoover, walks in and starts to lecture on some stupid English project that was really useless to our education if you actually looked at it. i wasn't paying attention to the lecture as it was in fact useless and it was the same stuff we had been covering the last 2 weeks. I felt eyes on me as i stare out the window to the rainy streets below. i turn around to find the source of the eyes and make eye contact with this blue eyed blonde kid named tommy. i just roll my eyes and continue to look out the window. Tommy and I had never really gotten along. he was the hyper active yet well behaved kid with perfect grades, i was the kid who was always in trouble for some dumb ass reason, average grades mostly because the teachers didn't like me and i just look like 'a bad kid'. yep tattoos piercings dark cloths the standard rebel, ya know. anyway he and i don't get along all that well. we first met about 2 years ago when i moved from the US out here because my dad got a new job. he was the one to show me around but i guess my shrug it off attitude annoyed him or something. i really don't know what i did to make him not like me, but i also really don't care.

The teacher claps his hands and began to wrap up class, before he looked me in the eye and told me to stand up and come to the front of the class. i roll my eyes and do as i was told when i am up there he looks at my school uniform and look back at my face.

"stick your hand in the jar to pick your partner for the project and then go to the office for dress-code violation, why did you get another tattoo?" i rolled my eyes again.

"because i wanted to, not my fault y'all wont let me wear pants." i reach into the jar and pull out a piece of paper, i unfold it and sigh. "Thomas Simmons." the teacher nods before gesturing for me to go to the office. i grab my shit and head to the office.

once again I'm sitting in the principles office for stupid shit. being able to see a little bit of a thigh tattoo i had recently gotten. not my fault they wont let me where actual pants because 'I'm a girl so I've got to dress like a girl', ya bull shit. The principle walks in and sits at her desk.

"so miss L/n we meet again? what for this time?" she says.

"something that's a little to late to dress code me for. Kind of can't undo it unless you want me to rip my skin off or want to pay for the laser removal." i say with a smirk.

"another tattoo? Y/n i thought you had gotten all the tattoos you were going to get." i shrugged and stood up to show her what of the tattoo you could see that came below my skirt.

"For real? you can barley see but a few leaves

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"For real? you can barley see but a few leaves." she shakes her head "Teacher?"


"of course, You can go. Just no more tattoos until AFTER you graduate. Deal?" I sigh and nod.

"deal." i then walk out. I liked the principal, she's probably the only reason I haven't been expelled. She is the closest thing to family i have other then my dad who I hardly ever see.

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