Day In (Ranboo X Reader)

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I wake up, morning sun shining in my face. it was a bit chilly so i snuggle into the chest of my very warm boyfriend. I roll over to face him, seeing his beautiful gray eyes flutter open, he gives me a sleepy smile before wrapping his arms around me.

"morning bubs." i let out a content sigh before stretching and snuggling back into his warmth.

"morning n/n." My feet are still cold as ice, so i snake my legs closer to ranboo. I end up making him let out a squeak, as my feet brush up against his bare legs. I kind of felt bad about it but he is warm and i am cold so yeah.

"Damn your feet are cold! How are you not hypothermic!" he exclaims as he tries to wiggle away from me. I am latched onto him though, not allowing my giant teddy bear to escape. Ranboo suddenly takes dramatic action and starts to tickle me, making me howl with laughter. I'm kicking and trying to roll away from him, but I've gotten tangled up in the sheets and have no where I can go.

"Ran! Please! Mercy, mercy,mercy. I'm sorry!" I laugh out. The tickling ceases. Ranboo leans down and kisses my forehead, giving me that big squinty eyed smile that i adore.

"Keep your cold feet to your self, ms/mr." he leaves another kiss on the tip of nose before he rolls out of bed and heads to the bathroom to do whatever. I stare after my perfect boyfriend. He had a pair of black basket ball shorts and an old lemon demon t-shirt on, and his floof of hair was sticking out every which way very cutely. Once the door clicks, i work on getting untangled from the sheets and blankets. Once I manage to do that, I get up and go down stairs to start a pot of coffee for myself and breakfast for the both of us. Honestly I don't know how Ranboo functions without caffeine but he manages.

I was finishing up b/f as I feel arms snake their way around my waist, making me jump. I turn around right into Ranboo's chest.

"Boi! You scare me like that again your bound to get smacked with one of your beloved spatulas." I warn as I jokingly point the spatula in my hand at him. He backs away with his hands raised in surrender. I roll my eyes at his shenanigans, before turning back around and platting the food. After doctoring my cup of coffee, I sat down with Ranboo's and my plates and we enjoy our breakfast.
"So do you have a stream or anything planned for today?" I ask. Ranboo leans his head on his hand as he stares at me, a little smile on his lips.

"Other then spending time with you, I have a clean schedule for today." he smiles 

"Okay great! what do you want to do then?" i ask excited that we both have a clean schedule, since we both usually have a full schedule. Between both Ranboo and I streaming and me creating my own music, we don't always get to hang out just the two of us and chill. 

"Well, how about we just have a nice day in and have  an Office marathon." he says giving me a shit eating grin. i roll my eyes playfully. 

"okay, but we get to watch other things aside from the office too." i say raising an eyebrow at him.

"Okay, Okay." he lets out a playfully annoyed sigh. 

We finish eating breakfast and clean up together, Ranboo washing the dishes, and me drying them. I was wiping down the counter real quick when Ranboo walks up behind me, picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. 

"Ranboo, I'm warning you put me down!" I jokingly threat, he flops me down onto the couch, then throws a fluffy blanket at me, hitting me in the face. I gather up the blanket. 

"You are about at threatening as a care bear so shush." he says as he boops my nose and flops down beside me laying his head down on my chest and snaking his arms around me. I cover the both of us with the blanket and Ranboo presses play on a season of The Office like we had discussed. It was nice to just sit here and not have to worry about a meeting or deadline needing to be met, jut Ranboo and I Sitting here together enjoying each others presence. 

we lost track of time, the next time i looked at the clock it was almost time to eat dinner. The only reason I had even looked at the clock was because Tubbo texted to make sure that Ranboo and I would be visiting for a charity event thing we are doing  at his place next week. I tapped on Ranboo's shoulder, he looks back at me curiously. 

"Want to help me fix dinner?" I ask, he shrugs and grabs my hand as we stand up and head to the kitchen together. we start to get out the stuff for dinner and I put on some music, soon both of us are belting out the lyrics to Out of my League by Fitz and the Tantrums, as we hopped around like fools. the song ended and a random instrumental came on, so i stir the food and then turn back to ranboo. He steps forward and wraps me in a warm hug which I return. Ranboo rocks us side to side as he rests his head on mine. 

"You know you're my whole world right, N/n? I don't say it enough, but I love you, more than anything." he says as lifts his head to look at my face. I smile and reach up to give him a loving kiss. 

"I love you too. I'm the happiest I've ever been with you. I honestly can't imagine me with anyone but you." i admit resting my head on his chest as we swayed, just enjoying the moment. 

"Oh shit the food!" i remember suddenly ruining the moment. Ranboo burst out laughing, shaking his head at me, before helping me finish making dinner. Honestly the best day. 

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