Ranboo X Reader (GN reader)

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This was written when the cricket crew was in Florida I just forgot that it was in my drafts hope y'all enjoy. Feel free to leave requests!!!
Un-proof read
I pull up to the air-BnB after the long drive from back home to here in Florida, and send a text to my cousin, clay, telling him I'm here. after i step out of the car i head to the trunk and grab both my equipment bag and my one big suitcase of cloths. As i am walking up the walkway the front door opens to reveal my cousin and his roommate. Clay runs full-force at me almost knocking me over, a little oof left me on impact.

"Damn dude your worse then a golden retriever, can't even let me set my bags down." i laugh as Clay backs up and grabs my hand pretty much dragging me inside the house.

"what I'm excited for my favorite baby cousin to meet my peeps." he laughs, i roll my eyes.

"It's only a 5 year difference old man." i retort. Nick gave me a lazy wave as Clay drug me through the door way and into the living room where there were several other people. Clay went about introducing me to everyone.

"Wilbur, Tubbo, Billzo, Aimsey and Ranboo. Guys this is my cousin Y/n they are the other streamer that i told y'all was going to join us." they all smile and say hi. Aimsey walks up and gives me a hug as greeting (he seems like a hugger deal with it) and then return to where they were sitting. The tall person with a mask and a floof of dark blonde hair, that i now know as Ranboo, stands up and walks towards me and offers to take one of my bags. I hand him my cloths bag since it's lighter. I don't want him doing all of the heavy lifting.

"I'll show you your room it's the one right beside mine." he gestures for me to follow him, i wave 'bye' to everyone else and then follow Ranboo up the stairs and down the hall to a nice bedroom

" he gestures  for me to follow him, i wave 'bye' to everyone else and then follow Ranboo up the stairs and down the hall to a nice bedroom

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as we approach the door Ranboo opens it for me letting me enter first before following me in and placing my bag on my bed. i do the same with my equipment bag.

"Thanks, Ranboo." i say with a smile.

"No problem." he responds with his eyes squinting up telling me he's smiling as well. "So, whats it like to have Dream, sorry Clay as a relative?" he chuckles.

"You can call him dream i know who your talking about," i laugh " but, it's not all that bad, he's annoying at times but that's just family for ya." i say as i start to unpack my stuff and put it in the dresser drawers.

"Okay well Bill, Amy, Tubbo and I are going to go out and explore if you want to come with." he says as he rocks back and forth on his heels with his hands in his pockets.

"let me finish putting my stuff away and then for sure." I smile at him. He nods and leaves me to finish unpacking.

After a bit I was done unpacking so I headed down to the living room to they guys so that we could go. Amy was the first one to see me and he happily ran over to me dragging me to the rest of the group. Bill was hassling Tubbo over something trivial with Ranboo just laughing at their stupidity.

"Oh hey! Are we all ready to go? We where thinking about heading to the mall first." Ranboo asked when he saw me.

"Sounds good to me and I am. Don't know about them though."  I cross my arms over my chest sending bill and Tubbo a pointed look. Realizing that I was talking about them they shut up the joking bickering and we all headed for the door.

"Wait who's driving?" I ask realizing that no one had said so yet.

"Um, either you or Ranboo none of us know how to drive in the U.S." Aimsey laughs. I look up at Ranboo.

"You drive there I'll drive back? Or the other way around?" He nods and I toss him the keys to my car, since it was the bigger of the two cars. I sat shotgun, bill sat behind me, Amy in the middle and Tubbo behind Ranboo. As we drove Ranboo leaned over and turned the music that was playing down so we could hear each other talk.

"So Clay said you streamed. What do you stream?" He asks as he puts his hands back on the wheel.

"Oh, whatever looks cool. Lately I've been going back through all of the Resident Evil's."

"Oh nice I just recently finished resident evil 2 on my channel."

"That's one of the better ones in my opinion." I counter. He nods in agreement.

"So how are you related to Dream? I know he said you where his cousin but y'all look nothing alike." Tubbo asks from the back.

"Oh yeah, I'm adopted into the family. On Clay's dad's side actually. I grew up back in h/t though." I answer. We pull up to the mall and head in.

The mall was large with lots of different things to do so we diced to explore in smaller groups since we wanted to do different things. Ranboo and Amy went with me while Tubbo and bill went off to the arcade.

"Clothes or nerd shit?!" I ask as I motion to the several clothing stores and the large GameStop.

"I need some cloths, but I'll meet you in GameStop shortly if y'all want to go there first." Amy said.

"Imma see if they have f/g (favorite game) at GameStop so whatever you see fit."

"Okay I'll go with y/n then I want to see if they have some games I've been looking for as well." Amy leaves to a tjmax nearby while ranboo and I walk off to GameStop as promised.

I had been browsing the games for a bit when a guy walks up to me and taps me on the shoulder.

"Hey, I'm g/n (guys name) . Wanna maybe get outta here and have some fun?" He asks leaning his arm above me on the shelf behind me.

"I'm good thanks though." I say as I try and step around him. He steps in my way keeping me from escaping.

"Oh, come one hun, it'll be fun. No need to be shy." He presses me, as he steps closer to me.

"Hey, babe who's your friend?" Ranboo walks up and slings his arm over my shoulder lazily like we had known eachother for years.

"You could have just said that you've got a man." G/n sighs.

"Me saying no should have been enough, jackass." I say as I wrap my arm around Ranboo's waist and we turn to walk up the cash register to pay for the stuff we had each gotten. The guy looked stunned but eventually left so would could pay in peace.

"Sorry if you were uncomfortable, when I put my arm around you I just didn't know what other non confrontational way to get you out of the situation." Ranboo apologizes as we leave with our bags.

"I wasn't uncomfortable at all, in fact I thank you. Although I hope o didn't make you uncomfortable when I wrapped my arm around your waist either." I respond.

"I'm the one who initiated it so you have no reason to apologize."

We ended up meeting up with everyone else and going to see a movie. I ended up falling asleep on Ranboo's shoulder halfway through though, he didn't seem to mind as he woke me up as the credits rolled. What a sweet guy.

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