Sorry to bother... (Tubbo X reader)

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⚠Domestic abuse⚠ This was rushed and has not been read through to correct anything so don't at me lol

The rain pelted me hard as i sauntered up the walk way and stood out side on the door steps of the last person i thought i was going to see tonight. Blood seeping through the small cut i had on my arm onto my used to be clean white sweater. Bruises litter my face and arms and i have busted lip. as i stood there my hand raised to knock I prayed he would let me in. I could feel the tears from my eyes mix with the blood and water i had on my face. 

Finally i gather the courage to knock. After a minute I'm met with a very tall man wearing a mask. 

"Hey, sorry to bother  but I'm needing to talk to Toby." i tell the man

"Jeez are you alright? Tubbo! Someones here for you!" the tall man says as he ushers me in out of the cold rain. I hear the thudding of bare feet come down the hallway away from the kitchen, before Toby appeared at the doorway. Before i could even process his presence. 

"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL DID THAT FUCKER DO TO YOU!?" he worriedly shouts as he runs up to me bringing me into a warm hug. I start to cry into his chest at the feeling of knowing i am safe, something i hadn't felt in a good while. I saw the tall man walk off towards the kitchen and come back with first aid kit and a wash cloth. after i had calmed down to the point where i could talk, Toby led me to the bath room the tall man following with the first aid kit. He picks me up and places me on the counter top and then turns to the tall man. 

"ranboo, Do you mind calling the cops while I doctor her up." the guy i now know as Ranboo nods and the walks out. Toby turns back to me and gently raises his hand to brush over my cheek, with a look of sorrow in his eyes. 

"What happened, n/n?" he says, i sigh. 

"I tried to leave him. He got mad and threw a glass then started to beat the shit out of me. ended in me throwing a boiling pan of water on him, so i could get out of the apartment. " there were tears brimming Toby's eyes as i tell him. 

"I'm so sorry." he says as a single tear escapes his eye. i reach up and wipe it way. 

"Don't be sorry, I put myself in that situation. I knew he wasn't a good man yet I said yes to being his girlfriend anyway." he dampens the rag and begins to wipe the blood off of my face from my busted lip. after that was all cleaned up and he put some ointment on my lip he backed up for a second. 

"I need you to take the sweater off so i can see how bad the cut on your arm is." I nod and do so, i had a sports bra on underneath so i was fine. He stares for a minute at the bruises that cover my ribs and arms. 

"I'm going to kill that son of a bitch." he says under his breath, then he grabs the rag again. after he wipes away most of the now dried blood he then disinfects it before looking me in the eyes.

"It's not that bad. I don't think it will need stitches. why don't you get in the shower before i doctor this, and i can fix you some food while we wait on the cops." i nod knowing that i would feel better after a hot shower and that there was no use in arguing. Toby is one stubborn person. 

"I'll go get you some cloths." he says as he walks out. a few minutes later he comes back with on of his old t-shirts a large hoodie and a pair of Teagan's shorts she had left here. I thank him before he left and i striped down and got into the shower. after i was done showering I get dressed and let Toby know i was done. He came in and doctored my arm before leading me into the kitchen where he had some hot soup and some tea waiting for me. I sit down and start to eat and Toby sits there and studies me. 

"so what have you been up to? How was the trip to the US?" i say breaking the silence. 

"Ya know just streaming. The channels doing good we just hit 10 mill. The trip was fun met a lot of people saw things that were pretty cool." i smile. 

"You know I'm proud of you right? I know i kind of disappeared on you for a while when i got into the relationship with Stephan, but i never stopped being proud of you." he smiles at me that smile I've missed so much. 

"I know. your the one who encouraged me to keep trying at the streaming thing." there was a knock on the door. then there was a cop and ranboo standing at the entrance to the kitchen. after filing a report and getting that all taken care of it was quite late so wee all started to get ready for bed. Tubbo led me to his bed room and turned on the light. 

"you can sleep in here we converted the other bedrooms to streaming rooms for both me and Ranboo, so we don't have a spare room." i look at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"and where do you think your gonna sleep? cause i lnwo your not thinking of sleeping on the couch." 

"yes and your  not going to argue." he turns to leave, but i grab his arm. 

"and after all that you've doen for me tonight your not going to sleep on the couch." i thought for a second. "we could share the bed. we aren't kids anymore." i laugh. he seemed hesitent to agree but after a few seocnds of considering. 

"okay, but the second you feel uncomfortable let me know." i roll my eyes. 

"boi you liierally just saw me in my bra with blood and brusies all over my, and you are the last person i would ever feel uncomfortable around. You make me feel safe Toby you always have." i smile up at him. Toby steps forwards and wraps me in a tight loving hug which i return. 

"I love you Y/n." he says with a break in his voice. 

"I love you too Toby. I always have and i always will." 

after we break from the hug we climb in Toby's warm bed and snuggle up together my arms wrapped around his midsection and my head rested on his chest, his arms wrapped around my back. after a few minutes of comfortable silence Toby speaks up. 

"Is it to soon to ask if you would be my girl friend?" i raise up and smile so wide i think that my face is going ot break. 

"No not at all." 

"Y/n will you be my girlfriend then?" 

"yes, of course i with Tobs" i lean down as he leans up. when our lips made contact it was like everything was set strait and everything was how it was supposed to be. I was safe with the boy who I've loved for many years but never saw my self worthy of, my new ex boyfriend is being brought in and sent to jail for a while, and i could finally rest easy. 

Sorry this one is kind of bad it was rushed and i needed to get something out so hope y'all liked it enough to not boycott my books lol

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