Birthday wishes (Ranboo x Reader)

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This was a request from @Syrupy_ .
I love to hear from y'all so if you have a request please feel free to dm me or comment on stories leaving request or even ways I can change my writing to better my stories  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Request: A ranboo x reader one shot of the cricket crew going bowling for Ranboo's 18th birthday

I have never been bowling before so bare with me. Also Tommy won't be included since he wasn't there during the stream.

My friends and I walk into the hot bowling alley and go to pay for our lanes. After, Jessica and Luke go grab us drinks and snacks while Emory and I go drop all of our stuff off at our lanes. There was a group of people on the two lanes beside us goofing off with each other while occasionally  talking to a camera. There was a small human (i don't know what to put for Amie because IDK if they are trans and i don't want to offend, If you know let me know so that i can write it in properly) and four guys, one being an absolute giant with a floof of dark blonde hair and stylish mask and glasses. The tall guy looks over from feeling my gaze and gives a little wave. Embarrassed of being caught staring I blush and look away giving an awkward wave back. Emory saw the interaction and started picking fun at me. I have always been awkward when it came to attractive people and that guy was for sure attractive even if I couldn't see his face.

A few minutes later a hear a shout from the neighboring lanes.  Glance over to see the guy with long dark shaggy hair give the really tall guy a noogie before playfully pushing him back causing him to fall on his butt. I couldn't help but laugh at what I had just seen. I let out a little snort and that caught the attention of the group of people. I cover my face to hide my blush, this time Luke, Jessica, and Emory all join in on the picking fun at me. I try to quite them down, but before I could the shaggy headed dude walks over.

"Hey, I'm Billzo." He says reaching out his hand for a hand shake. I take it.

"Y/n." I say awkwardly.

"My friends and I were wondering if you would like to come and hang out with us? If it's okay with your friends." He says and he shoves his hands in his pockets with a shit eating grin. Making his septum piercing shift. Emory pretty much shoved me to go follow him back to his group.

"Go! You hardly meet new people. Ya can't be anti social all of your life." I laugh then flip them off as I walk over to Billzo's group. Before we reach he leans down.
"Just letting you know we are streaming the bowling for Ranboo, the abnormally tall guys, birthday so yeah."


We make it over to the group and everyone greets me, and introduces themselves. Freddie, Aimsey, Billzo, Tubbo, and Ranboo were all awesome to hang out with. They where all fun and easy to talk with and chat seemed to like me as well which was a bonus.
About an hour after I had started to hang out with the "cricket crew" as chat called them, Luke walked over to me outside while they allowed the camera to cool off.

"Hey, we are fixing to head out. Jessica is bored." My smile falls slightly as I hear that my friends are ready to leave.

"Oh, okay let me say bye to everyone and I'll meet you at the car." Luke gently shoves my shoulder.

"This is the happiest I've seen you in a while. If you want to stay you can your an adult" He laughs. Jessica and Emory walk up behind.

"Yeah, stay here and have fun. You hardly ever get out of the house." Jessica inputs

"Yeah, but we only have one car?" I counter argue.

"If you want to stay with us, you can ride the train back with us. I'll even walk you home myself."  Ranboo walks over, having over heard our conversation. I look up at him. I could tell that he was smiling under the mask and glasses because his ears shifted up as I make, what I could only assume was, eye contact with him.

"Um, okay but if it's to far off where your already going imma walk myself home."

"We are heading to ——-." He says
"Oh same, so sure. I'll see y'all later then." I say as I give all of my friends a hug. As they turn to walk away Emory turns back.

"Make sure you text me when you get home." They say with a wink I roll my eyes and agree.  I turn back around and look up at Ranboo.

"Thanks Ranboo."  I say with a smile. Ranboo nervously rubs the back of his neck.

"No problem, your fun to hang out with..."

"And chat loves you!" Aimsey and Tubbo both interrupted at the same time which made all of us laugh. I walk up to the Tubbo who had chat up and read chat, saying that they in fact enjoy having me on stream.

"Well chat. I find y'all pretty cool too." I laugh as I step back and trip over my own foot. I make a squeak as I almost fall but someone catches me before I hit the ground and helps me stand up. I look up to see Ranboo shaking his head playfully and clicking his tongue, before letting out a laugh.

"How do you trip over your own feet!?" Billzo laughs as he messes up my hair. I playfully shove him off and fix my hair.

I glare at him and stick my tongue out at him. Causing him to let out a honk as he laughed at my child like antics.

"What are you a freakin goose?"

We all continue to goof off until Ranboo decides that it was time to end the stream.

"Welp. *clap* that'll be the stream for today," he reaches over and grabs my hand pulling me in to camera frame. "Thank you y/n for joining in our random shenanigans for tonight." He turns back to the camera. "Bye!" He says drawing out the last syllable. With that stream ends and we pack up and head to the train station and headed back to —-.

As the train pulls to a stop at our stop we get out the rest of the group heads to go off of the platform, but as I go to follow Ranboo gently grabs my arm getting my attention.

"Hey, how far away is your place?" I smile at him.

"Just a short walk from here." I assure him.

"Okay then I'll walk you home our place isn't that far from here either." He lets everyone else know where we are going and then we begin our walk.

We were silent for a minute before I broke the silence.

"So I heard it was your birthday today. How old are you now?" I can hear Ranboo last out a little laugh.

"Today was my 18th."

"Oh nice, I just turned 18 back in (birth month). How's it been? Your birthday I mean?" I say trying to carry on the conversation. Ranboo reaches up and takes off his glasses, since we were getting to a darker area and he probably couldn't see.

"it's been really good. I got to spend my birthday with my best friends and I met a very beautiful new person." I look up and see his eyes crinkle meaning he's smiling. I could feel the blush spread on my face as I smile too. we start the walk up my driveway and stand by the door. In the porch light I could see that Ranboo has very beautiful grey eyes.

"So I guess this is me." I smile up at him. He rubs the back of his neck as he shifts between his feet nervously.

" yeah, I guess so." He chuckles. "Um, do you think I could... possibly, if your okay with it. Could I possibly get your number?" He gets out after fumbling his words, while staring at the ground to avoid eye contact.

I reach up and gently lift his chin to look at me,with a smile.

"Of course. I've had more fun tonight with you and your group then I've had in probably years. In fact I would love if we could all get together again and hang out. Maybe even just you and me?" Ranboo's eyes crinkle up agin in a smile.

"I would love that." Just as he was going to continue his phone rang. He picks it up and it was Tubbo checking up on him and asking when he was going to be home.

"Okay well I guess that's my que to head home. I'll talk you soon I guess." He says as he hangs up the phone.

"Okay." I laugh "well text me when you get home so I know you safe."
With that he heads home and I head inside and call Emory to gush to them about Ranboo.

I hope this was written to your liking lol!!

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