Fallen Soldier (Tubbo X Reader)

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THIS STORY IS SAD! also in this one you and tubbo are about 25 and your brother would be about 20 this is a . you and your brother are also both active military. It's a short one. also leave requests lol. 

Another shiver racks my body as the snow drifts down sticking to my lashes and hair. though i was going numb, i couldn't gather the strength to get up off of the ground or to even move into a more comfortable position. sitting in front of me is a newly disturbed mound with a head stone. i hear the crunching of the snow as i stare at the head stone with tears streaming out of my eyes. out of the corner of my eyes i see someone sit beside me on the icy cold ground. i break the silence knowing who it is. 

"I miss him, tubs. He was the only blood family i had left. he was so young, he  had so many years ahead of him, it should have been me" i say with my voice cracking. i feel a warm blanket and arms wrap around me. i lean my head on tubbo's chest sniffling. tubbo ran his hands through my hair calming me. he's always had this effect on me. he was the best boyfriend i could ever ask for. 

"I miss him too. We'll see him again one day. Your brother took that bullet for you to live on. i know that i hurts but i also know that your brother wouldn't have wanted you to sit out here freeze to death because of a decision that he made for himself."

"but i promised my parents that i would protect him." i say 

"but he also promised to protect you. i was there remember? when your dad made you both promise to take care of each other?"

"I know. But I'm the big sister, it should have been me." tubbo grabs my hands and kisses the back of them. 

"your freezing hun. Come on, lets go inside. Okay?" i sigh, tubbo stands up and places a penny (meaning you visited the soldiers grave) on my brothers headstone and then turns to me. 

"I can't move my legs I've been sitting here for far to long." Before i could protest tubbo has me bridal style in his arms. 

"Hold on I need to say goodbye." i sniffle. tubbo places me down on my feet gently holding my waist so i don't fall. Before I do anything i straiten up my dress uniform, then step forward and place a quarter (meaning you were there with the solider when they died) on my brothers head stone. 

"Rest in piece brother, I'll see you at the gates of heaven." i say with tears streaming down my face once more. I solute my brothers headstone, click my heels, and turn towards tubbo in swift movements. 

"Wait hold on." I turn back around and grab My brothers flag and metals before locking arms with tubbo and beginning to walk back to his car. once we where there we hoped in and started to head back to our shared house. sharing stories of my brother all the way. Yes i will miss my brother. No it won't be easy to live without him, but knowing my brother he would kick my ass if he found out i stopped living my life because his ended too soon. 

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