Baddie (Tommy x Reader)

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is based VERY LOOSELY off a version of the 'this week i shot a bazooka' vlog keep in mind i am american and don't know how ranges work over in the UK I'm writing this based off what i know.)


I was retrieving the air-soft bullets used in the tanks as my dad called me up on the walky-talky. we had some YouTubers coming in to film a video and since I was best at being on camera because i to do YouTube i was called up to the front to help. I worked here at the range with my dad when i am not filming a video or going to college to do video game design and editing.

I make my way up to the front and am met with my dad, a giant with a mask and a floof of light brown hair, a bald man, a boy with a floof of blonde hair and shorter boy with longer slightly curly brown hair. i walk up and relieve my dad of keeping them out of trouble. my dad walks off and i am left to get them all through the obstacle course.

"hello, My name is Y/n i will be your instructor. for safety reasons you need to pay attention to exactly what i say. i do not feel like having to do first aid out here today. I will walk you through how to safely handle the guns and will demonstrate, then i will give each of you a go. If you have a question ask better safe then sorry. now lets get started." i finish my speal and lead the group over to the truck where we keep everything and started to demonstrate how to work the guns safely.

As each of them stepped up to give the guns a shot they introduced them selves. Tubbo was up first with the hand gun. You could tell he was nervous with it but he did really well and didn't need to much help with his stance. Ranboo and Jack also did pretty good they were very obviously less nervous then tubbo. The last guy was Tommy he was loud when the camera was on him or when they were doing a bit, but he was more quite when it was off. Tommy steps up and I hand gun the air gun.
"Come on Tommy you've got to do better then the egg man!" Tubbo says while playfully punching Jack in the shoulder. I crack a smile at the friendship that the guys share.
"Ms.Baddie, help me beat him! Please." Tommy says I raise an eyebrow.
"Ms.baddie huh?," I smile because I could see the cute blush that dusted his cheeks and the way the sun was lighting his face. I stepped forward and raised his hands showing him how to hold the gun. "Relax your shoulders, loosen your arm it dosn' t need to board straight. I like to remember these three things. Aim, breath, follow through. Aim at your target, breath in, fire on the exhale. Follow through, Don't be afraid of the gun." He nods and looks forward as I step back and let him do his thing. Tommy fires the gun at the target, he misses a few but he did pretty well.
~after the tank rides~

I was cleaning up the course of the air soft bullets after the youtubers where done with the tank course when Tommy walks up behind me.

"Hey, ms.baddie um, y/n, sorry. umm, could I maybe get your number?" Tommy asks as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled.

I reach my hand out. He looked at it confused for a second until it hit him and he hands me his phone unlocked and in the add contacts screen. I hand it back to him. And continue on with my tasks giving him a wink as I turned away. I saw him fist pump the air out of my parifral and then give the group of guys waiting by the car a thumbs up.

He heads back to the car and sit there for a minute talking with the others. Suddenly I get a call from and unknown number. I answer the phone knowing it's Tommy.

"Ms.baddie here how may I help you, mr.Tommy?"I heard a squeak on the other end and laughing. Then I shuffle and ranboo was on the phone.

"And i though the child didn't have game" ranboo laughs. And I laugh along.

"Well looks can be desieving, ranboo. Now give the phone back to Tommy."

"So would you like to maybe go out sometime? Maybe the movies and dinner?" Tommy asked. I smiled over at the car that was still there and looked at Tommy who was staring out the window at me.

"I would love to, this Friday at 8?"
I could see him jumping up and down in his seat.

"Perfect, bye ms.baddie."

"Bye, mr.tommy" we hang up and the car drives off. What a wonderful day at work.

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