Shorty (Tommy X Reader)

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I had my head down looking at my phone as i am waiting on my friends to get here. we were all streamers and had planned on meeting here at the park before going to a restaurant and on to a video shoot. I hear a deep British voice call my name, making me jump. I look in the direction of the voice to see Wilbur soot grinning and waving, with Tubbo, tommy and Nikki following behind him. I run up to the group and give everyone respective hugs before the group and my self making it's way to the restaurant close by to eat lunch. 

as we were walking i got a notification, so i pull out my phone and look to see what it is but before i could tommy grabs my phone and holds it above his head, laughing. he was always picking on me so i was used to this but i wanted to see what the notification was. 

"Tommy, don't be a dickhead!" i say laughing as i jump to try and grab it missing it by a bunch. when your 4' 11" everything is out of reach.  Tommy just smiles at me, a glint of mischief in his beautiful blue eyes. Everyone else was chuckling at our antics. 

"not my fault your short, women." he laughs. i huff out a sigh before I got an idea. I start to poke at his mid section making him laugh from being tickled. he bent over just enough for me to grab my phone before bolting to hide behind Will. 

"Don't use me as a human shield." Wilbur laughs as he gently pushes me to tubbo who then pushes me back to tommy. With a squeak I bolt down the sidewalk towards the restaurant and away from tommy again. Tommy was hot on my tail having the advantage of long legs. I feel arms around me. Tommy had me in his arms and starts to tickle me back. I'm squirming to get out of his grib while also laughing my ass off. 

"OKAY! MERCY! MERCY! MERCY!" i laugh out. Tommy stops tickling me and allows me to stand up straight. 

"That's for tickling me." i walk up and punch him in the arm. 

"Then that's for taking my phone." i laugh. 

"fair." he laughs back as he rubs his arm where i hit him. the rest of the group catches up to us and we all head into the restaurant to eat. All while we were eating i kept on catching Tommy staring at me. not the creepy kind of stare, like it wasn't making me uncomfortable or anything, but he was staring. 

We had all gotten done eating so we all pay for our own food and then head to the studio to film the videos we all had planned. during filming Tommy for some reason stuck pretty close to me. when Tubbo accidentally knocked me over he was there to help my off and playfully shoved him for it. when we did the qna video he insisted that i sit beside him for the video. after wards it was about time for dinner so we all headed back to my place since it was closest and i felt like cooking a meal for everyone. once we had gotten to my house, we all settled in and i began to prepare dinner. I'm trying to reach a bowl that was on the top shelf but i couldn't reach and my room mate had taken the stool out of here and i had no clue where it was. i went to climb on the counter to get it but as i was half way up i felt hands on my waist pick me up and set me down on the ground. I squeaked and then turned around to be face to chest with tommy. 

"my dude, you could make a noise when you walk in a room ya know?" he just chuckles and grabs the bowl i was reaching for. 

"I'll try shorty." i I roll my eyes and smile as he leans up against the counter and studies me as i continue with cooking. 

we were silent for a bit before tommy cleared his throat catching my attention. 

"Y/n? Theoretically if i were to ask a women, A very beautiful, kind, intelligent women out, do you think she would say yes?" i smile at him. 

"I would think so. your funny and intelligent though you are a dork." i turn back to what i was doing, but tommy walks up to me and gently grabs my hand. i look up at him kind of confused. 

"Y/n you are very oblivious, i thought guys were supposed to be the oblivious ones." he laughs as he reaches up and places his warm hand on my cheek. i stare into his beautiful blue eyes. 

"Y-Y/n, will you go out on a date with me?" I smile as i place my much smaller hand over Tommy's. 

"of course i will. that's kind of a dumb question." i laugh which tommy joins in. he bends over and picks me up in a hug and twirls around with me in his arms. we come to a sudden stop when we hear Nikki, Tubbo, and Wilbur start clapping and whooping. tommy sets me down gently, both of use going red faced as we all start to laugh. 

"Finally!" tubbo says as he pats tommy on the back which results in tommy playfully pushing him over. 

Hope y'all have a wonderful thanksgiving!

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