Ranboo x reader(2 soulmate AU)

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Today was my first twitch con, and I was excited but nervous. You see I have sever anxiety and I'm not to good with crowds either but I really wanted to meet the people who came to support me. I am a faceless twitch streamer and over the past year I have gained a decent following. Enough so that twitch invited me all expenses payed.

It was just before they let all of the fans in. I was busying myself by organizing all of the pens and markers I had spred across the table by what color was scrolled across the side. I would orginize them by shade but i havent found my soulmate yet so i can't see color.
Before they let anyone in I put on my mask to hide my face.

Soon the hall that I was in was filled with people, some in cosplay some in normal clothing

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Soon the hall that I was in was filled with people, some in cosplay some in normal clothing.

As a line starts to form in front of me I sign things, take gifts, give hugs and have nice conversations with my fans. It was a lot differnt from talking to chat during a stream but it was a nice change in pace. As time went on I got more comfortable with the almost constant crowd. It gave me a sence of security to see that every creator had a few body guards within close range, to keep us safe. Not that any of my fans would hurt me but it's better safe then sorry.
After several hours It was time to go home for the day. Or in most cases to our hotel rooms. I went out the creators exit and hopped into my car before driving to my hotel. Once I got there I walked into the chilled lobby. It was a nice hotel, very clean, marble everywhere, and nice dark colored leather couches in the lobby. I was walking towards the elevator when a group of boys sitting on a couple of the couches catch my eye. There was a shorter boy with some darker colored hair and two tall boys with light colored hair one being significantly taller and haveing glasses and a mask on. The boy with the mask and glasses looks up as I walk through the lobby. I see a flash on color for a second but then it's gone and all I can see is the grey scale that I've seen since birth. I shake my head and continue on to the elevator and to my room. But I couldn't stop thinking. Why did I see color for that spit second? Was it my imagination, or was it that my soul mate was close? After getting ready for bed I decided to hit the hay early so I would be well rested for tomorrow.

The next day

I walk to my booth again and lay out my pens and markers like I had the day before, then put on my mask as they let everyone in. It was going just how it did yesterday. A fan would step up, I'd sign something for them, I'd give them a hug if wanted and we'd have a short conversation, before the next person would step up and the same process would repeat. It was a few hours in when a guy only a few inches taller then me steps up. He wasn't to big, he had shoulder length greasy, dark hair and needed a shower but I gave him a hug anyway.
⚠️panic attack and assault?⚠️
after I signed his replica of my mask I went to reach for the next person's item they wanted signed when the guy reached over and flips my mask up and off of my face, before grabbing my shoulders and leaning in. Before he could do what ever he had planned to do the body guard closest to me had ripped him away from me and was dragging him outside with the help of another body guard who had come to his aid. I was panicking, they had all seen my face, what was I going to do? Without thinking I charged through the crowd knocking into some people in the process. I went to the first place I could think of. The creators lounge. I went down the hall that reserved for only creators and into the big banquet room that had snacks, drinks and places for the creators to sit back and chill without bein bombarded with fans. Luckily there was no one in here right now. As I was trying to calm my frantic breathing I slide down the wall to the right of the door. I don't have the strength to make it to the couches a few feet in front of me.

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't calm my self I kept on thinking about how everyone in that line and more saw my face. I dont like the way i look how is every one else going to like the way I look? What would that guy had done if the bodyguard didn't stop him? All if the intrusive thoughts run through my head. I hear the door open but I'm in to deep to acknowledge it. I have my head in my knees bawling, when I feel a large warm hand gently layed on my shoulder. I look up to see the boy in the mask and glasses from last night kneeling beside me.

"Are you okay?" He asks in a deep comforting voice. Not being able to speak yet I just shake my head and continue to rock back and forth, still breathing heavy. The boy brings me into a warm hug as he rubs my back soothingly. I instinctualy wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his chest still crying. The scent on his collone and soap fills my nostrils and Soon I am calmed down to the point where I can talk. I let go of the boy and sit back against that wall, where he joins me.

"So can you talk now? I saw you run past and I figured I'd make sure you were okay." He says in a sweet concerned voice. I nod and clear my throat, while wiping away stray tears.

"I'm a faceless creator, and I got an unwanted face reveal because a fan flipped my mask up while I was focused on another fan. Everyone in line and everyone around saw my face. I wasn't ready." A tear slips out of my eye and down my cheek. I see him nod beside me.

"I get it. I'm faceless to, luckily I'm tall enough that i don't have to worry as much." He laughs trying to lighten the mood, it was working because I cracked a smile. "I'm Ranboo by the way." Ranboo says as he reaches out his hand for a hand shake. I shake his hand

"Y/n. Thank you, Ranboo." I Say in response.

"No problem... hey were you that girl that walked through the hotel lobby last night by chance?" I tilt my head in confusion when i remember. I stand up and so does ranboo.

"Yeah, I think so? I mean I think I saw you on my way in." Ranboo nods.

"Did you see that flash of color too?" He asks as he nervously rubs the back of his neck. I smile.

"I thought it had just been my imagination... wait then why can't I see color right now?" I say sadly.

Ranboo reaches up and takes his glasses off. We make eye contact and suddenly everything is in bright bold colors. Ranboos hair was a light brown color and his eyes were a beautiful shade of grey. I burst into happy tears as I come to the realisation.
Ranboo wraps his arms around me in another one of his calming warm hugs. Me being a lot shorter than he was I wrapped my arms around his waist in return and buried my face in his chest.

After a few minutes of us just standing there embracing each other, we pull away. I look up at ranboo's masked face. There were tears in his grey eyes as well.
Ranboo gently reaches up to my face and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and out of my face. I can feel my face blush red.

"I'm glad that I found you when I did. I don't know what I would have done with my self if I had had to wait for to many more years." Ranboo reaches down to grab my small hands.

"Honestly me neither, I have never had a better feeling than right here in this moment. You make me feel at home even though we litteraly just met a little bit ago." I smile up at him.

"The universe works in mysterious ways, I guess everything does happen for a reason."

"I guess so Mr.Boo, I guess so."

Sorry for all the soulmate shit let's just say I've been in my feels lately lol. Being single while not wanting a relationship and wanting a relationship simultaneously does that to you lol. Anyways feel free to leave requests!

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