Night Terrors Tubbo X Reader

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this is just my experience with night terrors. brief mention of death. 

Tubbo's POV

It's about 2 am and I'm sprawled out over my bed in the loft, scrolling through my socials. I faintly hear  a noise so i take out an air pod to listen.  After a minute of listening I go to put my pod back in but hear it again. It was coming from Y/n, my partner,  who was asleep on the couch below, where they had fallen asleep earlier. Worried about them I take my air pods out and put them and my phone down, then make my way to the ladder. as i reach the ladder I can hear them mumble and whimper as if they were afraid. I make it to the bottom of ladder and hurriedly walk over to them. at this point they were flailing about and crying as if something was attacking them, and almost yelling out "No... get away...! No... Get away from them!" over and over again. Without thinking I grab Y/n's arms so she wouldn't hurt herself. 

"Y/n! Y/N wake up! Y/n!" I say with urgency in my voice. Y/n lets out a scream that would chill anyone to the bone before they stop shrieking and flailing. they are breathing heavily and sweating as they open their eyes. When they see me they launch themselves at me and wrap me in a tight hug. Stunned for a second, I hug them back and stroke their hair as they cry into my shoulder. Mom and dad come running in with Lannie hot on their tail. 

"Whats wrong we heard a scream?" Mom rushes worried. 

"We're fine, I think Y/n had a nightmare. Y'all can go back to bed." i assure them, still rubbing Y/n's back comforting them.  They all nod with sleepy eyes. 

"Call me if y'all need anything." Dad said as he closed the door and walked back to bed along with the rest of my family. Y/n finally pulls away wiping their face of tears and grabbing my hand instead. 

"I hope I didn't wake you up." they say as they fiddle with my fingers. 

"No i was already awake. just got worried when you kept on whimpering like you were scared. not really something I'm used to seeing with you." I had never even seen y/n cry even when they sliced their leg open while filming a vlog, they had always been the fearless rebel of the group. they let out a bit of a dark chuckle, before giving me a half smile. 

"Hey even i get scared sometimes, Tubs." they said as they stared at my hand. 

"what was the dream about? if you don't mind, it just seems to have upset you a lot." they let out a little sigh. 

"I dreamed that you, Ranboo and Tommy were all being held captive by someone, i couldn't see their face. But i couldn't get to y'all no matter how fast i ran i just couldn't get to y'all. Slowly whoever it was holding y'all, would pick y'all off one by one before it was only me left alive before they turned their attention on me, then i woke up." they wiped at their eyes as they thought through the dream. I hug them close. 

"I'm still right here and i always will be. Pinkie promise." I say sticking out my pinkie. Y/n chuckles and smiles with tears in their eyes before wrapping their pinkie around mine. 

"Ready to try and sleep again?" i ask after a few minutes of peaceful silence, they shrugged. 

"Sure but I'm staying with you." they say playfully poking my side. 

"Of course, i wouldn't have it any other way." i smile as I grab their hand and lead them up the ladder and to my bed up in the loft. after a minute of getting comfy and making sure my phone was on the charger, Y/n and I snuggle together comfortably. 

"I love you Tubs." i hear Y/n say in a sleepy voice. i smile to my self. 

"I love you too, N/n." i raise my head and place a kiss on their forehead. soon i hear cute little snores leaving y/n, they are adorable. Soon i dose off my self. 

i know this is a lot shorter then what i normally write but this is what i was able to come up with this week. I am going to try and upload at least one story a week but i don't know how well that will go. anyway, as always requests are open. make sure to leave recommendations and requests so that i can keep writing. Love ya and have a nice day/evening/night! 

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