Meeting your parents- Tommyinnit

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Sorry this is a day late I forgot what day it was. Sorry if this is bad I wrote this in a grand total of and hour so hope you like it!!! Leave some requests I'm out of ideas again lol.

I'm lounging on my bed scrolling through my socials when I hear a knock at the door of my apartment. Knowing it's my boyfriend I scurry up and grab my essentials on the way to open the door.

Swinging it open, I'm met with Tommy staring up/down at me with a soft smile on his face. I lean down/up and give him a kiss on the cheek as greeting.

"Did you have Will help pick out an outfit for you?" I joke, gently tugging on the sweater that was in fact borrowed from Will's closet.

"I'm a big man I can pick out a suitable outfit to meet my partners parents in

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"I'm a big man I can pick out a suitable outfit to meet my partners parents in.... But maybe." He looks away, a slight blush coating his cheeks.

"Hey, you look good. I'm just picking on you hun." I say assuringly giving him a smile. I turn around and close and lock my apartment.

"Thank you. You look great too by the way." He says, I glance down at my outfit out of habit.


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"Thanks." I say softly with a smile. "You ready to meet my dads?"

"Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go we've got a train to catch." Tommy smiles reaching for my hand which I accept.

It was a nice cool autumn day, the leaves ablaze in oranges and reds. The crunching of dead leaves in the breeze as they skitter across the pavement. The beautiful weather outside made me dread having to cram Tommy and myself into the packed train. We were meeting my dads at a café across town and unfortunately it wasn't within walking distance so we had no other choice.

Finally clambering onto the train after the walk to the station we see that there are no seats remaining for us to be able to sit. Having no other choice Tommy holds onto a grab bar and I hold onto him so we wouldn't become separated by the other people who were forced to stand pushing against us.

"So, you nervous to meet my dads?" I say resting my head on his shoulder and looking up at him.

"A little yeah." Tommy admits "I'm afraid they are going to find me annoying." He leans his head against mine as we talk his free arm snaking around my waist.

"Don't worry. They raised me, if they can deal with me I'm positive they will be able to deal with you. They are just as chaotic as I am." 

"I hope so." Tommy gives me a smile leaning up/down to give me a kiss.

"How long have your parents been together?" He asks

"For about 26 years in total. Pa got pregnant with me when both he and dad were about 22. Dated for 4 years then got hitched when they found out I was coming along." I laugh

"Wow that's a long time." Tommy give me a smile

"Come on!! You're walking so damn slow child!" I laugh as I grab Tommy's hand and drag him along behind me. I saw my Pa waiting outside of the café for us in the distance. I haven't seen either of my dads in months since Tommy and I have been busy with cons and such.

"I'm a streamer I don't have the lung capacity for this."  Tommy leans over panting as we halt outside of the café and in front of my pa.

"You'll be fine. Hi, Pa!" I smile at my Pa leaning in for a hug.

"Hi, love. Be careful I'm still healing from my top surgery remember?" He warns me giving me a gentle squeeze. Pa is a dude of average height. Very none threatening which is probably why he's the one meeting us out front and not my dad. 

"Yeah I know I've just missed you and dad that's all. Oh! Pa, this is my boyfriend Tommy!"

Tommy had caught his breath at this point so he stood up straight and reached his hand out for a firm handshake.

"Nice you meet you bud. Come on my husbands already got us a table." My Pa greets Tommy before leading us both in to find my dad.

The smell of coffee and pastries hit us as we walk in filling me with a warmth. Tommy nervously grabs my hand for support as we approach my other dad.
Now my Dad is a big dude bushy beard, broad shoulders, very tall. He looks like he could rip you apart with one hand tied behind his back but in reality he's a big ol' teddy bear. My Pa wraps his arm around my dad's waist as Tommy steps forward for another handshake with the bigger dude.

"Hello sir, I'm Tommy." Tommy introduces himself.

"Quite with the sir crap, you're making me feel old. just call me Ted." My dad gives a big cheesy smile. I step forward and am brought into a bone crushing hug by him.

"Okay Dad, you can let go now. I've missed you too." I laugh after a second, patting him on the back as he lets me step back out of the hug.

"Come one let's sit! We've got a lot to catch up on y/n! We want to get to know your boyfriend here." Pa gives Tommy a smile gesturing for us all to sit down at the table.

After the waiter takes our order we began to catch up and chitchat, them getting to know Tommy. It had been forever since I was able to talk to my dads.

".... That's when they shot the damn milk out of their nose laughing. Quite literally every where, I swear it took forever to get it all cleaned up."  My Pa was telling a story from my childhood. Tommy was laughing, both Pa and Dad were smiling, happy to share stories of my childhood. Tommy had warmed up to them, his chaotic side matched their energy perfectly. just like I suspected they were getting along great. I intertwine my hand with his under the table as we continue with our lunch date with my parents.

~Time Skip~

I smile to myself as I gaze at my boyfriend. His curly blonde hair shining in the sunset, his jawline cast in perfect shadows, his blue eyes becoming even more breath taking in the setting sun. Tommy sits up on his elbow as we lounge on my bed. We had gotten home an hour or so ago so we had decided to just spend some time together since we had a clear schedule for the next few days.

"Is there something on my face, cause you're staring pretty hard?" He asks looking down at me.

"Nah just admiring my handsome boyfriend." I say giving a wistful smile.

"Well of course I am. In the handsomest." He jokes as he leans he head on his fist. "Now what's got you thinking up a storm?"

"Nothing. Just really glad you and my dads get along so well. I can tell they already see you as part of my crazy ass family." I admit

"I think they are pretty cool too."

"I'm glad. Now come here I wanna cuddle my boyfriend." I say making grabby hands at him. He of course complies  and we end up falling asleep in each other's arms. 

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