Tommyinnit x reader (soulmate AU)

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Y/n's POV 

(your birthday) 2021

It's my 18th birthday and my best friend, Sophie, and i are sitting in the dim lights of my room waiting on the exact time of my birth to hit. After which i get to know my soulmates Initials and what their hand writing looks like. After 18 years of always feeling alone i was finally going to have a direction to go to find the one i was going to spend the rest of my life with. we started counting down as it was a minute to the exact time. 

Finally it struck the time i was born and my left wrist starts to tingle. i rip my sleeve up to look a messy yet somehow neat T.(M/I)S. was scrolled across my wrist. 

"T. (M/I). S. why did it have to be T.(M/I). S.? do you know how many people i know that have the initials T.(M/I). S.?" i groan. 

"hey, Look on the bright side. you could've ended up like my Mom and not have a soulmate at all." i nod 

"this is true. at least i am one step closer to finding them." i got to looking at the hand writing though. it looked vaguely familiar  

 April 9th, 2022

Tommy's POV

I was sitting on a discord call with Tubbo, Ranboo, and Tubbo's cousin Y/n, waiting on the minute of my birth. I noticed that Y/n kept on staring at her wrist, zoning everyone and everything out. i see tubbo snap his fingers in front of her to break her from her trance. she shook her h/c hair out of her face as Tubbo asked what was wrong. i could hear her faintly through the mic. 

"nothing, just wishing I'd hurry up and find my soulmate." he gives Tubbo a half hearted smile and looks down at her wrist again. Tubbo looks as well and a weird look crosses over his face before going back to normal. soon we began the count down.  my left wrist began to tingle so I looked to see Initials starting to become visible. f/i m/i .l/i . is scrolled across my wrist in a pretty font. 

"Guys. The initials. F/i M/i L/i.." Y/n head shot up, with a look of confusion on her face. 

"Let us see!" Tubbo said excitedly. i put my wrist up to the camera and let it focus. 

"Holy shit!" i hear Y/n and tubbo both shout. 

"what, Whats wrong!" 

"that's my initials and hand writing!" Y/n had a massive smile on her face. 

"write your initials out on a piece of paper." i say as i to scribble down my initials. Y/n puts a piece of paper in front of the camera with the exact same thing scrolled across my wrist. i showed her my own initials and she made an adorable little squeak. 

"Tommy, we are soulmates. See?" she shows my initials scrolled across her own wrist in my hand writing. 

"we finally found each other." I smile at Y/n 

That was almost 8 years ago.
After we found out we were each Others soulmate we set a time to meet up and we could feel the electricity course between us. Now we have been married for 5 years and are now expecting twins.
Both Tommy and I were sitting on the bed, me at the head and him sitting more in the middle hunched over His laptop editing. I felt the babies kick. It was the first time they had kicked so it didn't quite register the first time but I smiled and reached for Tommy's hand. I gently placed his much larger hand on my bump, without saying a word. He first looked at me in confusion as to what I had just done and setting the laptop aside, but then the babies kicked again and his face changed. I watched at the confusion turned to panic then to pure joy as he realized what it was. He was smiling from ear to ear as he leaned down and kissed my growing tummy before scooting up to sit beside me and giving me a warm kiss on the lips.

"You are going to be a great mum, you know that?" He boops my nose I kiss his in return.
"And you will be the best dad."
Tommy shut down his laptop and wrapped his arms around me. I gently brush my hands through his silky blonde hair as he drifts off, leaving me to think.
I wander if the one of the babies if not both will have his hair? Maybe they will have mine. Or our eyes. They could have that beautiful blue eyes thier dad has or my e/c eyes. When they grow up will they be tall like thier dad or short like me? Soon I was drifting off myself and I was left with one last thought before I fell asleep.

I can't wait to see what else the future holds for us.

Remember you can always request things!

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