How i think they would cuddle with you

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Leave me requests for these things please, lol. Sorry for not having uploaded in a few, I've been getting ready to move out of my parents house so it's been hell to find time to write. Hope y'all enjoy this little fluffy bit have a good 😊


I feel like he would be the one to be there just chillin and you come along after a bad day just needing cuddles

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I feel like he would be the one to be there just chillin and you come along after a bad day just needing cuddles. He would open his arms and where ever he may be chillin you lay on top of him, him wrapping he arms around you. I'm guessing he also would have a habit of stroking your hair until you fall asleep. If you don't want to sleep you would probably both either discuss his current new hyper fixation and just watch TikTok's and YouTube together, or rant to him about what an awful day you've had.  If you both end up falling asleep it's kind of comical for others in the house to hear you squeak when Ranboo jolts up wanting to go for a walk in his sleep (don't come at me I sleep walk too. I'm just speaking from my experience) but that doesn't happen all that often. It had been a rough day at the hot topic you worked at, having to deal with countless parents who 'didn't approve' of what was being sold or had a problem with the prices which you had absolutely no control over. All you wanted to do was come home and cuddle with you boyfriend on the couch or wherever he happened to be laying.

When you walked through the front door and he saw your slouched stature he knew that tonight would be a cuddle and YouTube night. You gave him a tired smile and a wave before you unzipped your platforms and tossed them aside before padding into the kitchen to get a monster and numerous snacks. Ranboo had already headed to the hall closet and grabbed the biggest fluffiest extra blanket y'all had in the house. He plopped back down onto the couch to wait for you to get done with your little routine and pull up a f/yt video that neither of you had watched yet. When you got back he leaned back opening his arms for you to cuddle into with your snacks.

Having a marathon of countless YouTube series and movies y'all both eventually fell asleep. You both were awoken by a bright flash in y'all's face, temporarily blinding y'all, as you look around trying to find the culprit. You hear and 'oof' come out of Tommy as Toby elbowed him before scolding him for not having turned off his flash before attempting to take the picture. Honestly you were to tired to care so you placed your head back down on Ranboo's chest and pulled the blanket to cover your head, making Ranboo chuckle.


I feel like Tubbo grabs things in his sleep

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I feel like Tubbo grabs things in his sleep. Like the nearest pillow, stuffy or human will become in trapped by his arms at some point. Especially after he hasn't been able to sleep well for a few days and he zonks out while y'all are watching a movie together. You and Toby had been watching an old movie that honestly didn't live up to the hype. You where aimlessly scrolling through your twitter liking ship art of the two of you, as well as fan arts if y'all's friends. Suddenly Tubbo flops his arms around your waist and pulls you close nuzzling his face into the back of your shoulder.

"Tubbo? You alright?" You whisper not knowing if he was awake or not. When you didn't get a response you knew he was asleep. Knowing Tubbo you knew that you wouldn't be free from his grasp anytime soon so you just embraced the fact that you are getting to cuddle with your adorable boyfriend. You place you phone down and decide to take a nap along with him.

The two of you were startled awake when pillow smacked you both in the face. Tubbo just groaned tiredly and buried his face in your shoulder while you look around to see who assaulted the two of you. You meet the eyes of a grinning billzo. You throw the pillow back at him smacking him in the face which in turn starts a pillow fight between the two of you. Tubbo begrudgingly gets up and moved out of the line of fire to start the task of waking up.


No I don't think that Tommy is one for a lot of physical affection, however when he is sick or overly tired he seeks out this affection

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No I don't think that Tommy is one for a lot of physical affection, however when he is sick or overly tired he seeks out this affection. You would be chillin laying on the loft bed thing of his scrolling through random things on social media, when he comes in exhausted from a few vlogs he and the guys had just filmed that day. He says a tired 'hello' before heading to the bathroom and taking a quick shower. After drying off he walked out of the bathroom, tossing his dirty cloths in his hamper on the way to the bed.

Already knowing what he wanted you laugh and flip the blankets off of you so he could crawl up and hug your waist burying his face in your chest. You covered the two of you back up once he was comfortable and began running your fingers through his curly hair. He told you about the shenanigans that he and his friends had gotten up to during their escapades of the day. You always loved to hear about his day when you weren't able to go with, whether it be because of work or something else that made it impossible to go along. Soon he would fall silent and you would his soft snores tell you that the exhaustion had taken it's toll and you would be stuck like this for a while.

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