You're taller then them

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This was a request by @Junko_EnoshimaUwU This one's going to be written a bit different from what you requested but hope you like it nonetheless! If it is bad I'll fix it later lol it's currently 2:30 am and I haven't slept so good night!

As always requests are open!!! Love y'all!

He definitely enjoys not having to bend down to give you affection that's for sure.

You where standing at the stove cooking lunch for The cricket crew and yourself. It was just a nice rainy day in Brighton so Ranboo had invited everyone over to hang, having nothing better to do. Aimsey, bill, Tubbo, and Tommy could be heard goofing off in the living room, filling the house with a warmth that could only come from having the ones you love around.

As you where stirring the food you feel arms snake their way around your waist, and a head rest on your shoulder. Knowing it was Ranboo, considering no one else in the house was tall enough to do so, you turn your head to give him a kiss. Ranboo blushes from the affection and buries his face in your neck to hide it. 

"I love how I can still make you blush just from a simple kiss, even after almost a year of dating." You chuckle as you lean your head on top of his, continuing to finish lunch.

"Just cause your are very much out of my league." He mumbles affectionately.

"That is very debatable, if anything you're out of my league, honey." You turn around and look down at Ranboo. He wasn't much shorter then you but you where still taller. His pretty gray eyes meet yours making your heart flutter.

"Your are out of my league. You are beautiful/ handsome. Your kind and caring. You give the best hugs." He pauses with a mischievous look in his eyes. " Also, I don't have to bend down to give you a hug or a kiss or any kind of affection." He jokingly

"So you just love me because  you don't have to break your spine to give or receive affection?" You say faking hurt as you dramatically throw back your head, back of hand to face and letting out a gasp. Ran laughs.

"No I love you cause you're you're kind and generous and just overall perfect." He leans in and give you a kiss.

"Oi! Get a room!" Tommy suddenly shouts as he and the rest of the group wonder into the kitchen. Tubbo smacks the back of Toms head at his out burst.

"Aye, leave the love birds alone. Don't blame your singleness on them." He laughs as Tom rubs the back of his head giving Tubbo a glare before taking off towards him, which incited a game of chase between the two boys as everyone else laughs.

Loves your cuddles because you make him feels safe!

It was late, or should I say early, around 2 am. A storm was raging outside, not to strange for this time of year in Bognor Regis. Now normally you and Tubbo would be asleep but tonight was one of those nights where Tubbo just couldn't get to sleep.

He had woken you up earlier from tossing and turning. Normally this wouldn't bother you as you were used to him sleeping all over the place but tonight was different. You lay there starting to nod off again when Tubbo rolls over once more, shaking the bed in the process. You let out a soft sigh as you roll towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, you alright hun? You've been tossing and turning all night." You whisper, Tubbo rolls onto his back letting out a defeated sigh.

"Yeah, I just can't sleep. I just-" he huffs frustrated, " I had a dream earlier and it just didn't sit right with me." He explains. You gently grab his hand leading him out of the bed.

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