Doodles (tubbo x reader)

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Y/n Pov

The smell of Coffee and pastries hit me as i open the door to my favorite cafe in Brighton (I think that close to where Tubbo lives). I come here everyday to enjoy my favorite Coffee and to draw. Today was more of a chill day as i had no commissions to do so after i ordered my coffee i sat down at the farthest booth back in my favorite little nook and started doodling. i had been doing commotions full time for about a year now since i graduated secondary school last year at 17. seeing as i had already started my own business for commissioned art and graphic design,  there was no reason for me to go on to do college so i just spent my time doing what i love. drawing.

it was a slower day at the cafe today probably do to the gloomy cold Autumn weather outside. I heard the little bell at the top of the cafe door ring as someone came in, the rain that was falling outside being drowned out as the door closed behind the person who had walked in. I payed no mind to this as i was focused on getting the shape of nose just right, on the boy that i was drawing. I hear foot steps approaching me but i figure that it is the barista bringing me over my coffee as she has done almost every day for the past 3 months that she has worked here. There is a shadow that falls over me.

"Morning, Gracie." i say without looking up still thinking that it was the barista. there is a small chuckle that escapes the owner of the shadows lips. knowing that that chuckle did not belong to the Gracie that i had become familiar with, i look up from my drawing to be met by the gaze of the boy that i was drawing. I feel my cheeks blush red as one of my favorite people on this planet sat down my coffee order on the table. Tubbo leans over slighting to get a better look

"Awesome drawing!"he says enthusiastically. It was a realistic drawing of C!Tubbo and CC!Tubbo looking through glass at each other. i smile and look behind tubbo to see Gracie give me a wink. i give her a playful glare back as i return my attention to the boy in front of me.

"Thanks Tubbo. what brings you here?" i ask

"Well, I noticed you when i walked in, over here by yourself and  i thought I'd give a pretty girl some company, if that's alright with you?" I could see Tubbo blush as the words come out of his mouth.

"well, thank you, and sure i could use the company." i say as i gesture for him to sit in the free seat across from me, i could still feel my cheeks flushed and feel my own smile widen. "How is the music coming along?" (this was written before he released his song and I don't know if he has more in the making yet)

"it's goin great, Ranboo has helped me to start filming the music video and splicing everything together. It's coming along great, I'm really excited to get it out." He pauses for a second, "you know who I am however I don't know what to call you, ms.doodles." i smile at the nickname he had given me.

I laugh"I'm Y/n but I don't mind doodles." i say as i reach across the table for a hand shake.

"Okay then hello, ms. Doodles" Tubbo reaches over and takes my hand in his with the biggest shit eating grin I had ever seen him have. his hands were larger and warmer to my small and chilled ones, this makes me smile. We continue on with conversation for what seems like a few minutes but was really several hours.

I look down at my watch and go wide eyed

"Holy shit its almost noon." i am still amazed that so much time had gone by. Tuboo glances down at his phone that sat on the table. before glancing behind him at the window to check the weather,

"hey since its lunch time do you want to go get some fish and chips down the road and go for a walk?" tubbo asks nervously rubbing the back of his neck and his cheeks blushing.

"Of course, here lets go." i say as i stand up and gather my my bag and tablet. i then walk up to the register and pay for my drink and tubbo's.

"I was gonna pay for that." Tubbo comments as i grab his hand as he tries to hand money to the cashier for his own drink.

"well i already did so lets go." i laugh as i pretty much drag Tubbo away from the register. him jokingly complaining all the way out the door. during the hours we had talked we had become great friends and my already massive crush had grown, he was so kind and just as optimistic and enthusiastic about life as he was on stream. it was adorable to listen to him talk about anything and everything that comes to his mind, our conversations had even brought the massive nerd out in me as we discussed mcu theories and other things. after we got our food we walked in the park for a bit and goofed off. Soon it was starting to get lat so I asked for tubbo' s phone. He gave it to me confused. After a second I gave it back to him and he looked at what I had done. He smiled at his phone, which read.

He asked for mine and then gave it back to me.

🕵️‍♂️Mr.bossman🐝 was the first thing in my contacts.

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