Just Pretend! (Tommy X Reader)

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I'm almost to the point of speed walking as the guy that has been following me gets closer. he had been following me from a distance throughout the multiple stores in the mall i was at. Now normally I would have been with my entire band, but they all still had finals to do. Being bored earlier and having graduated a year early i didn't have finals or anything to do so i decided to just come look around the mall by myself. that had turned into a mistake because now I am trying to get away from my stalker. 

I can hear the dude's steps getting closer so I, look around to see who was close. i see two tall guys, one brunette, looking about mid twenties, with curly hair, the other around my own age, with curly blonde hair. They were the only ones around so I approach them. As I do, I loudly greet them like i had known them for years. 

"Oh there y'all are! I lost you for a bit." I say giving them a pleading look to just go along with it. Confused the blonde looks down to me. 

"Just pretend to be my boyfriend for a minute." I whisper up to the tall blonde, trying to look back and see if the guy had already passed. He hadn't. he had stopped behind a potted tree to watch me. the blonde dude awkwardly put his arm around my shoulder. The older dude spoke up, playing along. 

"Yeah I was just fixing to call you to see where you were." he smiles at me, I smile back at him thankful. I look back up at the blonde dude who still had his arm around my shoulder. 

"Do you want to go get some soft pretzels? I'm starting to get hungry." i say looking up into the blonde dudes, beautiful blue eyes, noticing that the guy had still not given up on following me. 

"Sure, I could go for some soft pretzels." he agrees, the brunette motioned with his head to us to come on as he turned towards the food court. Blondy removes his arm from my shoulder, and hesitantly intertwines our fingers. His hand engulfs my small hand almost to a comical point. As we walk our hands gently sway between us, and I can see a blush forming on his face. I ignore it and take another look around to see the guy walking to the front of the mall in a huff, almost shoving the people in front of him out of the way as he makes his way out. I let out a sigh of relief. 

"Okay, he's gone. Thank you guys so much. that guy that just huffed out of here, has been following me through stores for a while." i explain as I let go of blondy's hand, and turn to look up at their faces. the brunette was looking at blondy's blush smiling. blondy turns to me. 

"Um, Yeah no problem, I'm Tommy, and he is Wilbur." Tommy says as he motions at Wilbur. 

"Y/n. and thank you both very much. I hope i didn't make you to uncomfortable, my asking you to pretend to be my boyfriend." i say as i look down at my shoes. 

"Oh, no your good! I wasn't uncomfortable at all." tommy assures me. Wilbur interrupts  before i could say anything else. 

"Okay Tommy, well I've got to be at a meeting soon so I'll see you later. It was nice to meet you Y/n but I've got to go, Bye" he says as he waves, then turns and walks away smiling to himself. Tommy waves his bye before turning back to me. 

"So... would you like to actually go get a pretzel, it actually sounds really good." he smiles at me. 

"I would love to." with that we start to walk to the food again. as we stood in line we talked about random stuff. 

"so what do you do?" I ask as we get our pretzels and drinks and head to sit down. 

"well, Um, your probably gonna think I'm a looser, but I stream on twitch. Mostly Minecraft, and the occasional variety game." Tommy says as we sit down, he had a little pink blush spreading across his cheeks again. 

"why would you think that that would make you a looser? I think it's pretty cool." i say mater-o-factly  

"I don't know, when people hear that I play games for a living they don't really take me seriously, ya know?" 

"I can see that but, hey your doing what, I assume, you love so why does other's opinions matter?" he laughs 

"you got a point. what about you? What do you do?" 

"Oh, I do art commissions on Etsy, and I'm part of a band. we go around an play some gigs around England. Most of my money comes from my Etsy though." i explain. 

"THats so COol! Sorry, that's so cool." Tommy exclaims making people look our way. his blush gets worse with the attention drawn to him. I just laugh at him. 

"well, thanks for the enthusiasm." 

"What do you do in the band and what genre of music do you do?" he asks his head resting on his fist. 

"Well I am lead singer and  bassist. We play more rock than anything else, but we occasionally do covers of pretty much every other genre as well  

 We continued to talk for a while before Tommy had to go home and start a stream that he had already promised to do, but before we went our separate ways he and i exchanged numbers. Later that night we made plans to meet up again at some point. he seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I also did some snooping and started to watch all of his content. I fell asleep happy, phone on hand, open to our text conversation, and one of his streams playing on the tv, in my room. 

Kind of hate this one lol, but hey not everything can be an awesome story anyway, feel free to leave requests, I am trying to keep my 'weekly update' promise but I've been experiencing writers block. Also I'm working on another book but that's no where near ready to release yet. more on that later, but keep an eye out for it. Love ya and have a nice Day/Night/Evening! 

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