Tubbo x Reader (Soulmate AU)

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Tubbo's POV 

I was streaming when my abdomen started to tingle. It was a sensation that i was used to by now. My soulmate had gotten hurt yet again. You see when your soulmate gets hurt you get the scar as well however once you touch them you are both wiped of each others scars. I say good bye to chat and end stream. I'm deep in thought as I'm draw out of my the trance i was in by Ranboo's voice who was in a discord call with me. 

"Hey, Tubbo? You alright?" i cleared my throat before speaking. 

"um, yeah. You know how when your soulmate gets hurt you get the scar as well? Well my soulmate just got hurt again." i stood up and looked at the new scar.  It was  long, going from my  left hip bone to just above my belly button. what the hell did they do? I stand so that ranboo can see it through face time. 

"wow, that looks like it hurt." i nod

"yeah they get hurt a lot. i think they are in an abusive environment, cause they get a lot of em and in places that can't be self inflicted. whoever they are, they have to be very strong to endure all of what they are going through." 

"Yeah. One day you'll be able to make sure that they never receive another scar." i smile 

"yeah, and i can't wait till that day." 

6 Months later 

I was walking down the streets of Brighton with Tommy and Wilbur. We had set up a meet up to film a new vlog. it was about noon so we decided to stop by a little cafe for a cup of coffee and some lunch before we continued on to finish filming the vlog. After we sat down to look at the menu we began to talk about random things and goofing off. 

a few minutes later a girl around mine and Tommy's age walks up with a note pad out. The first thing i noticed about her was her Bright (f/c) dyed hair and snake bites. (the hair style but your favorite color) 

 (the hair style but your favorite color) 

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The next thing i noticed was a scar on her right arm very similar to one that i had on my arm

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The next thing i noticed was a scar on her right arm very similar to one that i had on my arm. I looked into her beautiful e/c eyes but looked away before it could get weird. The girl took our orders and with a smile she turned and walked back to the kitchen to give the cook our orders. I studied her as she set about making mine and Wilbur's coffee order and Fixing Tommy's diet coke. 

"Dude your gonna scare her if you keep on staring at her like that." Tommy laughs at me. 

"did you see the scar on her arm? It matches mine" I say as i pull up my hoodie sleeve to show them, before quickly pulling it down when she started heading back over with our drinks. 

"is there anything else i can get for you gentlemen?" she asked sweetly with a smile. 

"we are good for now thanks," i glance down at her name tag "Y/n." she nods and walks back to the counter to do what ever she was doing before. soon she came back with our food and then went to go take another groups orders. 

"your staring again. You know you could just ask her about it?" Tommy suggests 

"but what if she isn't my soul mate and I Just seem like a creep?" Tommy nods 

"good point." 

"could go to hand her, your cup, maybe and brush hands with her?" Wilbur suggests. 

"that's a better idea than Tommy's suggestion" i laugh, when tommy playfully glares at me. 

we have been here for about 30 minutes and we were fixing to be finished. Wilbur was showing us a fan art of all of us together when we hear a commotion at the front of the cafe. I look up to see Y/n face to face with a middle aged man who is screaming at her. 

⚠ violence ahead⚠

"Get out now. Charlie call the police, My dad has decided to pay me a visit!" she calls back to her co-worker. The man steps closer and grabs her by her hair which set me off. I don't know what happened to me but when i saw that man grab Y/n in such a way it lit a fire in me. I jump up and end up in front of the man. though he was a good half foot taller than me i managed to clock him in the jaw just right to make him let go of y/n, who fell to the ground before being able to scurry up and grab me by my hood pulling me back away from him when he tried to take a swing at me. 

"don't get yourself hurt for me! Are you crazy!?" at this point Wilbur and Tommy had also stepped in. Wilbur had him by the arms holding him back from us, but he managed to break free for a minute and land a punch on Y/n sending her crashing to the floor with a bloody nose. Before i could even react Wilbur had the man pinned to the ground and had punched him repeatedly, while i hear sirens in the distance. I rush over to Y/n and help her up while simultaneously grabbing a clean cloth napkin from a near by table, and helping it hold it to her nose. 

as I get her to her feet and help her sit down in a chair close by, the police get here and take away the man in cuffs. 

"are you okay?" i ask as Y/n pulls the now bloody rag away from her nose after it stopped bleeding. 

"yeah, I'm fine. Are you and your friends?" i nod 

"yeah we'are all fine. well except for your dad but he had it coming." y/n chuckles. 

"Yeah. The bastard has been hitting on me for years. 6 months ago he stabbed me which finally got my social worker to listen. Funny how me almost dying is what makes the adults to actually listen." 

"sorry to ask but where did you get stabbed?" i ask remembering that night when i got the scar on my stomach. she gives me a confused look. 

"my abdomen. starting at my hip and ending  just above my belly button." I look at her. 

"you mean like this?" i lift up my hoodie to show the scar that appeared 6 months ago. a look of shock crosses her face as she lifts her own shirt to reveal a matching scar. 

"but we've touched. the scar should be gone on you." then it hit me. 

"yes we've touched but not skin to skin. May I?" i ask as i reach out my hand waiting for her to grab it. She places her small hands in my larger hands. Her hands were soft and kind of chilled. I feel a tingle on my body in the places that i had scars. i could tell that Y/n was feeling it to because she had a look of confusion on her face as she watches her scar disappear, she then pulls up her sleeve to see the scar there also fade and disappear.  her beautiful eyes look up at me in amazement. 

"I thought only the other persons scars disappeared." i shrug 

"well maybe we heard wrong?" Wilbur walks up 

"actually it should have only been the others scar not your own that disappeared. Phil still has his own scars from childhood memories as does Kristen. Ya'll are a special case i guess. Congrats by the way." Wilbur finishes as he pats me on the back and walks back over to a police officer. 

"well at least we finally found each other." Y/n stands up and wraps me in the best hug I've ever had. I return the hug burying my face i the crook of her neck. Y/n was shaking as she sobbed into my shoulder. I rubbed her back as the dinner erupted in applause, having witnessed the entire thing. we both pull away from each other and blush red at the sudden retaliation that all attention was on us.

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