Anxious Interviews (Tubbo X Reader)

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My hands gripped the steering wheel as my boyfriend and I make it through the L.A. traffic and to the recording studio where we were supposed to be almost 20 minutes ago. Traffic is at a standstill at the moment making me start to nervously tap my fingers on my bouncing leg (just what i do in social or stressful situations lol). Tears start to well in my eyes as the stress builds. Toby sees this and reaches over and grabs my hand rubbing soothing circles across the back of my hand and knuckles. 

"Hey, it's okay. Anthony is a cool dude, He'll understand. Deep breaths, okay? Everything is going to be fine." he says trying to calm me, knowing I'm not good at being social at all. the stress of not being used to driving in America, having an interview and the anxiety of being late for said interview was weighing heavy on me. It shouldn't be so stressful for me seeing as I am a streamer for goodness sake, but nothing was going the way that i needed it to today. First my alarm went off late, then the hot water in our BnB was busted so i had to take a cold shower, then the coffee maker broke, and to top it all off we are sitting it traffic going on 30 minutes being late to an interview with a very influential man, in a country where i am not from, in traffic, on roads i am not familiar with.  

I take a deep breath as I intertwine my hand with Toby's to ground myself so I can calm down. "I'm sure that he won't mind, but still doesn't help the fact that i haven't met the man before and of course with my luck, the day that i am, I'm late. I need to call him." I ramble as i collect myself and press the button that activates Siri. Toby still has hold of my hand as Anthony's voice says hello through the speakers. 

"Hey, I am so sorry Anthony. We are stuck in traffic at the moment. If we need to reschedule or anything that is fine." i say trying not to stutter and sound at least some what professional.

"Oh no, that's fine you and Tubbo are the only interviews we have today so just get here when you can. L.A. traffic sucks." He laughs as he assures me that its okay. after hearing that some of the weight on my shoulders was lifted. after some more friendly chit-chat we end the call and I focus on not hitting people or being hit by people. 

After another agonizing 20 minutes we finally make it to the studio. After we were able to get setup and ready to start filming our interviews, Toby went up to start his interview first while I sit behind the cameras. I'm still tapping my foot nervously but now that I'm here and have gotten to know the people around me a bit better I am feeling more at ease. A good 30 minutes passed as Anthony finished up Toby's interview. we took a ten minute break before we started to film again, so Anthony, Toby and I made some coffee in the lounge and got more comfortable with each other. having the extra time to get comfortable with Anthony really helped to make the interview not feel as forced. 

The ten minute break was up as i fixed my hair and makeup one last time before we sat down to film. Anthony does his little intro thing before he turns to me. 

"So how are we today Ms. L/N?" he starts 

"Good now that we are out of the awful traffic and here." i laugh trying to relax. Anthony chuckles before agreeing and continuing on. 

"So how did you get your start? I hear it's quite a story." he ask sounding interested  

"Um, yeah i guess you could say that. I started off on TikTok, filming cosplays. As that grew and i was able to move out of my parents house, my followers followed me to my twitch, where i had started to variety stream once I had gotten a PC. I was working in a  salon for a bit while also streaming every night after work. One night Tubbo happened to pop into one of my streams and asked to join a discord call. Of course i accepted, one thing led to another and he and i are together, I have meet some of the best people i have ever had the privilege of knowing, and joining the SMP." i explain 

"Wow, how long was the time frame between you having just been a small cosplayer on TikTok living in your foster parents home, to being a influential streamer living on your own and thriving?" 

i thought for a second before answering....

after a few more questions we were finally done with filming and we where headed out the door and back to the rental car.  we get into the car with me in the drivers seat and Toby in the passenger seat. Toby grabs my chin, gently,making me look at him. 

"You did great you know?" he smiles brushing his thumb across my cheek. I smile back to him as I place my hand over his, still resting on my face. 

"it was a lot easier knowing i had you right there if i needed you." i lean in and place a gentle peck on his lips. Toby lets out a laugh that could only be described as a giggle while trying to hide his blush from me. i just chuckle before intertwining our fingers. after being with this man for almost a year now i can make him blush just by a kiss. 

"Penny for your thoughts?" Toby says after driving for a few minutes in silence. I smile before glancing over to him. 

"Just thinking of how lucky i am to have you. you never fail to calm me." tubbo has hold of my hand tracing shapes on my hand as i drove. 

"Hey, it's what i here for. To love you, protect you, and to do anything I can to take care of you." 

"I love you Toby." i smile as i lift our hands up to kiss Toby's 

"I love you too, Y/n." 

I kind of hate this one but it's what i could think of so here ya go. hope it isn't to bad. PLEASE LEAVE REQUESTS I AM RUNNING OUT OF IDEAS. LOVE YA AND HAVE A GOOD DAY/ EVENING/NIGHT!

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