Full moon (Ranboo X Reader)

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(this is a werewolf au thing i guess. i Had a dream that something like this happen and i feel like every angsty middle schooler (I'm a junior lol) but hey i need to post lol. hope ya like it cause i hate it. ALSO! ranboo gives me werewolf vibes so what supernatural creature vibes does tommy and tubbo give off so i can write an au about them to go with this them?  kind of like what i did with the soulmate au thing? )

⚠Contains some violance? ⚠

Y/n's POV 

I hear a bang on my front door. startled Because it's a full moon and there's no telling who or what is on the other side of that door, I grab my hand gun and cautiously approach the door. as i reach it and go to peer out the peep hole whoever that is on the other side bangs on the door again causing me to jump. I look through the peep hole to see the silhouette of a very tall guy with a floof of long hair. he is leaning up against the door seemingly in pain. I turn the porch light so that i can see and realize that it is just my brother, Sapnap's, friend Ranboo. Hurriedly i put my gun in my the back of my pants and open the door. as i do this Ranboo falls into my arms weakly. He is drenched in sweat and winching  with every move he makes. 

"For fucks sake are you okay?" i ask as i try and support the weight of a literal giant. 

"Does it look it? Sorry." he grimaces before continuing. "Sapnap said you could help me, like you did him his first shift " he said through a clenched jaw. Damn i knew he was a werewolf but i didn't know that he had't had his first shift yet, most of us have it between our 16th and 17th birthday, he had just had his 18th. 

"I can try, but i need your help dude you are huge i can't carry you even with enhanced abilities." after a few minutes of having to pause as waves of pain would shoot through Ranboo,  we manage to hobble down the stairs and into the basement were all of my werewolf shit i guess you could say. once we are down there i lay him on a cot that i have set up in the corner. Immediately i run and get some cool wet wash cloths and drape his body in them. just in the time that it took me to do that he was almost screaming in pain as i can hear the bones in his body break and shift as they contort under his skin and muscle. I felt bad for him the first shift is always the worst and most painfully long. I can feel the moon rising high coming close to peaking high in the sky. i walk over to ranboo and sit on the side of the cot. now he had hair growing on his face in a thick carpet, and fangs that would show every time he would winch or scream at the pain. his screams where heart wrenching, they made me want to take all the pain away and go through it for him. 

"Y/n You need to get away i don't want to hurt you!" he manages to get out between his bones contorting. 

"You aren't going to hurt me. And even if you did it'll heal real fast." i say as i grab his hand and squeeze. Against Ranboo's arguments i ran my hands through his damp hair to try and calm him. 

"Breath, Ranboo, breath." i say softly. another wave of pain shoots through him, making him squeeze my hand. the moon was fixing to peak so i got up and walked to the other side of the room to get more cool towels going. at this point Ranboo had almost completed his shift so i turned my back on him. this was a mistake because when i turned around with the towels in hand I ran face first into Ranboo's chest. he backed me up against the wall his hands above my head. he was finished transforming but he was still very aggressive and not exactly in his right  mind, because it's his first time completing the shift. 

i can hear the low growl vibrating through his chest as i hear his claws scrap the wall behind me. i look up into his eyes, no longer that stunning grey but more of a glowing topaz. 

"Ranboo, It's me Y/n. It's okay your safe." i coo trying to calm him down. he wraps one of his hands around my throat ready to crush my wind pipe, in an instant (that is in no way shape for form sexual! get your mind out of the gutter!) his breathing is heavy from all of the pain and screaming he had done and the blind rage he is in due to the moon. I focus on making my eyes glow their own bright topaz, while slowly reaching up and cupping the side of his face. Ranboo lets out a low growl but i ignored it and brushed the hair out of his face. His eyes started to switch between the topaz and his normal grey ones as i place my full palm to his face.  the moon was no longer at it's peak and doesn't have as much power over him. Finally he gains enough control to get his sense back and stumbles back letting go of my throat and falling to the ground. I can see the look of disgust with himself on his face.  i grab the towels again and walk over to Ranboo who is sitting with his knees to his chest having a panic attack. 

"Ranboo Your okay. Breath bubs. Breath. I'm okay. You didn't hurt me." i say as i try and rub his back. 

"But i could have and i wouldn't have been able to live with myself if i hurt you." tears were streaming down his face. I kneel in front of him and gently grab his face in my hands, making him look in my eyes. 

"But you didn't." i say as i grab a towel and wipe the sweat off of Ranboo's brow. I wrap him in a tight hug as he begins to calm down. the hair that had sprouted every where on ranboo slowly disappeared and i could see that his claws and fangs were gone, as i sat back. Ranboo is starting to fall asleep sitting here in the floor so i haphazardly help him up and to the cot. as i turn to leave he grabs my hand, i turn around and look into those hipnotizing grey orbs. 

"Thank you Y/n. For everything." i smile before i sit on the edge of the cot and gently start to brush his floof of hair out of his face. 

"of course. you get some rest okay?" i go to leave again but he won't let go of my hand. 

"stay please?"Ranboo's already half asleep. i just smile and continue to play with his hair until both of us fell asleep. 

That was trash! anyway hope this wasn't cringe enough for you to stop reading my book but here's a story i guess. Love y'all and please leave requests and also what super natural creature Tommy and Tubbo remind you of!

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