Ranboo X reader (spy Au 2?)

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this was a request from my tumblr. this person asked for a different version of my Ranboo spy au instead using they/them so here this is. as always requests are open. 

T.W. Violence, Language, blood, mention of Alcohol

Right now you could say I'm dancing with the devil. No, for real. I feel the air swish as the mastermind behind countless deaths twirls me around gracefully. Once the music finally comes to a stop, he leads me back over to our table and our food is brought out. The gangster known as "El Diablo", (I know so original) who is hiding his endeavors behind a restaurant, sits in front of me sipping a glass of whiskey, while I nurse a f/d.

"so (Cover name) what was it again you were wanting to invest in?" he says with a little flirty smirk. If I weren't in character I would have gagged but instead I let out a little giggle, shoot me now.

"Well as you know, I've got a CEO or two that I've got some beef with, and i was wanting to know if you Ya know, had something that could help me with my little problem." I say giving a smile.

"Well, having beef and dealing with it is my specialty. how bout after we have dessert we take a little looks-see at what I've got and get you taken care of?" he still has that little disgusting smirk on his face, but i ignore it. Just then a shadow is cast over the table, i look up to see a face that shouldn't be here at all. The floof of dark blonde and beautiful grey eyes gave away who it was immediately. even behind the nerdy glasses and a prosthetic nose and chin I knew who it was, Ranboo. He and i had graduated the academy together, to be honest i had the biggest crush on him. he was from a different department though, he dealt mostly with anything to do with computers, i dealt with anything concerning bio weapons, bombs, stolen Biohazards. he works with computers i work with mostly chemistry shit, so what the hell is he doing interfering with my mission?

"Hello. I'm Matthew, I will be replacing your waiter for tonight, Shella had to leave for a family emergency. Is there anything that I can do for you?" Why did he choose Matthew as a cover name? whatever.

"I think they would like a refill of f/d, and i think I'm good for right now." ranboo nods before taking my glass. 'Diablo' and I continue to chit-chat until ranboo walks back with my drink in hand. he places it in front of me before excusing himself back to the kitchen. As I go to grab a drink i see something written in the condensation on the glass, 'bathroom now!', was all that it said.

"Pardon me for a few minutes, I need to use the restroom, I'll be right back." i smile as place my glass back on the table, making sure to wipe away the message as I take my hand away.

As i am almost to the bathroom, a hand reaches out at pulls me into a closet. I rear back to punch whoever it is before i realize it's just Ranboo.

"what the hell dude? You of all people i would think would have enough sense not to do what you just did. Do you have a deathwish?" i ask whispering through my teeth.

"also what the hell are you doing here there wasn't supposed to be anyone else here with me" Ranboo puts a finger to his lips.

"calm down, I was just sent in for extra backup if needed. better there be more than enough agents then not enough."

"except for the fact there is one more person I have to worry about getting out alive. One more person to have to worry about fucking the mission up."

"yes, but also one more person to make sure this mission goes as planned. Now, While i was doing surveillance on the lab, i figured out that there are always two armed guards that stay in the vault with all of the weapons, however there is about a 5 minute time frame between the shift change that we put in two of our own agents in their spot, 'diablos' agents are being held at the agency and being interrogated."

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