The girl in the attic (Ranboo x Ghost! reader)

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Ranboo's POV


I had just bought my first house and today was moving day. Now, the house an old one and needed some small things done here and there, but other wise was in great condition for it's age. The house was an old 2 story house with a basement and an attic, and dated back to the mid 1800's, but I knew little more than that about the houses history.

I pulled up the drive in the Uhaul that i had rented. The road up to it was long and over grown and needed to be patched in some places, one of the things that needed to be fixed. As i pulled to a stop i studied the house. it was in need of a new paint job and a lawn mower, but other then that it was going to be quite the home. I get out and unlock the door and then start to move my stuff inside. I grab my box of memorabilia and head to the attic, since i might as well go ahead and put it up, and out of the way.

As i walk up the stairs that lead to the attic i feel a gust of cool air, which is weird because this part of the house hadn't had a.c. installed in it and it was quite hot outside, giving it was summer. i continue up the stairs. the Attic was quite large with old stuff from the previous owners, piled every where. i set the box down on the ground by the stairs and then looked around. out of all the cool old stuff in the large room one chest caught my eye. It was a very large chest probably big enough to fit both me and tommy in it, with dry cracked forest green leather. what was weird about it was that it was the only thing that wasn't covered in dust and cobwebs in the inter attic. out of curiosity i walk over to the chest and study it more closely. on the front of the chest, just above the lock there was the name Y/n M/n L/n engraved on a little brass plate.

I opened the box and was met with surprisingly little protest from the old beauty. inside there was two dresses. One black, probably a mourning dress, and one white almost like a linen dress you would see girls wear in old photographs. laying on top of the white dress was a leather bound journal. I gently pick up the book and open to the first page.

Dear Diary,

Today was my birthday not that father remembered. Father is getting more hostile by the day, with the drinking and the stress of the towns folk after him for mothers death, he has been taking it out on me. I now have a black eye from him having hit me earlier today after i stepped on the hem of my dress and fell. I know that it's do to the drink, but it's hard to have grace for such a cruel man. i wish i had the old father back, the one who would come home from work and teach me to read and write even though its frown upon by the towns folk for women to know such things...

I was going to read on but there was a small voice that came from behind me. I jump up with a start and look around. there before me was a girl about my age, with e/c eyes, and long h/c hair up in a nice neat bun, standing in the same white dress that's in the box.

"you know it's not polite to go through a girls personal belongings." i'm stunned into silence as her sweet southern drawl breaks the quite.

"who are you? Why are you in my house?" i ask kind of harshly.

"I'm Y/n M/n L/n the girl who's diary you where just reading. and well, considering i can't leave this house, as i'm dead, i really don't have a choice in the matter now do I?"

"your a ghost? I'm loosing my mind aren't I? Am i dead, is that why i can see you?" Y/n laughs

"Of course your not dead. nor are you losing your mind. i actually don't know why you can see me, most people can't." she looks at me curiously before she steps towards me. i back away not knowing what to trust.

"It's okay, I don't want to hurt you. even if i wanted to i don't have enough energy to do so. what's your name sir?" she says as she slowly steps forward studying me. she was very pretty for being a ghost. well i guess i haven't met any other ghosts before but anyway.

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