What they do when you get hit on

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I don't feel like Ranboo isn't the confrontational type so I feel like if he were to get jealous because of a person hitting on you, he would become more clingy and touchy just to convey to the person he is jealous about, that you are with him. One of the few times that he had gotten jelous, happened was when the two of you were at the twitch fortnight tournament. Y'all were hanging out talking to his chat while one of the tech people were trying to get his station taken care of so y'all could walk around. As you were waiting to see if whatever they had done worked they started to very openly flirt with you. Saying stuff like 'f/c hair suits you' referring to your brightly dyed hair, or making small comments about how good you look in your outfit and asking were you got them etc. Once Ranboo had had enough of this he turned around in his chair and gently grabbed your hand. Of course you held his hand back, but when the person flirting with you didn't get the message, Ranboo took it a step further. He gently pulled you toward him and pulled you onto his lap wrapping his arms around your waist. It wasn't totally out of character for him so you thought nothing of it, and you were happy to be closer to your man anyway. Seeing this, the person finally got the hint and excused themselves to go work at other stations, since they had fixed everything and y'all could move around now. You caught a glance at chat calling Ranboo different variations of a simp. You just look at him having rested his head on your shoulder.
"What? They were trying to take my (girl/boy/other)" he said with a shrug. It finally hit you that the person was flirting with you and not just being friendly, which makes you laugh.
"Don't worry I'm perfectly content with you." You say before giving him a kiss on the forehead. And getting up to walk around with Ranboo and his chat.


I have a feeling Tubbo is layed back when people flirt with you, until they push to far, not that he doesn't care he just trusts you and knows that he was it for you and you him. But when they do push it to far well, then he is ready to give them hell.

⚠️Alcohol/Drunk people/ nonconcentul toutching, short fight (This takes place in tne UK so they are not underage drinking!)⚠️

It was the night of your 18th birthday and you, Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Kristen, and Phil all decided to go out and celebrate by buying you your first age leagal drink. (Lets be honest most people have at least had a sip or two by the time they are in thier early teen years). You aren't really one to get drunk but it seemed like a good idea to go out and have fun at a club with your boyfriend and your friends, instead of staying at home blowing out a candle on a sad cupcake by yourself like you had the years before. Yes you had family, no they didn't care to even give you a call to wish you a happy birthday (relatable). You stepped out of the Uber that drove part of your group to the nicer up scale club. As your group walks in the music is loud but not so lound you had to shout to be heard. there was a decent amount of people around so you grabbed your boyfriends hand and he lead you to the bar to order you and your friends drinks.

Everyone but you tubbo and Kristen where several drinks in. Kristen was off corralling a drunk phil and tommy with help from a slightly less drunk ranboo. Wilbur was up on the stage singing drunk keraoke with a freind he had managed to make, leaving you and tubbo sitting in the booth nursing your drinks, reviling in each other's company. You and Tubbo were talking among yourself when a drunk guy a little bit older then you slumps into yout booth.

"Hey, your a very handsome/pretty person." the guy slurred.

"Thank you." was all you said as you turned back to Tuboo leaning your head on his shoulder. The guy continued to talk to you trying to strike up a conversation. At this point he wasn't being crude or anything just a drunk seeking someone to talk to so you were fine. As the guy had gotten more insistant Tubbo threw his arm around your shoulder and kissed your forehead to try and get the message across that you were taken, though you HAD been snuggled up to him since before the dude walked up. An upbeat song came on the speaker.
"hey, Babe, you up for a dance?" the drunk asks, grabbing your thigh with a squeeze. You slap his hand away as you skoot closer to Tubbo who was now standing up and taking you with him.
"Keep your hands off of my sugnificant other you twat!" Tubbo pushes you behind him as he stands up. The drunk guy stands up too, getting all up in Tubbo's face egging him on. The guy shoves Tubbo in the chest knocking him back as the guy screams at him in French.

"Back the fuck up!" Tubbo says as Ranboo runs up and pushes the two apart. Ranboo gets his shit rocked by the dude, because he is still a bit tipsy from drinking. This makes tubbo launch himself at the guy, deffending his friend. You grab his arms holding him back as security runs across the club tackling the other dude to the ground. After security had drug the dude out of the club and y'all had gotten an ice pack for Ranboo's cheek you rounded up the gang and helped Kristen get them all home safely. You and tubbo decided to go to Your place and just chill. You two sat on the couch watching stranger things when Tubbo reaches over to pause it. You look up at his pretty hazel eyes, in the tv light.

"I just wanted to appoligize for ruining your birthday night. I should have handled it better than i did."

"Hun, you didn't ruin it. I still had a great time, and YOU sir are the best boyfriend i could ask for. All you did was defend me and our friend."  You spent the rest of the night watching TV before falling asleep cuddling with your boyfriend.


Tommy is definitely the jealous type and you can't tell me any different.

It was twitch con. You had been invited to be on the panel with everyone since you had also been on the Dream SMP for a while. You and Tommy were introduced as a pair, being significant others and all. The two of you walked out hand in hand waving to the crowd of people. You two sat in chairs next to each other as the rest of your friends are introduced.

During the panel y'all tell stories and we're now in the process of answering questions from the crowd.

One guy walks up. He was short but muscular and was wearing one of your merch beanies with the matching t-shirt that was too tight.
"Um, hello. My name is Ricky. I think you are really hot and wanted to ask you something." You felt Tommy shift closer to you. The crowd 'ooh'ed' and gasped.

"Oi! That's my s/o!" Tommy acted like he was joking with him but you could tell he was irked by the dude. You place your hand on top of his squeezing before bringing the mic up to your mouth.

"Well thank you. Now what is your question?" You say dismissively.

"Well I was wandering if you would want to ditch Tommy and go on a date with me?" Ricky said overly confident. There was a couple of snickers and a lot of angry comments and grumbles from the crowd. Tommy grabbed the mic from you.

"Okay listen man. I let the first comment go, but you've over stepped!" Before he could get more worked up you grab Tommy's hand and gently take the mic back from him and giving him a look that told him that you would take care of it.

"I don't know who you think you are but if you think that I am going to leave the man that I love for some rando, who I have never met in my life, you are sadly mistaken. I am with him and he is with me, we are team and we will stay that way. It saddens me that a so called fan of mine," You say gesturing to his merch "would try and come between my happiness and one of the people that make me the happiest. I would greatly appreciate if you would either sit back down or leave. Your choice." You say coldly moving on to the next person who had a question.

After the panel you and your group retreated to the sanctuary of your own hotel rooms to decompress from the day. You had just hopped out of the shower and gotten dressed. you flop down onto the bed next to Tommy who was scrolling trough twitter. You hug his waist from behind resting your head on his shoulder, glancing down at a tweet he was staring at.

'You have lost a fan today @y/t/u! How dare you reject me and humiliate me in front of all of those people!' Was basically what the tweet read.

"Hey, you know I would never leave you for someone else right? Especially not a prick you throws a hissy fit because he got rejected." You say as you gently pry his phone out of his hand and throw it on the opposite bed.

"Yeah, I know it just makes me angry." He says as he rolls over and brings you into a hug. You rest your head in his chest.

"As it should, but don't let it eat at you. I'm always gonna be here for you and only you." You lift your head and kiss the tip of his nose making him blush and scrunch his nose.

Y'all fell asleep resting peacefully until Ranboo banged on the door and drug you down to eat dinner with him and the rest of the crew.

So sorry it's been so long since I uploaded and actual story! I have recently turned 18 and moved out of my parents house along with having to deal with Covid. I have also been working on an Aizawa x trans reader(ftm) and that caused me to forget that I had another active story lol. Anyways leave scenarios and one shot requests for me! I am always glade to hear from y'all!!

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