"Your My Knight In Shining Armor." Ranboo x reader

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⚠Some Violence and minor stalking ⚠

I was speed walking through the isles of the store, with my buggy of groceries. I could feel the man who has been following me through the isles, watching. As I'm going I'm typing in my notes. I turn onto an isle where there is a tall guy around my age with a mask, looking at something on the shelf in front of him. I catch his attention by loudly saying,

"There you are bubs. I lost you for a minute. Oh, by the way I got an email that I think was meant for you." The guy looks up at me kind of confused, I hand him my phone where I had the notes app opened to show him what I had written.

Please pretend to be my boyfriend. There has been a guy following me through the store and I have a bad feeling about it.

"Yeah I think I may have given Tim the wrong email, I'll respond to him once we get home." The guy plays along when he sees the look in my eyes. He hands me back my phone and picks up the thing he was looking at before I interrupted him.

"Did we get everything that we needed?" The guy that was following me is still in the same isle as us, looking at something on the shelf.

"Um, yeah I think so, unless you needed something that I didn't have on the list." He shook his head telling me he already had everything he was here for.

"I've got everything I need. Let's go check out." The tall guys beautiful grey eyes looked past me to the guy who has been following me. He was still pretending to look at the shelf in front of him. The tall guy bends down slightly to whisper in my ear, Covering the action up by wrapping his long arm gently around my shoulders.

"We can pay for our stuff and then I'll walk you to your car. I'm Ranboo by the way" I nod "y/n. Thank you So much."I whisper back then we both walk towards the check out. It was later in the night so there wasn't many people around, I always shop later because it's the only time I can. I work from 10 am to 9 pm most days of the week so there really isn't much if a choice. Either really early and miss much needed sleep or late at night and still get sleep. 

We reach the check out and the guy is still following us. Ranboo and I start to ring up everything in my buggy. I ring up the box of cookies and a video game that he had grabbed.

"That was mine." He whispers to me.

"I know. its the least I could do so shush." I smile up at him before swiping my debt card not letting him argue anymore. As We walked out to my car together the man walks out with us following further behind. This is getting ridiculous. Ranboo notices this As well  He leans down and whispers to me again.

"You get in the car and pop the trunk. I'll put your groceries in the car okay?" I nod my head, then retrieve my keys and unlock my car. I pop the trunk with my clicker and then hop in the driver's seat. While ranboo is loading my groceries in I am watching the guy that followed us out. I get a feeling that I needed to be ready to call the cops so I bring up my dialing pad. Ranboo was loading the groceries when the guy walks up to him and starts shouting at him. He is a lot shorter than ranboo but a good half a foot taller than me, with dark hair and a stout build. I step out of the car not wanting ranboo to no have back up.

"... my girl?!" The guy shouts as he gives Ranboo a shove. I run over and shove him back away from ranboo. I can smell the alcohol on his breath

"The hell is the matter with you!? You follow me through the store and then you come out and assault someone you don't even know!?" Ranboo steps in front of me, pushing me behind him.

"Look dude I don't know what you are talking about, leave the poor girl alone and go about what ever you were doing okay?" Ranboo is trying to reason with the guy, but the guy isn't having any of it.

"What are you doing with my girl you fucking prick?!"

"The hell are you talking about? I have never met you in my entire life?! So fuck off!" I yell from behind ranboo. I was getting sick of the non-sense. the dude lunged at Ranboo, I dialed 911 when the guy got a punch landed on Ranboo. Ranboo was Knocked back into me causing me to fall over. I scurry up and talk to the operator. Ranboo fights back landing several good punches on the dude knocking him out cold before I was even finished talking to the operator. I run over to Ranboo and the unconscious guy Ranboo has a bloody lip and i can tell he's gonna have a black eye. 

"I am so sorry, it's my fault i should've kept my cool, i am so sorry" i ramble on while i use my sleeve to wipe the blood of of his chin, since the guy managed to some how knock the mask off of him. Ranboo grabs my hands and look me in the eyes. 

"this is NOT your fault, this is that guys fault, he was picking a fight before you even stepped out of the car.  Don't let yourself feel guilty about something you had no control over." I can't help but shed a few tears. I give ranboo a hug. 

"thank you for being her tonight. I don't know what would have happened if You hadn't been here." i say into his shoulder. after a few minutes of us just hugging, I jump out of his arm when i remember i had a first aid kit in my trunk. after i find it among all of the groceries i open it to get the ice pack. I crack it, then shake it before wrapping it in a clean hand towel i had put with the first aid kit. When i turn around I come face to face, well more like face to chest with ranboo. I smiled at him and then reached up and gently placed the ice back on the already forming black eye. as i did the cops pulled up. they arrested the guy for public intoxication and assault and battery. after the police took our statements ranboo an i were free to go. the Police pulled away leaving just ranboo and i standing in the mostly empty parking lot. 

"Thank you again. You are a life saver." i say yet again 

"no problem. Um, i was wonder if I, Um, maybe could i get your number? If not it's fine." i smile again as the  gentle giant before me become a adorable nervous mess. I grab his hands much like he did to me earlier. 

"of course, your my knight is shining armor." a goofy grin spreads across Ranboo's face when what i said resistor. I put my hand out for his Phone and he hands it to me. Is background is of him and two other guys around our age one with dark brown hair the other blonde. I smile at the picture and then go to his contacts, where i insert my phone and contact name. 

after i hand his phone back i give Ranboo a hug again before saying good night and driving home. My Phone buzzes with a notification as i set the last bags of groceries on the counter. I picked up my phone and it was a text from an unknown number. 

U: yeah it's ranboo, just wanted to make sure you made it home alright. 

Y: Hey, Ranboo. Yes i made if home alright, thanks for checking in on me.

R: Hey, do you want to ft for a bit, maybe?

Y: sure

I get a ft call and i immediately answer, I'm met with the top half of Ranboo's face filling my screen. i smile as i lean my phone up against the microwave as i start to put up the groceries. Ranboo is a really funny guy, very smart to, not that he would ever admit to it. we spent the rest of the night talking and getting to know each other. work, Hobbies, Likes, dislikes, we talked about it all. I thought the whole streaming thing was really cool, compared to D/J while he thought that my job was cooler in many ways.

 We talked well into the morning hours before ranboo fell asleep. i could hear the soft snores coming from the other line and the occasional conversation with himself as i realized that i had work soon. I thought about it, ehh, i have sick days. I open my messaging app and send my boss a text explaining that i wasn't going to be coming in today. they sent the okay back, so i snuggle into my blankets and drift off to the sound of ranboo talking about dinosaurs and bagels to whom ever he was talking to in his dreams. 

I Kind of hated the whole defenseless damsel in distress thing for this one simply because that is the exact opposite of me lol, but i had a dream with a similar story line and thought it would make a good story so here we are. 

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