Ranboo x reader (Soulmate AU)

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Y/n's POV 

I had just arrived at vidcon to set up my booth. I've been streaming for the past 3 years and i am just now attending my first vidcon as an invited guest. I was really anxious about doing things like this but you don't really turn down the opportunity to get into vidcon free of cost. Though i was fairly small i had managed to get a nice booth closer to the bigger creators. 

I set up my table and I lay out a variety of different writing utensils and then wonder off to the creators lounge to get some coffee before they let everyone in. after i have obtained the go go juice i return to my post and get ready to sign things and give plenty of hugs. They opened the doors and the large building starts to fill with people. 

Surprisingly i had a long line start to form in front of me. 

After about 4 hours of almost nonstop hugs and signing various things it's time for lunch. I grab my bag and head to the creators exit and head to the dinner down the street. I walk into the little place and i walk up to the counter to order my lunch. I heard the door bell ring behind me but ignored it. this was a mistake because when i turned around i tripped over my boot and sent both me and the owner of the chest i just fell on, to the floor. My hands are flat against a young man with a mask and glasses Chest. I feel a tingle where the young man's hands were resting, but ignored it as i scurried up apologizing all the while helping the man up. He was incredibly tall with a floof of light brown hair atop his head. 

"Hey, it's okay. I'm fine, are you alright?" the young man asks me. he has a deep soothing voice that i could listen to all day. 

"um, yeah, i'm fine. Sorry again for knocking you over." i chuckle 

"your fine. Have a nice lunch." 

"you too." i respond as my name is called for my order. I go grab my food and then head to a seat in a dark corner in the back of the dinner. a few minutes later the young man comes over to me. I greet him with a smile. 

"hello again." i say, i can hear him chuckle. 

"hey. Um, this is kind of an awkard question for a stranger to ask, But, Um, have you found your soulmate yet?" i was confused 

"No, why do you ask?" the man rubs the back of his neck nervously. 

"well, because of these." The man lifts up his shirt to see small hand prints on his chest. I blush, then realize. I stand up and lift my own shirt up to reveal my back where the man's hands where resting earlier. 

"are there hand prints?" i ask the Man. He nods. i break into a smile. 

"of all the way's to meet my soulmate, it's running face first into their chest." i laugh. 

"could have been worse. My dad found my mom when she punched him in the face for hitting on her sister."  he laughs 

"oh Jeez i guess it could have been worse. I'm Y/n." i say with an out stretched hand. 

"I'm Ranboo. And WE are soulmates." i could tell he was smiling ear to ear under the mask. 

Here's a very short one for ya. I have another ranboo soulmate au in the makings to hopefully make up for it.

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