When you are sick

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Ranboo I think would be the caring type of boyfriend that would get you anything you would need.

You woke up to the sunlight streaming through the window, sending a spike of pain through your skull. Letting out a pain filled groan, you sit up, feeling your body ache from having to move. Ranboo had already gotten up, as usual, having left you in bed to sleep.

You toss the covers off of yourself and sluggishly go to search for some ibuprofen. The sound of Ranboo's keyboard filter out of Ranboo's office as you wobbly make your way to the kitchen to rummage through the medicine cabinet.

While searching through the cabinet you feel long cool arms wrap around your waist.

"Whatcha lookin for?" Ranboo gently rests his head on your shoulder before popping his head up and gently turning you towards him. "You feel really warm hun, are you okay?"

"Yeah, just a little sick that's all, trying to find ibuprofen." You croak, embracing Ranboo's chilled hands cupping the side of your face. Ranboo reaches behind you and grabs the thermometer and ibuprofen that you were searching for.

"Open." Ranboo takes the thermometer out of its case before sticking it under your tongue so you can see how much of a fever you have.

"Okay, 10o.3. You take these and then head back to bed I'll be in there in a bit." He says pouring a couple of ibuprofen into your hand and handing you a gatorade out of the fridge.

With to big of a head ache to argue you make your way back to bed, wishing that your body would quit aching. About 20 minutes later ranboo nudges the door open carrying a bowl and a rag.

"I made you some oatmeal, so that you have something in your stomach." He says as he carefully sets the bowl down on the nightstand. Then he takes the rag and walks into the bathroom. Soon he returns with the tag now damp. "Here." Ranboo gently pulls the covers down and lays the folded rag on your chest. "That should help your fever a bit."

"Thanks Ran, but you don't have to do all of this. I'm not that sick."

"Well, then I'm gonna help you get better. And I don't care how sick you are, you would do the same for me, now let me take care of you." Ranboo gently brushes his hand through your hair, before tucking the blanket around your legs and midsection, then handing the warm bowl of oatmeal to you.

"But you're gonna get sick, you always do." You whine knowing that he was going to end up in the same boat as you but worse no matter how careful he was. (From what Ranboo said himself lol)

"I'll be fine I always am. Now you eat, I'll be back in a minute." Giving you a quick kiss to the forehead before leaving the room.

He returns with his laptop and settles down next to you, before opening it up and turns on f/m. You had finished eating at this point so he wrapped and arm around you bringing you into his side. Resting your head on his chest you end up falling asleep to f/a (favorite actor/ actress) talking to their costar and Ranboo playing with your hair.

Tubbo: ⚠️Vomiting⚠️

Tubbo seems like the kind of boyfriend to not leave your side until you're 100% better not caring if he gets sick too.

Tubbo and you walk in the door from your day of blogging with Tom and Ran. You hadn't been feeling well so instead on going and streaming at Tubbo's place like y'all had planned, you and Tubbo made your way back to your apartment since it was closer.

Toby takes your keys from, hanging them on the hook.

"You go get changed and comfy. I'll find you some medicine." You nod shedding your cloths as you make your way to your bedroom, leaving a trail of the restricting cloth that had been squeezing your already nauseated stomach for the past two hours.

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