Meeting Your Parents- Ranboo x reader

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⚠️( this one is kind of angsty with some fluff)  mention of religion Covid politics arguing and laungage⚠️

The plane finally lands at the Little Rock airport after a couple of transfer flights and almost a full day of trying to get back to my home state of Arkansas for Ranboo to meet my family (used my home state cause why not). Ranboo was nervously shaking his leg while staring down the video he was attempting to edit, though I could tell his nerves were preventing him making much progress. I gently nudge him, pulling him out of his trance.

"Huh?" Ranboo rapidly blinks looking at me confused.

"Come on the planes landed." I give him a smile helping him pack his stuff away. We wait for an old women to pass before standing up, grabbing our bags and each other's hands. then we make our way off the plane.

Ranboo continues his nervous fiddling all the way through security and the way out of the airport, visibility anxious about meeting my family. it brakes me heart knowing how much stress this was causing him. Stopping him outside as we leave the building, I cup his face making him look at me in the eyes.

"Hey, you know that no matter what my parents think of you it won't change how I feel about you right? I'm sure they are going to love you. And my brother is for sure gonna fall love you, he pretty much already idolizes you." I give him an encouraging smile before giving him a peck on his forehead since he had his mask on, making his mouth unavailable. His eyes crinkle, showing he's returning the smile before he brings me into a hug.

"Yeah I know. I- I just don't want to cause drama or anything because they don't like me. Well more so your dad. You've told me some horror stories about him." He lets out a sigh. "Can you just give me some pointers, or maybe things to avoid?" he asks shakily as the uber pulls up to take us to our rental car.

"Well, so long as your respectful, wich is never a problem with you, and dont bring up politics or religion you should be good. I have already made it very clear to my dad that neither are to be brought up or i will not have a problem leaving." I assure him helping him load his bags into the uber.

Me and my dad don't get along the best, him being an overly relgious christian conservitive and me having rejected his views to find my own back in my early teens, had left our relationship a bit rocky. though I guess I should be thanking him because had I not moved to the uk to get away from the bastard I would have probably never met ranboo.

after getting the rental car I drove us to the hotel to drop off our bags and then the distance to my childhood home. I turn onto the long dirt road, seeing the fences holding the horses that I grew up taking care of. As I pull to a stop into front of the two story farm house I was raised in, I glance over an Ranboo who is still shaking his leg and readjusting his mask.

"If he starts shit we leave. your being comfortable over shadows the need for you to have a realstionship with him. i hardly have a relationship with him and I'm his child." I place a comforting hand on his leg. "Imma be there with you the entire time hun. mama's gonna love you and so will b/n, that's all I care about. F/n can fuck off if he doesn't like the most important man in my life okay?" He take a deep breath before nodding letting me know he's ready. I honk letting them know we are here before getting out. I hear barks and the front door fly open as a pack of furry childern charge us, tails wagging. Following in suit was my younger brother, then mother, and finally, unfortunately, my father.

hurriedly I run to embrace  my younger brother who was now full head taller then me despite him being 6 years younger. all around us fuzzy paws where leaving muddy prints on our cloths . patting b/n's back, we step away from each other and I go to give my mama a hug. ranboo was crouching down playing with the dogs waiting on the excitment to die down. I walk over to him reaching down for his hand. He stands up straight and follows me over to meet my family.

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