Sweet words (Ranboo X Reader)

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I had a dream so I'm writing it as a one shot and with Ranboo deal with it. 

(this story is focused around sleep walking, this is just what i have experienced and is not related to whatever ranboo goes through when he sleep walks. if he doesn't want things to be written about his sleep walking then I will take this down. hope y'all like this little fluff story) 

Today had been a stressful day for all of us. we had vidcon and interviews and streams to set up along with just everyday normal human bull shit to do. today was particularly hectic for my boyfriend Ranboo, who had to do an interview and meet fans while also not feeling the best (Covid don't exist for my own sanity) along with just the anxiety of constantly being crowded and having to be social. we finally had a day off to rest so once we got home, I made dinner for Ranboo, Tubbo, Aimsey, Billzo and myself, and then all of us turned in for the night to our own rooms. 

2:24 AM

I wake up to the sound of walking around outside in the living area of the BnB that we were all staying in. I glance over at my phone to see what time it was. WAY to early for anyone to be up going anywhere. As i put my phone back down i hear a noise that sounded like plates clinking, so i slip on my house shoes and put on Ranboo's Hoodie that I had stolen earlier today. As i walk down the hall to the kitchen the clinking gets louder as i get closer. when I turn the corner i am met with Ranboo taking all of the dishes out of the cabinet and spreading them across any flat surface in the kitchen. 

"the hell?... Oh your asleep." i question and then realize whats going on. I had witnessed Ranboo's sleep walking before since we often fell asleep at each others places. Lets just say that i had caught him doing some strange things like reorganizing his closet or having a full on conversation with the unicorn plushie he had won for me on our first date to the carnival. After the week we've all had makes sense, that he would sleep walk, since his sleep walking seems to be associated to being stressed and being sick. As i have many times before I slowly approach him. 

"Ranboo, Hey, Ranboo come on hun, lets go back to bed." i say as i gently grab his hand and start to lead him back to his room. After i had managed to guide Ranboo back to his room and tuck him back into bed, I go back to the kitchen to put up the dishes that Ranboo had spread across the kitchen, and then i head back to bed. About thirty minutes later i hear foot steps walking down the hall to my room. soon after i hear the foot steps my door opens and Ranboo walks in. 

"Hey Hun, whats up." i ask him thinking he woke up and wanted to cuddle or something. He walks over to my bed and plops down on the side of my bed without a word. 

"Tubbo, I really Love Y/n. they are the most perfect person. talented, Funny, Creative, Gorgeous, and so so caring." i smile at his words, realizing he's sleep walking again. as those words set in I feel butterflies i my stomach. This boy is gonna be the death of me, he's so sweet. I don't say a word, but I'm still smiling like an idiot. 

"I haven't said 'I love you' yet and i don't know how. what if I scare her away?" without thinking i speak. 

"You would ever scare me away." I guess my sudden voice woke him up because he started to look around confused as to where he was. He looks around and makes eye contact with me. 

"Oh, hey N/N. Umm, did i sleep walk into in here?" I chuckle 

"Yep, and you said some pretty cute things." a face of realization washed over his face and his he turns beet red. he lets out a little nervous chuckle. 

"Umm what exactly did i say?" i smile and reach up ruffling his already messed up hair. 

"well, lets see. I am evidently 'perfect' as you put it which is no where near close. Um, you said i was talented, Funny, creative, all good things." i say with a shrug "Oh and my favorite thing you said was 'I love you'." I smile eve wider as he cutely hides his face in his hoodie sleeves. 

"I love you too, hun." I sit up on my knees and scooch (I hope you know what i am trying to spell lol my spell check is broke) over to him gently grabbing his chin and making him look at me. 

"You NEVER have to worry about scaring me away. I'm in it for the long haul, and don't you ever doubt the fact that i love you." Ranboo smiles and then brings me into a tight hug. after a few minutes of silence he pulls away and looks me in my eyes. 

"Thank you Y/n, that's one of the reasons why your perfect." i playfully roll my eyes. 

"I am far from perfect, now come on you've had a long night of sleep walking lets get to bed."

"wait a long night? I thought i just walked in here and confessed my love, What ELSE did i do?" he laughs softly. 

"well, i don't know what else you did before i woke up but i walked into the kitchen to see you taking all of the dishes out of the cabinets and putting them on any flat surface in the kitchen." 

"I can't even remember what i may have been dreaming about." he laughs as he lays down getting more comfortable. 

"I don't know but I walked you back to your room and tucked you in. Your so cute when your asleep." i laugh as i pull the covers over us and snuggle into his chest with his arms around my waist. 

"Your cuter." he says before kissing my forehead and laying back down. 

"agree to disagree." he chuckles

"sure, agree to disagree." the room falls silent for a few minutes, before ranboo breaks the silence again very drowsily 

"I love you y/n." i hear 

"I love you too, Ranboo." i manage to get out before we both drift off into a peaceful nights sleep. 

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