What they would do if you got hurt

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⚠️obviously from the title there will be slight blood ⚠️

Ranboo would have a moment of panic then calm when he sees that your okay then he would laugh with you.

You and Ranboo where out having a late night walk around the city of Brighton, something that the two of you have enjoyed for quite some time. The sound of y'all's feet hitting the wet pavement fill the air, the occasional car passing by or a gust of wind shaking the trees leaves adding to the nearly silent night. You two were walking, hand in hand, through the dim lamp light of the park nearby Ranboo's humble abode. Seeing a small creature hop across y'all's path you let go of your then extremely confused boyfriends hand and take off to catch the tiny friend.

"Y/n what the hell are you doing!" He hollers after you.
Sweeping the grass were the little creature had hopped you catch sight of it. You carefully cup it in your hand making sure not to squish it.

"Friend." You smile gleefully as you attempt to rush back to your boyfriend to show him the small frog that you had spotted ahead. Unfortunately the journey was cut short by a wet leaf. Evidently wet leaves, damp pavement and a person who caught a frog doesn't mix because you tumble to the ground falling on your elbows and knees.

"Oh my god are you okay?! Do I need to call an ambulance?! How bad are you hurt?!" Ranboo rushes over to you filling the gap in a matter of seconds panic evident in his voice. You look up from your place on the pavement into the eyes of a kneeling Ranboo before letting out a laugh.

"Why are you laughing?! You just fell! You didn't hit your head did you?!" He gives you a confused and panicky look.

"I'm great, slipped. You know how clumsy I am. Look frog friend!" You say completely oblivious to the fact you had ripped your jeans and had scraps on both knees and elbows. Not to bad but they would definitely hurt tomorrow.

"You and your frogs. Come on let's get you home and clean you up." Ranboo laughs, shaking his head as he helps you up off the ground. You let the frog go about whatever it was doing before you interrupted it and making your way back to Ranboo's house. Ranboo definitely made an instagram story about the whole incident, because you both thought that it was hilarious.

(Definitely not something that actually happened to me... minus the boyfriend.)

Tubbo would panic. Period. No matter how minor the injury is.

You and Tubbo where hanging out at your apartment, doing a cooking stream. Nothing to hard just some nice home style chicken n dumplings, to fight off the chill of autumn creeping in. (I know it's only the first day of September but I'm fuckin ready for soup/ spooky weather fight Me.)

Tubbo was talking to chat while he waited for you to get the chicken cooked per your own request. It was fine though, it wouldn't take long to get the show on the road. You were in the process of cubing the chicken when all of a sudden a particularly loud dono made you jump a bit. You wince slightly as you slice the tip of your finger from getting jump scared.

"What?! What happened?!" Tubbo turns around to see what was going on.

"I'm fine just got myself with the knife." You calmly make your way over to the sink to wash away the blood before T.O.S. nabs you. It really wasn't that bad not much worse then a paper cut in your opinion. Tubbo didn't think so though. His face went pale when he saw the blood on your finger.

"Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit. There's blood. What the fuck do I do. First aid kit that's what I do." He rambles on as he hurriedly jumps into action. You would have laughed if he wasn't in such visible distress from seeing you hurt. Before you could even say anything he was off ransacking your medicine cabinet for your first aid kit. You look over at chat while still running you finger under the water.

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