I Don't Want To Talk About It! (Tommy X reader(kinda bench trio?))

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(angst, TW! Arguing, strong language, death, and more.) 

Y/n's POV 

I was already on edge today since I hadn't slept well the night before because of my nightmares, so when Tommy, one of my house mates, started to be his hyper active self it didn't help my already sour mood. I try to ignore him as he starts to film TikToks. normally i would just laugh as he made a fool of him self on the internet, but as of right now every little tap, every little squeak, every word that came out of anyone's mouth was grating on my nerves. I clutch my coffee mug harder as i try to block out him being so damn loud. He noticed this to my dismay and turned his phone on me, mentioning my noticeably sour mood. 

"Tommy... I'm asking you to quit recording me, as you stated i am not in a good mood and i don't feel like being on camera right now." i say trying to keep my cool, since i know rationally that he has in fact not done anything wrong. He just shrugs and points his phone at Tubbo instead. i let out a little breath, as Ranboo, my brother,  walks down the stairs and into the kitchen to make himself a bowl of cereal. Tommy and tubbo both wander off to do what ever as Ranboo and I sit in comfortable silence. 

"N/n... Sis... Y/n?" i hear as ranboo waves his hand in front of my face, trying to snap me out of my trance. i shake my head as i come back to reality. 

"Um, yeah?" 

"The nightmares come back again last night?" he asks in a soft comforting voice. i just nod. 

"If you want to talk about it you know where to find me." he says as he hugs me and gives me a kiss on the top of my head before heading to the living room with the others. 

I finally finish my coffee and head to my office to start editing some stuff but as i turn down the hall i run right into the chest of tommy causing him to drop his camera. I sigh as i bend over to pick it up putting the lens back on where it had popped off.

"Oi, just cause your in a pissy mood, doesn't mean you've got to try and break my shit." Tommy said, with a sarcasm in his voice. 

"you know i didn't do that on purpose, asshat." i say as I try to rush past him to my office. Tommy grabs my arm and swings me back around to face him. 

"why are you in such a bad mood today? None of us have done anything to you so whats up?" he asks genuinely. 

"Nothing of your concern."  I try to turn and walk away but he grabs my hoodie sleeve and wont let go. i sigh before i get an idea. I take off my hoodie quickly before he has a chance to ask anything else and run to my office locking the door behind me. 

I curse under my breath as I look down and realize that I had a crop top on with no makeup covering up my scars which means he most likely saw them. 

A few minutes later I hear a knock on my door. 

"who is it?" i call 

"Tommy. I want to talk to you about earlier." 

"Go away I'm busy." i say as i get more anxious. 

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me N/n." 

"then i guess you'll be standing outside my door for a while because I'm not opening that door." I say as i continue to edit. it goes silent so i sigh in relief. 

Many hours later I am done with editing and ready to start dinner so I unlock and open my door. I almost trip over tommy as he falls against the ground because he was leaning against the door. i step over him and run to my room to grab a hoodie to cover my abdomen. tommy was hot on my tail. before i could make it up the stairs and to my room, tommy grabs my hand, not harshly, but hard enough to keep be from running away again. 

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