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Worth It


It's officially our holiday and I'm so excited. I can't wait to escape from the hell that Hogwarts has become. Aside from DA, it sucks. Though, I will miss Draco and Max. Harry and I are staying at Grimmauld Place with the Weasleys and Sirius. I'm happy I'll get to spend some time with Sirius. It will never be enough though since the first half of our time with him was taken.

"Caroline, I'm here!" Max exclaimed. I smiled as Max pushed through people. "What took you so long?" I asked. "I was helping Mary and Naomi with their trunks," he said. I nodded. "Let's find a cabin." I said. We got on the train and into the first cabin we could find. Once the trolley came around, we loaded up on snacks and spent the ride talking and laughing. It was really fun.

Then the train came to a stop. I stepped on the platform and saw Draco. I walked over and he smiled when he saw me. He kissed me and I melted into his touch. "I'll miss you." I said. "I'll miss you too." he replied. He kissed me again before walking off. Then Harry walked over with a grossed out look on his face. "You didn't have to look," I said. He rolled his eyes. "Let's just go," he said. I nodded and we went to the nearest apparition point. Soon enough, we were there.

We walked inside and Mrs. Weasley greeted us. "How are my two heroes?" she asked. I hugged her. "We aren't heroes, Mrs. Wealsey." I said with a laugh. "You are to me." she said. Harry and I just smiled. Ginny and Hermione showed me where I was sleeping and then we went down for dinner. Sirius came in a bit later but we all got to eat together. I was so happy.

Later that night, I had a cup of tea and Sirius came in. "Hi Sirius" I said. He sat down with a smile. "Hi Caroline, how are you?" he asked. I shrugged. "Fine, why?" I asked. "I spoke to Severus," he said. My face fell. "Oh." I said quietly. "He told me of a memory he saw during your legilimency lessons," he said. I stared at the tea in my cup and didn't move. "Caroline, why didn't you tell anyone about this?" he asked. "I did. Harry knows. And Max and Draco." I said. "You shouldn't have gone back to that house after that happened," he said. "Dumbledore says we have to stay with them." I said. He sighed. "Have you talked to anyone about what happened?" he asked. "What do you mean?" I said. "Well, that must have been very scary. You were all alone and you had no idea if anyone would find you in time. That kind of trauma doesn't just go away." he said. "I'm fine. Being a Potter and Trauma kinda go hand in hand." I said. "I understand that but still, you shouldn't ignore it all. Talk to someone." he said. "I told you I'm fine." I said. "Ok. Maybe you are. But I want you to know it would be ok if you weren't." he said. Then he left.

The rest of our holiday was fun. We did magic, baked, and Mrs. Weasley taught Hermione and I how to knit. I was having such a great time, the only thing that could make it better was Draco.


"Out of all the girls in that school, you chose the Potter girl. That half-blood is our sworn enemy!" my father shouted. I stood there listening to him shout, trying to figure out how he found out. "Lucius, please calm down. He is only-" my mother started. "Shut up!" he shouted. "Don't speak to my mother like that!" I exclaimed. Then I felt the sharp crushing pain as he hit me across the face with his walking stick. The snakehead at the end left a bruise and a deep cut. Blood dripped down my cheek and I wiped it away. "You will break up with her right when you get back!" he said. "No!" I said. "Excuse me?" my father spat. "I said no. I'm not breaking up with Caroline just because you don't like her. You don't even know her!" I yelled. I felt a knee connect with my ribs and I collapsed to the floor coughing and gasping for air. I tasted metallic blood in my mouth as he grabbed my hair by the roots and yanked my head to face him. "You will not date Caroline Potter, do you understand me?" he snapped. My mother looked at me with pleading eyes. I just glared at my father. "I said no. I love her." I spat back. He gave me a cruel grin. "Fine."...

"Petrificus Totalus" he said. My body went stiff and I hit the floor. "Lucius, what are you-" my mother started. "Don't!" he shouted. He reached down and yanked my blazer off. Then he pulled my shirt off too. I laid on my stomach and the floor was cold on my skin. Then I felt it.

His belt hitting my back. He whipped me, over and over, harder each time. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my lip so hard I tasted blood. Then it stopped. The spell ceased and my father spoke. "This will continue everyday until you make the right choice," he said. Then he left.

My mother rushed over and knelt down next to me. "Draco, dear. Are you alright?" she asked. I just nodded. The pain was overwhelming and it hurt to breathe. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." she said. "Not your fault" I said. "Is Caroline really worth this?" she asked. "Yes." I said plainly. And that simple answer was enough for my mother. She helped me up and healed me. For today.

But everyday for the rest of my break, my father told me to end things with Caroline, I said no and then he beat me until I passed out. But like I said, Caroline is worth it.

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