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"Do you see it?" Draco asked. I stared at the stars and my eyes landed on Cassiopeia. "Yeah, I got it." I replied. He nodded and marked it on the map. We were sitting on the floor of the Astronomy Tower. Our papers and books were spread out across the floor and we had been there, together, for hours. For the past month, we have spent as much time as we could together. Stealing moments of pure lust in empty classrooms and vacant hallways. Talking about everything and anything in between classes and late at night. Even now, it was 12:30pm. If we got caught it would be bad. Especially since Umbridge took control of the school. But I didn't care. It's like he had me obsessed. "I want to see your constellation." I said. He smiled. "Really?" he asked. I nodded. He scooted closer to me and pointed to the sky. "It's right over there. He said as he tilted my chin upwards. I followed his finger and saw it. I smiled in awe at the beautiful constellation. "It's brilliant." I said. "Just like you." he replied. I blushed and looked down, shaking my head. "No, I'm not like-" I started. "Stop," he said. I looked at him. "Why do you always do that?" he asked. "Do what?" I asked. "Everytime I compliment you or even just look at you for a long time, you look away. It's like you're embarrassed or ashamed." he said. My cheeks burned and my stomach lurched. I felt memories flood into my head as he spoke.

"You're a freak!" "You and your pathetic brother should have died in that crash with your parents" "You ruin everything" "You're ugly" "Slag" "I should have given you two up the moment we got stuck with you." "I'll bet your parents would be glad they died if they knew how much you sucked" "Whore" "No wonder you have no friends" "You good for nothing freak" "Die!"

"Line!" Draco exclaimed. His voice pulled me from my thoughts and I looked at him. His eyes were full of concern. "What's wrong? Where'd you go?" he asked. "Nowhere. I'm fine." I said. "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked. I nodded quickly and began to pack up my things. "I should go. We have lessons tomorrow." I said as I stood up. "Wait! What happened? Did I say something?" he asked. I stopped and turned around. I forced a smile and shook my head. "No. I'm just tired." I said. He nodded and kissed my cheek gently. "Ok." he said.

I went back to my dorm quickly and locked myself in the bathroom. I silenced the room and sat down on the cold tile floor. Tears fell to my cheeks as my mind filled with doubts. Why did Draco like me? Why did anyone like me? Maybe the Dursleys were right, maybe I am just a freak.


I went through most of my classes today rather distractedly. Now I was sitting in the library trying to work but all I could do was think about Draco. I couldn't help but wonder why Draco wanted me. He could have any girl. That was blatantly obvious. I mean, Parkinson has been obsessed with him since year 1, Astoria and her sister argue over him all the time, even Naomi and Mary think he's hot. And they are all far better options than I am. So why me?

"Penny for your thoughts?" My head perked up as Theodore Nott sat down in the empty seat next to me. Theodore is known as one of the nicer Slytherins. We've never really talked beyond the occasional sharing of Potions notes or simple small talk at parties. "Hi, Theodore." I said. He smiled. "Theo, please," he said. I nodded. "Sorry, Theo. How have you been?" I asked. He shrugged. "Not too bad. And you?" he asked. "The same." I said. He smirked. "Really? No new friends or maybe even a boy?" he said smugly. I rolled my eyes. "Because I was talking to a specific ferret the other day and strangely enough he had this adorable pair of white knickers in his pocket. He seems really smitten with-" he started. I clamped my hand over his mouth and shook my head. "Shhhhh" I whispered. He pulled my hand away and smiled. "So it is you," he said smugly. My cheeks burned and he chuckled. "I'm glad he finally plucked up the courage to handle this. He's been going on and on about you since you dumped juice on his head in third year." he said. I laughed. "That was funny." I said. "It was," he agreed. "So why are you here?" I asked. He frowned. "Do you not love my company?" he asked. "No, I do. I just- you never sit with me. Do you have something to ask?" I said. "Gryffindors, so inquisitive." he said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes again. "Yes. I wanted to tell you something. But only if you promise not to tell Draco. He'll be pissed if he finds out I tried to help this thing you 2 have along." he said. I nodded hesitantly. "I just want you to know Draco actually likes you. He cares about you." he said. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "Why do you care about this, Theo?" I asked. He shrugged. "2 years back, my mom died. I went through a rough patch and got addicted to some muggle drugs. Draco was the one who was there for me. He got me sober and gave me a place to stay. I suppose this is my way of returning the favor. And he's my friend so that makes you my friend. I want you 2 to pull this off." he said. I smiled. "Thanks Theo. I appreciate it a lot." I said. He nodded. "I mean it. I was sorta doubting this whole thing." I said. "Why's that?" he asked. I looked at him nervously. "I don't judge," he said. I nodded. "You know Harry and I grew up in the muggle world right, with our aunt and uncle?" I asked. He nodded. "Well, they weren't the nicest people. To Harry or myself." I said. He nodded. "Is that why you come to school all bloodied up every year?" he asked. I shrugged. "They get very creative with their ways of abuse." I said. "Well, if you ever want revenge, I know Draco is up for it." he said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well for example, when he saw your face this year, he went on this whole rant about killing whoever did it." he said. My face fell. "Oh" I said quietly. He nodded. "Anyways, the abuse was the worst but I guess I never realized how badly what they said affected me too." I said. He just nodded. "Like they would call me a slag or a whore or their favorite one...freak. I guess I sorta was when I used to lose control of my magic but still. The words-" I started. "You can still hear what they say sometimes? And it echoes through your head?" he asked. I stared at him in shock. "How do you-" I started. "My father isn't winning any awards either," he said. "I'm sorry Theo." I said placing a hand on his arm. He nodded. "It's fine. I just get what you are saying. "Those fucked up people told you you were worth nothing, so now you doubt yourself," he said. I nodded. "I get it. I really do." he said. I smiled. "You are a really good guy Theo. I hope you know that." I said. "Thanks, you are-" he started but then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched. I looked up and sighed with relief when I saw Draco.
But he wasn't happy.

"What the fuck is this?" he spat.

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