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No Choice


When I got back to Draco, him and Theo were sitting there quietly. "Is everything ok?" I asked. They just nodded. "I brought lunch," I said. I held out the tray of food I brought from the Great Hall. Theo smiled. "Thanks Line," Draco said. We ate and talked but Draco didn't say much. Eventually, Madam Pomfrey told us he had to rest. He went to sleep but I stayed. "Caroline, you should go. He's sleeping." Theo said. "Are you leaving?" I asked. He shook his head. "Didn't think so," I said. He sighed. "Please, just go," he said. "No, now be quiet. He needs rest." I snapped. Theo groaned. Eventually, I fell asleep watching Draco sleep. He was so peaceful.

It was dark when I heard footsteps. I woke up just in time to watch Draco walk out of the Hospital wing. Theo was still asleep and there was nobody around. I quickly put on my shoes, grabbed Harry and I's invisibility cloak out of my backpack and followed him. It was strange. He was going down the same halls he went down the one day I followed him before. Then we came to a stop. I stood behind a pillar and watched him at the entrance to the Room of Requirement. I haven't been here since Dumbledore's Army. He walked in and I slipped in right as the door was closing. I followed him until he stood in front of a cabinet. He started to whisper a spell and I bumped into a chair and it toppled over. Draco whipped around with his wand drawn. "Who's there?" he yelled. I froze. "Potter?" he said. I sighed and pulled the cloak off and stepped into view. "Not the Potter you're expecting," I said. His face dropped. "You can't be here, you need to leave. Now!" he said. "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I can't answer questions- fuck! Caroline, leave!" he said. "No! Not until you tell me what's going on," I said. "I just wanted to protect you- fuck- why couldn't you stay in the hospital wing!" he said. "What are you talking about?" I said. "I wanted to keep you safe from them. Now I have to- Fuck! I'm so fucked now! Why couldn't you stay put?" he said. He was barely breathing and he pulled his tie loose. "Draco, calm down. What is wrong with you?" I said. "I have to protect you," he said. He looked at me with wild eyes. "I have to, there's no other way." he said. "I don't understand," I said. He exhaled a shaky breath and looked at me. "There's no other way," he said. My heart was racing and he pointed his wand at me. "Petrificus Totalus," he said. My body went stiff and he caught me in his arms and lowered me to the ground. I stared at him with wide eyes and he just smiled at me. "It's ok, love. You're going to be ok. I just have to do something and I'll come back for you." he said. He moved the hair from my face and kissed me. "I have to do something and I don't want you to see it. But I promise I'll come back," he said. Then he took my cloak and covered my body with it so he couldn't see me. I was frozen as I watched him whisper a spell and the cabinet opened. He stepped back with fear on his face as a black shadow came out. My heart stopped as I saw Bellatrix Lestrange and 4 other death eaters step out. "Draco," Bellatrix hissed. "It's time, let's go." he said sharply. Then they left. He left me there, helpless.


The second Dumbledore fell over the side of the tower, the death eaters went mad. I nearly threw up as I had just watched Snape murder Dumbledore. But I had to focus on Caroline. I pulled Snape aside and he looked at me. "I have to go get Caroline. She found out and everything's changed," I said. "Hurry up. And meet us at the forest's edge." he said. I nodded and ran. I ran to the ROR and went inside. She was right where I left her. When I pulled the cloak away, I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, love. I'm so sorry. I had no choice." I said. I pointed my wand at her and whispered a spell so she fell asleep. I picked her up and carried her out. She looked at me with fear in her eyes as I ran through the castle and towards Hargrid's burning hut. I got to Snape and the other Death Eaters had already apparated away. Then  I heard Harry screaming. "No! Not my sister! Give her back, Malfoy!" he screamed. I locked eyes with him and Snape stepped in front of me. "Take her, I'll handle him," he said. "Please, don't. Don't take her! Please!" he pleaded. I sighed and apparated. I landed back at Malfoy Manor. Now, all I have to do is get her to the very upstairs bedroom with nobody seeing her. Once I'm there, I can hide her and put the wards and charms to keep everyone out. She is the most safe she can be. Nobody will know where Caroline Potter is because she is in a place nobody would ever expect. I keep telling myself I had no choice. And I didn't. I didn't.

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