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I heard the cage door open and I stayed still. I was laying in the corner, facing the wall. Maybe if they thought I was unconscious, they'd leave. Maybe I could escape just an ounce of pain.

I heard footsteps behind me and then I felt someone's body kneel down next to me. "I know you're awake, Line," Draco's voice said gently. I sat up, and moved back, sitting up to face him. "I can always tell. Your chest rises and falls when you're really asleep. I used to watch for hours when we were in bed together," he said. He was looking at the ground, almost as if he was talking to himself. I just nodded. "When you sleep, your eyelids flutter. I think it's because you're dreaming," I said. He looked at me and a smile tugged at his lips. "Maybe. Maybe I'm dreaming of you," he said. "Is everything ok?" I asked. He nodded. "I brought you something," he said. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a foil wrapper. He held it open and there was a chocolate bar inside. I stared at it in shock. They rarely feed me. When they do, it's the absolute bare minimum. A piece of bread, and some water. Sometimes Theo sneaks me a piece of fruit when he can. I hadn't eaten anything besides that in... I don't know how long. It reminded me of Remus. "Are you ok?" he asked. I nodded. "I just- I haven't had chocolate since we were at school," I said. He nodded. "How long has it been?" I asked. His eyes saddened and he was quiet for a moment. "7 months, and 23 days," he said. My heart sank. "Is Harry- have you heard anything about Harry? Is he alive?" I asked. He nodded. "He is. He was spotted in Godric's Hollow just yesterday," he said. "Why was he there?" I asked. "We aren't sure. Theo thinks he was nostalgic, because of the holidays," he said. "What holiday?" I asked. "It was Christmas yesterday," he said. I nodded. "Oh," I said quietly. "Eat the chocolate, Line. It might make you feel a little better," he said. Tears fell to my cheeks and I let out a small laugh. He looked at me in confusion. "What?" he asked. "Remus used to say that all the time. He always carried chocolate around with him and whenever I was sad, he would give me some to make me feel better," I said. He smiled. "I always liked Professor Lupin," he said. I missed him a lot. I missed everyone. I don't care how nauseous I am. I ate the chocolate slowly, savoring each bite. Draco just sat quietly with me. When I finished, he took the wrapper and put it in his pocket. He looked at me and chuckled. "What?" I asked. "You have chocolate on your face," he said. He reached out and wiped the corner of my mouth with the pad of his thumb. "Thanks," I said quietly. Suddenly, he winced and gritted his teeth. He clutched his arm and I looked at him. "Draco, what's wrong?" I asked. "I have to go," he said standing up. I looked at him. "Your arm. It burns when you're being summoned, right?" I asked. He closed the cage door and looked at me. "Hermione told me that once, is it true?" I asked. "I deserve a hell of a lot worse than a little pain in my arm," he said. Then he left quickly. The second he was gone, I doubled over and vomited again. The was the second time today. It started 3 days ago, I think. I'm not quite sure. I'm probably sick. I don't know with what and I don't want to tell Draco. He has enough to worry about.

Once Draco was gone, a few hours had passed. I was sitting on the floor, drawing shapes in the dirt on the ground when I heard footsteps and voices. I looked up and Avery and Yaxley were coming. My stomach lurched. I stood up slowly and they gave me cruel grins. "Did you miss us, Potter?" Avery asked. I shook my head. "That's not nice," Yaxley said. "That hurts my feelings," Avery added. Before they could do anything else, I stopped to my knees and vomited again. "Fucking hell! That's fucking disgusting!" Avery exclaimed. Yaxley waved his wand and the vomit disappeared. Then he knelt down and grabbed my hair, jerking my head up. He stared at me and I was shaking. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm just sick-" I stammered. "How many times have you done that?" Yaxley asked. "I'm not sure. It happened a couple times over the past couple days," I said quietly. They exchanged looks and Avery pointed his wand at me. I thought he was going to cast the cruciatus curse but he didn't. He ran a diagnostic. They stared at it for a second before he let a string of curse words out under his breath. "Please, I'm sorry," I said quietly. They didn't do anything. They just shut the door, locked it and left. More time passed and it grew dark. I fell asleep somewhat content that I didn't suffer today.

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