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The first couple days were the hardest. When Draco got back from Azkaban, he was pretty roughed up. We got him cleaned up and I brought a healer to the house to look at him. He had broken ribs, infected cuts, malnutrition, dehydration, and a concussion. We had to keep him in bed and he mostly just slept. Theo never left his side. It took a week for him to start to feel better.

There was a knock on the door and I drew my wand and opened it. "I come in peace," Max said with a chuckle. I put my wand away and let him in. "Sorry, can't be too careful," I said. He nodded. "Come on, I just made tea," I said. We went into the kitchen and sat down. "Is everything ok?" I asked. "Yes. I just want to check in. How's Draco?" he asked. I shrugged. "About as good as can be expected. They really wrecked him over there," I said. "And the rest of the death eaters? Are the trials over?" he asked. "Yeah, the last one finished up yesterday. Why?" I asked. He exhaled a shaky breath. "I need to take you and Draco and Theo somewhere," he said. I paused. "Where?" I asked. "I can't tell you. I just need you to trust me," he said. I looked at him strangely. "Max, what's going on?" I asked. "Please, Harry. Just trust me. You need to come with me," he said. I nodded. "Ok- um- fine. I'll go get them," I said. He nodded. I went upstairs and grabbed my jacket. Then I went into Malfoy's room. "Draco," I said. Him and Theo looked at me. "Max is here. He says he needs to show us something," I said. They looked confused. "What is it?" Theo asked. "I don't know. Can you get dressed?" I said. He nodded and stood up. Theo and I went downstairs. "Max, what are you up to?" Theo asked. "Just trust me, ok?" he said. We nodded. Malfoy came downstairs in a black suit and looked at Max. "Are you going to take me to her now? To where you buried her?" he asked. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes and his voice was shaky. "That's what this is? You are taking us to my sister's body?" I exclaimed. He just looked at me. "I made a promise," he said quietly. We all exchanged looks. "Let's go," he said, holding out a portkey. I took it hesitantly and everyone else grabbed it too. The world spun and we landed on grass in front of a cottage. Where are we?


I've been pacing back and forth for the past half hour

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I've been pacing back and forth for the past half hour. Max went to get Harry, Draco and Theo. We decided it would be best to just tell them first. I'm so nervous. What if they are angry? What if they blame Max? Then I heard the crack of apparition and I froze. I walked closer to the door and I heard voices. "Just give me one second," Max said. He opened the door and walked in. "Are you sure you're ready?" he asked. I nodded quickly. "Ok," he said gently. I stepped back and stood by the wall. Then the door opened all the way and Max walked in followed by Harry, Draco and Theo. "Where are we?" Theo asked. They looked around for a moment before their eyes found me. Their faces paled and I saw the tears forming in their eyes. "I know you are all probably scared and confused. But It's me," I said. "Line?" Draco said. I smiled. "I missed you, love," I said gently. Harry just stared at me. "This isn't real. This is polyjuice potion or you're messing with our minds. This isn't real. My sister is dead. Don't fucking lie to me!" Harry shouted. I quickly walked over to him and moved my shirt to the side and showed the scar under my collarbone. "Harry, it's me. I'm here." I said. He shook his head as tears fell. "No! No, you aren't." he said. I pulled him into my arms. "It's ok." I whispered. I looked at Theo and Draco and they were just watching. I reached for Draco and he pulled away. "No- this can't be happening-" he said. He backed up into the wall as he choked back sobs. He started to sink to the floor and I collected him in my arms. He buried his face in my chest as he sobbed. "I know. I know, it's ok. I'm here. I've got you." I whispered. I kissed him and he stared at me. "I thought I lost you," he said. "But you didn't," I said. Theo was staring at Max. "I don't understand," Theo stated. "I'll explain." Max said. They just stared at him as he began to explain everything. I just held Draco's shaking body in my arms and I didn't let go. I felt the tears falling to my cheeks too. I had them back...finally.

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