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Hogwarts was chaos. People were running in every direction, people were talking, shouting, hugging each other. Draco and I looked around and he faced me. "I have to go," he said. "What?! You can't leave!" I exclaimed. "I know. I don't want to. I never want to leave you again. But it's my mum. I need to know she's ok or at least alive," he said. I paused. Tears filled my eyes and I nodded. I hugged him as tightly as I could. "I love you," I said. "Take care of her, Theo. Please," Draco said. Theo nodded. "I promise," he said. "I love you, Line." he said. I smiled. He pulled off his ring and pulled a chain from his pocket. He strung the ring through the chain and handed it to me. I smiled at it in my hand.

"I'll find you again

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"I'll find you again. Ok, Just stay alive for me," he said. I pulled the necklace on and kissed him. "Go, go find your mum," I said. He nodded and took off. Max, Theo and I ran through the halls. We dodged curses and fired back. We pulled 3 first years into a classroom and hid them in a closet. Then we ran through the castle looking for Harry. But I found Remus and he hugged me. "Caroline! I've been worried sick!" he exclaimed. "I missed you, Remus!" I said. "Mr. Diggory, Mr. Nott, are you two alright?" he asked. They nodded. "What should we do to help, Remus?" I asked. "Go find your brother, you need to find your brother," he said. I nodded quickly. "You two go, I'll stay here and help." Theo said. "Are you sure?" Max asked. He nodded. "You don't need me anymore," he said. I hugged him. "I'll always need you," I replied. He smiled. "Go. You can do this," he said. I nodded and Max and I looked for Harry on the map. He was running towards the docks. Max and I ran there, staying close to each other. I saw Harry on the stairs and I yelled his name. "Harry!" I yelled. He stopped and looked at me. We ran over and I hugged him. "It's the snake. She's the last horcrux," Harry said. "Really? Where is it?" I asked. "Follow us," Hermione said. We went down the stairs and I heard voices. I looked into the window and I saw Voldemort. Memories of my time in the manor flashed through my head but I pushed them away. He was talking to Snape. They were talking about Dumbledore's wand, the elder wand. "It answers to you, and you only." Snape said. "Does it?" Voldemort asked. I looked at Harry. He shook his head. "The elder wand belongs to the wizard who killed it's last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus." he said. That's when I realized. Voldemort was going to kill him. I wanted to scream, run! I wanted to fight, to save him. I went to crawl forward but Max grabbed me and pulled me against his body. "I have to-" I started. "You can't save him," he whispered. All of the sudden, Voldemort slit his throat. I gasped and Max covered my mouth. Tears fell down my cheeks and onto his hand. Snape fell against the window we were hiding behind and I flinched. Then Nagini attacked. The second Voldemort was gone, we ran in. "Snape," I said. I knelt in front of him and he smiled. "Lily, I missed you," he said. I paused. "Sir, it's Caroline." I said. Tears fell to his cheeks. "Take them," he said, gesturing to his tears. "Take them to the pensieve," he said. I held the wound on his throat. Hermione handed Harry a flask and he took the tears. "I'm sorry, Lily," he said, looking at me. I forced a smile. "It's ok," I replied. He looked at Harry. "You have your mothers eyes," he said. Then he exhaled and his eyes closed. I choked back a sob. Then Voldemorts voice filled our heads. He told us to dispose of the dead with dignity and that Harry and I were to confront our fate in the forest. I stood up, wiping the blood on my hands on my jeans. Then we walked back to the castle. When we went inside, my heart lurched. There were rows and rows of bodies laid on the floor. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I walked past them. All these people fought and died for me. I didn't deserve it. Then I saw Fred's body and the Weasley's crying around him. Ron ran over to them and I walked over. George was standing there, crying so hard he could barely breathe. I hugged him and he looked down at me. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault," I said. George shook his head. "Not your fault," he said shakily. Then I heard Max's voice. "No! Fuck, no!" he screamed. I ran over and he was kneeling next to Parker's body. "Get up! Wake up! Please!" he screamed as he shook him violently. "Please, don't do this!" he sobbed. I pulled him into my arms and he struggled. "No! He's fine! He's ok!" he cried. "Max, he's gone." I whispered. He broke down in my arms and sobbed into my chest. I stroked his hair and just held him. "I'm sorry," I whispered. Then Harry tapped me. "We need to go," he said. I stood up and so did Max. "I'm coming with you," he said. "No, Max. Stay here. With Parker," I said. He shook his head. "That's not Parker. Not anymore," he said. Naomi and Mary came over. "We'll stay with him. It's ok." Mary said. I nodded. "I'm going to make this right," I said to Max as we walked. He just nodded and took my hand.

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