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It didn't feel real. Holding her body in my arms. She was here but she wasn't. She survived everything in that Manor just to die anyway. It's not fair. "Malfoy," Max said quietly. I looked up at him. My eyes were red rimmed and I was sweating. "I need to take her," he said. My face dropped. "What the fuck did you just say to me?" I spat, my voice laced with venom. "You don't understand. I need to get her out of here. If Harry loses, Merlin help us, her body can't be here," he said. "Don't-" I said, choking on my words. "Don't say it like that. Her body." I said. He sighed. "I'm sorry. It's just- in death, she's supposed to find peace. And if those men find her, she never will." he said gently. I just held her in his arms, stroking her hair as tears fell from my face onto her bloody shirt. "Malf- Draco. Please. She deserves better than what they'd do with her," he said. I gritted my teeth. "Where are you going to bring her?" I asked. "I can't tell you. At least not until this is over," he said. I shook his head. "No. You can't just take her-" I started. "When this is over, I'll take you to her. I swear on my magic," he said. I paused and exhaled a shaky breath. "Ok," I said quietly. He nodded. Then he picked her up, bridal style, and stood up. "Wait-" I said. I took the necklace I gave her off. I stared at her blood on the crest of the ring. Then I put on the necklace. Then he gave me a small nod. "I promise I will take good care of her," he said. I wiped his tears and nodded. "You promise you'll bring me to her when this is over?" I asked. "I will," he said. I just nodded and looked at her one last time. Then I walked out. I had to find mum.


I felt sick. I felt sick as I stared at her blood on my hands. I felt sick as I listened to Draco's sobs, his pleas for her to come back. I felt sick as Harry walked out and Ron and Hermione chased after him. I knew where he was going. He was going to the forest. He had to, otherwise she would have died for nothing. But the worst part about all of it is the secret I have. It's heavy. It's heavy like a weight on my chest, crushing every bone in my body. It's time to do this. I explained to Draco that I had to take her and after I convinced him, he left. I took her body and grabbed the portkey Snape gave me from my pocket. I held her tightly and the world spun. We landed on the grass in front of the cottage. I've spent the past 7 months coming here, every couple days. I brought her inside and into the room Snape and I prepared. I got flashbacks.


Hogwarts was changed, everyone felt it. Dementors looming, death eaters for professors, Snape as headmaster. It's only the first week at school and it's awful. The Carrows have made life hell for me and the rest of Dumbledore's Army. We've been tortured beaten, and insulted. I thought I'd seen the worst of it after they tried to force us to torture first years. We refused. But the next day, I was called to Snape's office. I walked into the headmasters office fully expecting a punishment far worse than anything I'd ever imagined. But I was wrong. He showed me a memory in the pensieve. That is the day I found out Caroline had to die in order for Harry to beat Voldemort. I didn't know what I was more surprised about. That Snape was actually on our side or that he picked me to help him. "So Mr. Diggory, I need your help." he said. "What should I do?" I asked. He held out a portkey and took me to the cottage. "Where are we?" I asked. "It used to belong to my mother, when she was a child," he said. I just nodded and he led me into a room. There was medical supplies and a gurney. "I don't understand," I said. "Caroline is going to die... but she doesn't have to stay dead," he said. I froze. "I'm sorry?" I exclaimed. "Listen closely. There is a way to bring her back. It's incredibly difficult, there's an incredibly small window of time and it's dark magic. The odds that you pull it off are not great but we have time for me to train you. If you agree," he said. I stared at him. "Why me?" I asked. "If there was a way to bring back your brother, you would have done it. You can't save him but you can save Caroline." he said. I nodded. "I'll do it." I said. He nodded. "In theory, you are going to have to magically separate her mind and project her consciousness onto her subconscious. It only lasts exactly one hour so you have that long to heal her," he said. "Heal her? You can't heal the killing curse!" I said. "That's why her death has to be caused by something else. A stab wound is easiest to heal but other things work," he said. My jaw dropped. "You want me to stab her?" I yelled. "No. She has to do it. It has to be a sacrifice, remember?" he said. "How do I know she'll sacrifice herself?" I asked. "Have you met, Miss Potter?" he asked. I sighed. "Yes," I mumbled. "Good. I will teach you how to heal her. When it happens, you have a one hour window after her heart stops." he said. I exhaled heavily. "Why can't you do it?" I asked. He paused. "I may not be here," he said. I didn't ask any further questions. We spent the next 7 months preparing. I never told a soul about any of it.

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