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I Forgive You


I didn't sleep. I didn't eat. I just sat in the corner of the dungeon and waited. I waited and thought. I thought about what I had to do. I thought about Caroline, and how scared she must be. I thought about Draco and how lost he must be to think this is the right thing. I thought about Draco's promise to me. I thought about his promise to her. I thought about what would happen after. I thought about ways to help her escape. I thought about everything. Then they came in.

The door opened and 4 death eaters, my father, and Draco walked in. "Nott, I was told you have something to say?" Draco said. "Yes. I'm ready. To pledge my loyalty." I said. "And how do you plan to prove that?" my father asked. "They told me what I have to do. I'll do it." I said. "Say it," my father spat. I gritted my teeth. "I'll fuck the Potter girl," I said. They all laughed. "Now he's got some sense," one of them said. Draco waved his wand and the chain disappeared from my ankle. "Don't try anything, you won't get past the wards," my father warned. I nodded and we went upstairs. I squinted as we entered the drawing room. I'd been in the dark for I don't know how long. It was bright here. "The whore's over here," a death eater said. I watched Draco clench his fists and I nearly punched the guy. We walked over and I saw a cage with rusty metal bars. As I walked closer, I saw her body on the ground. She was laying there, in her bar and underwear, unconscious. Her body was covered in bruises, cuts, burns, scars and other marks. There was dried blood on her thighs and her hair was dirty and tangled. They opened the doors of the gate and I stared at her in horror. "Get up," my father said. "Potter," Draco said. His voice was blank but I could see the fear in his eyes. My father walked in and kicked her. She cried out and looked up. She tried to push herself up on her elbow but she collapsed. She crawled back and there were tears on her cheeks. "Please- no more. Please- it hurts-" she begged. I looked at Draco with wide eyes. He told me she said she wanted me to do this. Did he lie? He wouldn't.

"Get up or we'll drag you out," my dad spat. She clutched her ribs as she struggled to stand. She held onto the metal bars of the cage and pulled herself to her feet. Then she stood there, facing us, trembling in fear. "Please, don't hurt me," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. They just laughed at her. "Turns out your best friend here isn't nearly as loyal as I'm sure you had hoped," my father said. She looked at me and tears pricked at the corners of my eyes. "I don't understand," she said. "Well, we gave him an out. But he has to fuck you to get it." my father explained. Tears fell to her cheeks and she shook her head. "I don't believe you. You're lying." she said. "Tell her, Theodore." my father said. I looked at her and kept my face blank. "You aren't worth the trouble. The Dark lord will win and you will be dead soon anyways," I said. As they laughed, she looked at me and nodded. It was that small nod that told me she knew and she understood. "Do I have to fuck her on the ground or is there a bed I can use?" I asked. "Follow me," Draco said. They grabbed Caroline and we went into a spare bedroom. They threw her against the edge of the bed and her legs dangled off. She was staring up at the ceiling and her hands were shaking. "Can I get a little privacy?" I asked. "Why? Do you have trouble performing?" a death eater asked. "Can't get it up?" another added. "Are you faggots really that into watching?" I spat back. They glared at me. "Theodore, we are watching to ensure you follow through. Now get this over with. We have other business to attend to," my father said. I sighed and looked at Draco. His eyes were glassy and he gave a small nod. I climbed on top of her and held her wrists gently, making it look like I was pinning her down. I began to kiss her neck and I felt her salty tears on my skin. "Promise you won't hate me," I whispered. She nodded. "I promise," she whispered. I pulled down her knickers and then my boxers and she exhaled a shaky breath. "Please go slow, it hurts," she whispered. I nodded. "Just close your eyes and hold my hand. It'll be over soon," I whispered. She nodded and squeezed her eyes shut. As I sank into her, she cried out and I froze. I went even slower and she bit her lip so hard it bled. "Just breathe, I won't hurt you," I whispered. I thrusted slowly and tears slid down the sides of her face. I couldn't finish, I grunted and pretended to cum. Then I pulled out, pulled up my boxer, and wiped the tears from my face. She pulled up her knickers and sat up, covering her body with shaky hands. "Why were you so gentle with her?" my father asked. My face fell. "What?" I asked. "Why were so gentle? So careful? You still care about her, don't you?" he asked. "No, I don't." I said. He drew his wand and it dug into my neck. I stared him and didn't move. "Lower your wand, Mr. Nott." Draco said. His voice was calm. "Master Malfoy, you must admit-" he started. "I must admit nothing. I've known Theo my whole life. And he screwed up by helping the Potter girl. But he is loyal now. So move on," he said. "That doesn't explain why he was so careful not to hurt her," my father said. "Maybe he's just not a sadistic fuck like the rest of you. Maybe he doesn't need to bruise and batter a woman to cum." Draco spat. "I apologize, Master Malfoy." my father said. "Good. Now you all know your missions. Go." he said. They nodded and left. "Shall I bring the girl back?" my father asked. "No, now that Theo is back with us, he can do it. I reckon it's his first official task," I said. My father nodded at me. "Come on, Potter," I said. She stood up front the bed and the second she did, she collapsed to the floor. I went to help her up and she backed away holding her arms up in fear. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please. I'm trying- please-I'm trying" she said. She pushed herself to her feet and I took her arm. "Let's go," I said. I brought her back to the cage and she sat down inside. I looked around to see if everyone was gone and they were. I knelt down in front of the cage and looked at her. "Caroline, are you alright?" I asked. She looked at me with blank eyes. "I'm going to help you, you'll be ok." I said. She gave me a small smile. "I forgive you, Theo." she said weakly. Then she passed out.

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