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I should have stayed in that room. I should have stayed in that stupid room and I shouldn't have left. I let my fear cloud my judgment and now we all have to pay the price. We're so fucked.
I've been locked in the cage for days now. Draco can't let me out and we both know it. He comes back from his missions bloody and he's quiet. Theo is still in the dungeons. I'm worried about him. I haven't heard anything about Harry either. I'm trapped and there's nothing I can do.


When I walked in my fathers study, I knew something was wrong. The Dark Lord, my father, my mother and 3 death eaters stood there waiting for me. "My Lord, you wanted to see me?" I asked. He nodded. "Young Draco, come in," he said. I shut the door and stood in front of him, bowing my head. "I've heard some troubling things from my men. I was hoping you could give me some reassurances," he said. I looked at him and my heart was racing. "Of course, My Lord," I said. He nodded. "I was told that you have been protecting Caroline Potter. You won't let my men touch her and you moved her cage into your bedroom?" he asked. "Yes, My Lord." I said quietly. "You told me that your relationship to her was purely physical. You were using her. I was told that you felt nothing for her," he said. "That's true, My Lord." I said. "I don't believe you," he said. My face fell. "I promised her to my men. If you truly feel nothing for her, then you should have no problem with them using her to fulfill their needs," he said. I said nothing. "I'm giving you one last chance to tell me the truth, with no consequences. Do you feel something for Caroline Potter?" he asked. I stared at the ground. "Yes," I said quietly. His eyes went dark. "You're a disgrace," my father spat. "My Lord, I didn't mean for this. And my loyalty still lies with you. I serve you and you know that. I've done everything you've asked." I said. "That's true, you have been a dedicated soldier." he said. I nodded. "That is why I'm going to punish you instead of killing you." he said. "Thank you, My Lord," I said. "I'm not finished," he said sharply. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. "If you ever do anything to help Caroline Potter again, I will kill her and your best friend Mr. Nott where they stand. After you watch them die, I will feed you to Nagini. Is that understood?" he asked. I nodded. "Yes, My Lord." I said. "What is his punishment?" my father asked. The Dark Lord gave me a cruel grin.
"Follow me," he said.

We walked down the halls and through the house. "Whatever happens, stay calm." my mother whispered. I nodded. We walked into my bedroom and I saw Caroline. Her eyes widened as she saw the dark lord. "Grab her," The Dark Lord said. Dolohov, Avery and Yaxley went to her cage and dragged her out. They held her arms and she struggled and fought. "Dolohov, Avery, Yaxley, go ahead," he said. My face dropped as they threw her on the bed. "No! Please, don't do this!" she cried. My face paled and my stomach sank. I went to go to her and my mum grabbed my arm. "He'll kill all of you." she whispered. And she was right. "I want you to watch, Draco." The Dark Lord said. He pushed me towards the foot of the bed and I stood there, frozen. I watched Dolohov climb on top of Caroline and the other two held her down. He kissed her neck and chest and groped her breast. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she cried. "Draco, please! Help me! Please!" she cried. I watched him yank down her knickers and his trousers. He grabbed the roots of her hair and forced himself inside of her. She cried out in pain and sobs wracked her body. "Please, Draco! Make it stop! Please!" she cried. Tears filled my eyes and a stray tear rolled down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and kept my face blank. Once Dolohov finished, Avery took his turn. "Draco, you promised! Please! Make it stop!" she begged. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. "Please, it hurts! It hurts! Draco! Make it stop! Draco!" she pleaded. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped them away. They all finished and climbed off her. Then they dragged her limp body back to the cage and threw her inside. She hit the ground with a whimper and they laughed. She laid there, shaking and crying. I could see the blood on her thighs and the bruises on her wrists. "That is all she is good for," my father spat. The dark lord moved her cage back into the drawing room and gave all the death eaters permission to do whatever they wanted to her, whenever they wanted. Then they all left. I ran to my bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach in the toilet. I sat on the cold tile floor and tears rolled down my cheeks. I just watched 3 men rape the love of my life so I could keep her from dying. I heard a faint knock and my mum walked in. "Little dragon," she said gently. I looked at her and choked back a sob. "I can't do it anymore." I said. She nodded and pulled me into her arms. "They raped her, I watched it happen. She doesn't deserve this" I said. "Stay strong, little dragon. It'll all be over soon." she said.

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