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Get Out Of My Head


It's been a week since everything happened and I guess I'm doing ok. Harry still freaks out whenever I go somewhere alone. I told him what Draco did and he wasn't surprised. I know they supposedly hate each other but Harry is starting to like him. I reckon tolerate is more appropriate. Draco saved me. And Harry knows it. That trumps their stupid rivalry.

Anyway, the nightmares aren't as often and and Draco is really understanding about us not having sex. It won't be forever, I just- I need a little bit of time. Besides, my main focus is Umbridge. I have been going to her punishments and I had no idea how bad it was. She's making children use the quill. I knew there were first and second years in our club. But if she really has to punish them for that, can't it be something else. Anything else? What kind of person gets off on torturing children. The first day I went, I spent 20 minutes trying to help Colin Creevey calm down after. I healed his hand and stayed with him while he cried. It's barbaric. Truly.

"Earth to Caroline!" Max said. I looked up and he was standing in front of me. I was sitting in the library studying but I I zoned out. "Sorry Max, what's up?" I asked. "Why aren't you in class?" Max asked. "What?" I said. "Well, usually you go to Potions early." he said. I looked at my watch and realized I had to be on the opposite side of the castle in 5 minutes. "Shit!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, shit. Let's go!" he said. I stood up and tossed everything in my bag as quickly as I could. Then Max and I ran down the halls and all the way to Potions. We got to the door, out of breath and laughing. "Ok, ok. Ready?" he said, still panting. I nodded. Then we went in.

"Mr. Diggory, Miss Potter, how kind of you to grace us with your presence." Snape said in a monotone voice. "Sorry Professor" Max said. "Yeah, sorry Sir. I got distracted in the library and Max came to-" I started. "I don't care. 20 points from Gryffindor and 20 points from Hufflepuff." he said. "Great," I mumbled. "Sit down," he snapped. Max and I sat down and started listening. Halfway through class, Max slid me a parchment and when I opened it, it was an animated drawing of a potion blowing up in Snapes face. I stifled a laugh and he grinned at me. When I looked back up, I noticed Draco's piercing eyes. He was staring at me and Max. Shit.

Finally class ended and Draco left quickly. I tried to follow him when Snape called after me. "Not so fast, Miss Potter." he said. I stopped in my tracks and turned around with a fake smile. "Yes, Professor?" I asked. "You haven't shown up for our legilimency sessions for an entire week," he said. My face fell. "I don't want you in my head." I said. "The Dark Lord won't ask your permission before he invades your mind. You need to learn this." he snapped. "No!" I shouted. Snape looked surprised. "Please, just- no." I said. "Dumbledore insists. If your mind is vulnerable, we all are." he said. I sighed. "I don't-" I started. "Sit down. We'll begin now." he said. "I have class." I lied. "No, you don't. You have a free period." he said. I rolled my eyes and sat down. "Now prepare yourself..." he said. I nodded. "Legilimens," he said. Then I felt it.

I tried to block him out but his magic was far more sophisticated, far stronger, than mine.

"Freak!" "We're just getting started." "Slag" "Please help me!" "Avada Kedavra" "He's back, Voldemort's back!" "Cedric?" "The less you know the better." "You're a whore!" "The patronus charm." "Freak!" "I'm fine." "Dumbledore's Army" "I love you, Sirius." "Heroes" "Your parents are dead!" "A crazy night" "I'm sorry, Caroline." "Stupefy" I could feel it coming. The memories of that night. "Get out of my head!" I shouted. "The Gryffindor princess is awake" "We work for her." I felt sick and I screamed again. "Get out of my head!" "Wrong answer" "This is only going to get worse for you." I could almost feel Graham's punches and tears streamed down my cheeks. "Veritaserum" "Have your fun with her." "Please let me go." I could see it all over again. I could feel Graham touching me, I could hear my clothes being torn, I could see the ropes, I could smell his sweat. I was reliving it all. I felt the magic pulsing through me and I couldn't take it. I wanted it to end. I needed it to end. And I just screamed.

"Get out of my head!" I screamed. I lost control and my magic caused the glass to shatter and the table flew backwards. Snape was pushed out of my head and it stopped. I fell to the floor and emptied the contents of my stomach on the floor. My hands were shaking and I couldn't breathe. I could feel him staring at me and I knew he didn't know what to do. I didn't even know what to do. I couldn't stop shaking, I couldn't breathe. I felt lost. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched. "Don't touch me" I yelled. I stood up and stared at him.

"Miss Potter, let me help-" he started. "I told you! I told you to stay out of my head and you wouldn't listen. You wouldn't listen and now it's happening all over again!" I yelled. Then I ran out. I need to escape. I need to be alone. So I went to the only place I felt safe. The only place nobody could find me.

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