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My heart was racing and I felt ill. As I ran through my house, I could hear her. I could hear her screams, her cries, her pleading for help. But the worst part of it was I could hear her screaming for me. She was begging me to help her just like she did when those muggle boys attacked her. I didn't save her then and I'm sure as hell not going to make that mistake again. Ever again.

When I ran into the drawing room and saw it, I nearly threw up. 4 death eaters. Dolohov, Yaxley, McNair, and Avery. 4 against 1. She was pinned to the ground, in her bra and knickers, screaming as tears streamed down her cheeks. McNair held her ankles down and Yaxley held her wrists. Dolohov had his hand shoved down his knickers and his fingers were inside her. Avery was grabbing at her breasts while he burned her with cigarettes. I froze and stared for a moment. She was fighting and struggling and gasping for air. "Please, please stop! I can't- I can't- I- it hurts- please!" she sobbed. I ran towards them and drew my wand. "Stupefy!" I yelled. McNair flew back and hit the wall with a thud. They looked up at me and stopped. "Are you mad?!" Dolohov exclaimed. I stormed over and ripped him off of her. "You are protecting her!" Avery said. "No, I'm not." I spat. "Then why are you so upset? Why won't you let us use her? Huh?" Dolohov said. "Because she isn't yours to use! She's mine!" I yelled. Caroline looked at me with terror in her eyes. They were furious. "The Dark Lord said we could-" he started. "I don't care. I'm your superior and I said no. I said she is mine." I spat. They glared at me. "Yes, Master Malfoy." they mumbled. "Good, now I will be bringing Caroline and her cage to my quarters. And that's final. Understood?" I snapped. They nodded. I knelt down and grabbed Caroline. I tied her wrists in front of her and began to drag her down the halls while the cage floated behind us. "Draco-" she said quietly. "Shut up," I spat. She was quiet. I brought the cage into my bedroom and placed it in the corner. Without a word, she walked to the cage and went inside. "Line, you don't have to-" I started. She sat down in the corner and hugged her knees. I just shut my bedroom door and looked at her. Tears rolled down her cheeks and she was shaking. "What did they do to you?" I asked. She shook her head. "Line, tell me." I said. "They ripped my- my dress. They were kissing me and grabbing at me. Then the man- he- he touched me- he put his hand in my knickers. He put his fingers inside me. It hurt. The other one had cigarettes. He was putting them on me- my skin." she stammered. "I won't let them touch you again. I promise," I said. She just stared at the ground. I knelt down in front of her and she looked at me. "I shouldn't have left the room," she said weakly. I nodded. "No, you shouldn't have." I said. "Where's Theo?" she asked. "He's in the dungeons. I'm working on getting him out." I said. "Am I going to die, Draco?" she asked quietly. "I won't let that happen." I said. "Master Malfoy," I stood up and turned around. A death eater in his mask stood at my door. "You have another mission," he said. I nodded and put on my robes. "I'll be there in a moment." I said. He nodded and left. Caroline looked at me with fear. "I'll be back soon." I said. She nodded. I shut her cage door and locked it. Then I left my bedroom. A group of death eaters stood there waiting for me. "She is not to be touched until I get back." I said. My father walked in and looked at me. "She was supposed to suffer. The Dark Lord ordered that we make her suffer. If you don't do it, I will." my father spat. My face fell and we apparated away to the mission. His words echoed in my head. If you don't do it, I will.


Draco shut the cage door and locked it. I curled up in the corner, trying to make myself as small as possible. Tears fell to my cheeks as memories flashed through my mind. I could feel their hands on me. I looked down at my chest and stomach and the burns were raw and bloody. There were bruises on my wrists from their hands and bruises on my ribs from their kicks. I was all cut up and bruised from their beating earlier too. My hands wouldn't stop shaking. I tried to think of good things. Like the dream I had of my mother. I almost fell asleep and then the door opened. I watched Narcissa Malfoy walk in. She knelt in front of the door to my cage and gave me a small smile. "Are you thirsty?" she asked. I stared at her with hesitation. She reached through the bars and held out a bottle filled with water. I stayed where I was. "Don't be afraid. I'm here to help you. I know it's what Draco would want." she said. "You know the truth?" I asked. She nodded. "My son loves you. Do you love him?" she asked. "Yes." I said. She nodded. "Drink the water, I don't know when I'll be able to come back." she said. I nodded and crawled forward. I grabbed the water and crawled back to the corner. I drank it quickly and she watched in content. "Thank you," I said quietly. She nodded. "I'll be back when I can," she said. I nodded.

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