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The second Harry and I stepped into the house, we were bombarded by Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia. They were shouting over each other about something and I couldn't figure out what we had done. "How could you? We give you clothes, food, and a house!" Aunt Petunia shouted. "You disgust me! You are just a bunch of freaks!" Uncle Vernon yelled. Then Dudley walked in. He had a broken arm and some bruises and cuts that were still healing. "Which one of you did it?" Uncle Vernon snapped. "What are you talking about?" Harry said. "My sweet precious Dudley and his friends were attacked in the middle of the night by your freak friends!" Aunt Petunia said. My face dropped and Harry looked at me. "Malfoy?" he whispered. I shrugged. "Go to your room! Right now. No dinner!" Uncle Vernon said. We went upstairs and shut the door. "Did you send Malfoy to beat up Dudley?" Harry asked. "Are you mad? Of course not." I said. "So it wasn't him?" he asked. "I think- I- I told him what happened. He was angry. Then when he found out we were coming back here he was more angry." I said. "I thought you two broke up because you cheated on him," Harry said. "I did- I mean- we did. It's over. He did this before." I said. He nodded. "I'm tired, Harry. I'm going to bed." I said. He just nodded.

It's been a month. A month at the Dursleys. I've sent over 30 letters to Draco and I haven't gotten one back. He hasn't even replied to tell me to stop sending them. I haven't seen any of my friends and Harry leaves for the muggle world every day. Dudley has left me alone thanks to Draco but there's still Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. I want to see him. Just once. I need to.

Today, Harry left for the muggle city early. He was gone by 2 and so I got dressed and used a portkey to get to Malfoy Manor. I landed on some gravel and I saw a tall open gate. I walked towards it and went inside. I walked towards the front door and my heart was racing. I've never met Mrs. Malfoy, I wondered what she was like. Draco talked about her and she sounded wonderful. I knocked on the door and waited. A minute or two later, the door opened. But it wasn't Mrs. Malfoy. It was a strange man I've never seen. "Well hello little girl," he said. He had a smug grin that sent chills down my spine. "Hello Sir, I'm here to see-" I started. "Me?" he asked. He stepped forward and my back hit the doorway. "Such a pretty girl," he said. He tucked my hair behind my ear and caressed my cheek. "I'm sorry, Sir. I really need to see Draco. Draco Malfoy." I said. "He's busy," he replied. "It'll only take a moment. I'm here to-" I started. "Penelope, there you are," a voice said. Then Mrs. Malfoy came swooping in. She grabbed my arm and pulled me next to her. "Amycus, you wouldn't be interested in half- blood. Would you?" she asked. He scoffed. "Only a certain pair of twins," he said. "Well, this isn't them. This is Penelope Clearwater. She works for me." Mrs. Malfoy said. He narrowed his eyes on me. "And what do you do, Miss Clearwater?" he asked. I caught on to Mrs. Malfoy and I quickly understood her lies. "I'm interviewing for a maid position, Sir," I quickly lied. "Hmph," he said. Then he walked off. "Mrs. Malfoy, what is going-" I started. She pulled me outside and shut the door. "What are you doing here?" she exclaimed. "I'm here to see Draco. I was worried, he didn't answer any of my letters." I said. "You can't be here. Didn't Draco end things with you?" she said. "Yes, but I love him enough to know something is wrong." I said. Her eyes softened. "You need to leave." she said. "Not until I see him," I said. "I'm sorry, truly. But you cannot see him right now." she said. "Why? Is he ok?" I asked. Before she could answer, I heard the sound of apparition. Then Mrs. Malfoy looked behind me. "You were supposed to watch her!" she said. I turned around and Theo was there. "Theo, what are you doing here?" I said. "I'll take her. I'm sorry. It won't happen again." he said. She nodded and Theo wrapped his arm around me. "What's going on?" I said. Nobody spoke and I was sucked into apparition. We landed in the field back outside my house. "Theo!" I yelled. He looked at me. "Tell me what's going on right now or so help me-" I started. "Draco asked me to check on you. To make sure you were safe with those bloody muggles." he said. "Oh," I said. "But I went to see him at Malfoy Manor-" I started. "Don't, don't ever do that again." he said. "Why?" I asked. "Do you trust me?" he asked. "Tell me why!" I said. "I asked if you trust me," he said. I nodded. "Then trust that I'm trying to protect you. Ok?" he said. I sighed. "Theo, I don't understand. What is going on?" I asked. "Just go back inside. Ok? I'll be out here if you need me, " he said. "It's cold, why don't you just come inside with me?" I asked. "Won't the muggles get angry?" he asked. "Probably, but I don't really care." I said. He shrugged. We went inside and Uncle Vernon stormed over. "Who's this? Another freak friend of yours?" he spat. "We'll just be in my room, Uncle Vernon. We won't be any trouble." I said. Dudley walked in and laughed. "Did the slag bring home a boy?" he said. I looked down. "Watch your mouth," Theo snapped. I grabbed his arm and pulled him upstairs. "Don't fight them, it's not worth it." I said. He nodded. We went upstairs and stayed there.

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