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I'm still here. Still locked in this room, confined by Draco's wards. He claims it's love but it doesn't feel like it. I feel trapped. I'm lonely, and scared and lost. I'm worried about Harry but most of all, I feel guilty. The last thing I ever said to him was that I hated him. What if he dies? What if I never see him again? What if I never see any of my friends again? Max, Ginny, Hermione, Ron, Blaise, Enzo, Fred, George. They're more than friends, they're my family.

"Lunch is here," Theo said. He walked into the room and shut the door behind him. I hated that stupid door. It was a lie. An illusion of freedom. It sat there, an escape to freedom but I could never actually leave. I want to burn that door to the ground. "Caroline?" Theo said. I looked at him as he set my tray in front of me. "What?" I asked. "I asked how you were feeling?" he said. I looked down and shrugged. "What do you want me to say, Theo? Draco kidnapped me and locked me in his basement. My brother could be dead for all I know-" I started. "Your brother isn't dead," he said. "How do you know?" I asked. "He just broke into the Ministry of Magic with Weasley and Granger. " he said with a chuckle. I smiled. "Of course he did," I said. "He's fine. He escaped." he said. I nodded. "Theo, what's it like out there?" I asked. His face fell and he shook his head. "You don't want to know," he said. "Yes, I do. I'm completely alone here. There's a war and the only connection I have to it is a censored radio." I said. He sighed. "It's scary. Most people are in hiding. Snatchers and Death Eaters are in control. The Ministry is corrupt. Hogwarts is run by Professor Snape and the Carrow twins. The Order is doing what they can but every move they make, the Dark Lord has a counter act." he said. "Voldemort," I said sharply. He looked at me. "His name is not the Dark Lord or he-who-must-not-be-named, it's Voldemort." I snapped. "I know," he mumbled. "He isn't a God. He's a murderous coward." I spat as I stood up. "I know, Caroline. Ok? I know!" he snapped. "Do you? Or do you serve him too? Do you bow to him and kiss his shoes like the rest of those backstabbing cowards?!" I yelled. "I do what I have to do!" he yelled. I flinched and backed up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you," he said gently. I sat down on my bed and he sat next to me. "I do what I have to do to protect you, and to protect Draco." he said. "Draco doesn't seem to need your protection. He seems to be climbing the chain of command just fine." I said. Theo looked at me in shock. "How did you-" he started. "When Draco came in two days ago, something was different. He was different. He had blood on his jacket. I asked whose blood it was. He wouldn't answer me. But everyone knows Voldemort doesn't have low level death eaters fulfill kill orders." I said. Theo looked at the ground. "I'm right. You just don't want to admit to me that Draco, the boy I love and your best friend, maybe isn't the person we thought he was." I said. Theo looked at me quickly. "No." he said. "I know what he did. You can't lie-" I started. "You're right. He is climbing the chain of command. But not because he wants to serve the Dark Lord or because he's loyal to him. He's doing it so he can protect you." he said. I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "He already locked me up here, what does he need to protect me from?" I asked. "The Dark Lord has an order to capture you and Harry, you know that right?" he asked. I nodded. "Do you know what he's going to do to you?" he asked. "He wants to kill us. Everyone knows this." I said. Theo had a look of worry as he shook his head. "He thinks the prophecy said only one of you must die. He wants to kill Harry and keep you." he said. My face fell. "Why? Why me?" I asked. He was quiet. "Theo," I urged. "Harry will be killed to make an example. Then The Dark Lord will-" he started. Before he could finish, the door opened and Draco walked in. His eyes were dark and he stormed over to Theo. "I told you not to tell her!" he yelled. "She deserves to know," he said. "No! She doesn't! She's safe here and that's all that matters!" he said. "Tell me what? What's going on?" I asked. They both looked at me and Theo sighed. "I'll tell you later." he mumbled. "No, you won't." Draco spat. "You aren't in charge of me, you can't-" Theo started. "Outside, now." Draco snapped. They started to leave and I grabbed Draco's arm. "Tell me the truth. What is going on?" I asked. He gave a small smile. "I will keep you safe. You don't need to worry." he said. Then he dragged Theo out and they shut the door. "No! Wait, tell me!" I yelled as I banged on the door. "Draco! Theo! Please, come back!" I yelled. I threw my body against the door as hard as I could but nothing happened. It was dead silent. "Please, don't leave me here," I cried. I slumped against the wall and cried quietly.

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